Stephanie’s POV
Just when I thought that I have escaped an overbearing, annoying mate, I got hit with the hard truth. This war did not only change Maxwell, it changed everyone, I mean everyone. The change is affecting everyone, including the humans. I realized this when we arrived at the big city, the driver kept taking different turns that looks so strange to me. I haven’t been to this side of the city before, but I couldn’t say anything because I could see him talking to Lorenzo on the phone and Graciela had hinted me that we will be making a quick stop somewhere before we will be brought back to the mansion.
Ciara is still asleep and Fiona won’t stop chatting and laughing hysterically. It is very obvious that she is chatting with Jasper, they are so inseparable, just like Harriet and Jason. I wish Ciara had met someone half as nice as Jasper, it’s so unfortunate that she ended up with that asshole, Fabius. Same goes with me, when the moon goddess was handing out mates, she decided to give me the worst of them all. I guess Ciara and I are unlucky when it come to love, we both ended up getting hurt.
If only she could snap out of this grief and open up to someone, I mean anyone at all. Talking about it would make her heal faster, it would make it more easier for her to deal with her grief. But she is not talking about it, she chose to keep it all bottled within her and that is why she isn’t healing from it. All we know is that she was beaten and threatened by that bastard, he made her take a potion that contains vampire blood and he made her lie to her family.
I don’t know if doctor Fred found out something else while she was in the hospital, but he wouldn’t say anything about it to anyone, or maybe he said something to Maxwell and he warned him to keep it a secret. I wouldn’t be surprised if that is what happened, I mean, he is quite good at keeping things to himself, he would lie to everyone in the kingdom as long as it favors his cause.
I just hope that she speaks to someone as soon as possible. It may not be me or her sisters, it could be a shrink or any therapist or something. But she needs someone that she can trust enough to share her feelings, she needs to open up to someone and let out everything in her heart. The hate and anger is eating her up slowly and it would only get worse as time goes on. Her case is much more complicated than mine, at least that is how it seems.
But it’s not that easy you know, it more difficult than it sounds. I don’t know how I would live my life without him, I still feel the ache in my heart that wont just go away, it feels like I abandoned a part of me in that castle, I feel so incomplete without him. The pain is so unbearable, but I had to force myself and leave, I keep reminding myself that it is the right thing to do, I keep telling myself that it is all for the best.
But who the hell am I kidding, I miss him so much and I can’t just wait this stupid war to be over so everything can go back to normal. The driver kept going down rough only road that looks deserted. I thought the road would never come to an end, but it did, and it stopped in front of a huge warehouse that looks abandoned as well. He jumped down from the car and opened the door for me,
“Please step down from the car ma’am, Mr. Lorenzo would like to have a word with you.” He told me firmly, leaving no room for argument.
“What’s wrong, Steph, why are we stopping here, Is this where Graciela lives?” Fiona let out in surprise. I didn’t tell her about my conversation with her sister and she has been so been too busy chatting with Jasper that she did not notice that the driver has diverted from the road we were supposed to take.
Now that I even think about it, it’s kind of hilarious because I have been hiding the truth from them all along. Jeez, what the hell is wrong with me, when did I become this person. I am doing the exact thing that Maxwell used to do to me, his silly attitude is rubbing off on me, it’s so damn stupid. Is this what it feels like to be a leader, does being a leader means that you have to lie to your subjects all the time to protect them?
If that is what it means, then I never want to be a leader. I can’t even believe that I kept silent about this meeting all this while, I lied effortlessly, and it seemed like no big deal. Of course I can say that I was doing it to protect them, but there is no excuse for lying to someone you claim to love.
Now I know how Maxwell feels whenever he lies to me or whenever he puts the mission before me or anyone else. It’s certainly not a good feeling, and I feel so ashamed of myself for doing the same thing that made me leave him. I wonder why he keeps doing it, I wonder if he is ever going to stop lying to me and treating me like shit.
“Graciela wants me to meet up with Lorenzo in this warehouse before we come over to the house. I don’t know why she insists on this meeting, but I’m sure it won’t take long.” I told her honestly.
“Sure, it’s fine. I’ll come with you then, I really want to meet this guy that changed my sisters life for the better.” She let out excitedly.
“All in good time, Fifi, you’ll meet him soon, I promise. But I want to handle this alone and I need you to wait here and keep an eye on Ciara, I’ll be back as soon as possible.” I assured her with a warm smile before stepping down from the vehicle. I had to stretch my muscles when I got down from the car, I have been so busy with my own thoughts that hours on the road never bothered me. Gosh, it’s such a long trip. I guess I should have requested for plane tickets instead of asking for a car.
“You must be the famous Mafia Lord, Marco Lorenzo,” I let out with a smile, stretching my hand for a handshake.
“Come on Steph, any friend of Gracie is a friend of mine as well. Come here, bring it in,” he said with a bright smile, opening his hand wide and pulling me in for a warm hug. I can see why Graciela would fall for this guy, he is such a gentleman, such a good guy. Why is my case so different, how on earth did I end up with that duddlehead?
“I’m so sorry for the inconvenience, Stephanie, but you have to understand that there is a war going on, I need to be very careful so I don’t compromise my location and put my family in danger, do you understand what I mean?” he asked with a smile. It’s very obvious to see that he is trying so hard to be polite.
I guess Graciela must have told him earlier on that he shouldn’t frighten us away with his mean and tough attitude. It’s quite good to see that he is trying so hard to please his woman. I wish Maxwell was even half as nice as he is, but Nah, the Max that I know would never put my feelings into consideration because he is such an asshole.
“Yes, Mr. Lorenzo, I totally understand.” I responded calmly.
“Cool. So tell me what this is all about, I mean, we had plans already and I don’t mean to be rude or mean, but I think there is something wrong somewhere. It’s either your king is compromised or maybe you are compromised. So, I need the truth right now, Stephanie. What is going on?” he asked firmly, switching to his business tone, sounding so strict and fierce.
I almost giggled at his thought, I can’t believe that he thinks I am compromised. Damn, this war is really messing with our heads, I guess it safe to say that Maxwell is not the only one acting like a damn asshole because of this war.
“I think you got it all wrong, Mr Lorenzo. Our visit has nothing to do with this war, I mean it does, but it is not what you think, I promise.” I told him with a smile, sounding so stupid because I couldn’t find the right words to explain myself to him.
“Would you care to enlighten me, please,” he implored, keeping that smile on his face as if it was planted there.
“Look, Mr. Lorenzo, it is not what you think, I promise. It’s going to sound funny, but I am here because I am going through a bad breakup.” I confessed.
“W… What?” he asked in shock and confusion.
“I told you it would sound funny. But that’s the truth, I swear. Maxwell and I are mates, and we have been together for a while now. But this war is making him act like a complete jerk to everyone around him it’s hurting me so much. He has seen so much deaths Mr. Lorenzo, he was there when this war started and he wants it to end, that is all he thinks about.
As long as this war continues, Maxwell and I can never be together because he doesn’t put me first in his life, to him, this war is way more important than anything or anyone.” I muttered softly, earning a warm smile from him.
“So you mean to tell me that all this was just for nothing?
Damn, Gracie is going to kill me?” he let out with a groan, making me chuckle at his predicament. I knew Graciela must have warned him about us, he wouldn’t have been this calm if Graciela was not involved. When it comes to war and toughness, he is just like Maxwell, but when it comes to treating your woman with love and care, they are nothing alike in that aspect and that is simply because King Maxwell is nothing but an asshole.