Still Stephanie’s POV
I know it sounds weird, but this little chit chat with Ciara has opened my eyes to a lot of things. I wasn’t lying when I said that I want to go to my father and hear what he is planning, I want to try and change his mind one last time, I don’t want to give up on him just like that, I still think that he can still change. Oh, sorry, I said that wrongly, it’s all on the past now, I mean, I thought I could still go to him and try and save him because he is still my father, but after my little chitchat with Ciara, I think I’ve changed my mind already.
I’m not going to raise a finger and try to save him, he is far too gone to be saved. I wont let myself get entangled in his crazy plans, not anymore. The last time he dragged me into his affairs, a lot of people got hurt and he ended up killing Harriet’s father. I wonder what would happen this time, I can’t keep pretending to be on their side, it’s obviously not working anymore. For fucks sake it never even worked before.
“I don’t care about your plans dad, but I’ll advice you to quit while you still have a chance. Maxwell may still forgive you if you give up your terrible ideas and get as far away from King Ashford as you can, or you can die with him when Maxwell comes for him.”
I wrote that in a text and forwarded it to my father. He needs to know that I’m not going to meet up with him tomorrow, he has to know that I don’t plan to work with him or king Ashford ever. I had initially agreed to meet up with him, but not anymore. I cancelled that meeting and then I went to the movie room to meet the girls.
After a few hours of rest, the girls finally got over their shock and they came over to Ciara’s room to invite us for a movie night. They were a bit surprised to see us hanging out excitedly, I needed to take care of a few things on my own before I meet up with them. I waited for a few minutes after I sent that message, I waited a few minutes to see if he will respond immediately. When I didn’t hear his response, I went to the movie room to meet up with my friends.
They were watching one of our favorite movies and I joined in immediately. Lorenzo is out with his boys and Graciela is done with her preparations for Maxwell’s arrival, we are expecting him by noon tomorrow. I just hope that he finds a way to convince Lorenzo to work with him, at least his plans are way better than my father’s plans.
I could feel the vibrations of my phone in my pocket and I know that my father must have seen my message already. I turned to see if the girls noticed anything, but they were too engrossed in their movie to care about anything else. Ciara noticed, she must have heard the vibrations from where she sat, but she wasn’t bothered about it because she wasn’t there when I sent the message so she has no idea that I was expecting any calls from my father or anyone else.
Sometimes I wonder just how good her hearing is, I think her senses are more heightened than ours because of the combined genes in her body. I’m just glad that she wasn’t interested in me right now, I don’t want to get them involved in my father’s affairs, especially Graciela. If Graciela finds out that my father is in town and that he is trying to set up a meeting with me, she could run to Lorenzo with that information and that will certainly not be good.
Or maybe she would agree to keep my secret as well, but that would not be nice because she is going to be forced to lie to Lorenzo just so she could keep my secret. I love seeing them together, I would hate to be the reason why they fight or breakup with each other. I let the phone ring and ring endlessly, but I never let them see it, I did not let them suspect me or anything. After our movie night, I went back to the room with Ciara, and that was when I saw my fathers message.
“I need you to keep to our previous arrangement, Steph. I have everything under control already, I have it all figured out, I’ve got the plans in place and it cannot be changed at such a short notice. Think about the many lives you will be saving if this war ends right now, think about your mom and your sister, you don’t want me to hurt them, do you?”
I laughed when I saw his message. I should have known better than to accept his proposal for a meeting all this while, I should have known that he would never change, he has switched to blackmail, in just a few seconds, he switched from being nice and caring to blackmailing me into compliance. I guess he hasn’t found out that my mom and my sister have been moved to Maxwell’s Castle. If he thinks that he can go back there and pick my mom and my sister, then he better sit back and think again.
“Good luck, with your plan dad, and good luck with the hostages as well.” I responded to his text, mocking him. I wish I hadn’t done that and I regretted my actions immediately I got his next text.
“If you are being smug because you think I can’t get to your mom and your sister, then think again, dear daughter. I planted a chip at the back of your mom and your sister’s neck. I only have to push a button, Steph, and their heads go boom.”
He responded to my message, making me sit upright immediately. I was already lying on the bed, preparing to fall asleep, but when I saw that mess a, every trace of sleep disappeared from my eyes, I saw red immediately. I refused to respond to that message because I wanted it to be a lie, I just refuse to believe that my father would be so evil. My phone beeped once more and I knew it was a message, but I dreaded the contend of that message and my hand was shaking already, but I still tapped on the email to open it.
“This is just a little present Stephanie. I know you may be doubting my words, that is why I want you to see this before you make your final decision.”
Attached to this email is a video clip that demonstrates the type of chip my father is talking about. King Ashford tapped on the trigger button and the chip goes boom, just like my father had said it would. Then there was another video that proves that the chip was indeed planted on my mom and my sister. My eyes was filled with tears as I watched them open up my mom and my sister, and they planted the chip at the back of their heads. From the time stamp on the screen, I discovered that this surgical procedure took place a few weeks before Maxwell opened up to me and took me the Alphas lodge.
It means that my father knew all along the I was alive, he knew I was going to come around pretty soon and he set these plans in motion so he can get me to do anything he wants. How can he do this to me, how could he do something like this to my mom and sister, we are his family for fucks sale. How can he be so heartless. And here I was thinking of a way I save him. I guess I was right when I said that he would never change, he is too far gone, there is no redemption do him anymore.
“You will meet me on that alley and you will not say a word about it to any one. If you are late, your mom and your sister would pay for it, if I catch a whiff of any one of your buddies, I’m pushing that button Immediately. I love your mom and your sister and I love you too Steph, but I’m prepared to do anything to stop this war. Don’t make me hurt them both, don’t make me hurt them, Stephanie, don’t make me hurt the people that we both care about.” He threatened me, making me feel scared for the life of my family. How the hell is this even happening to me?
Maxwell is arriving tomorrow and Lorenzo has gone out to put some things in order for his arrival. Everyone is either busy or not available and I have no idea what I’m going to do. I’m pretty sure that my father is not going to wait around for me to make any decision that could ruin his plans, he would rather kill my mom instead.
This is not how I expected our conversation to end, I never knew that my father would stoop so low. Even in my wildest dreams, I would never have thought that my father would let Ashford talk him into doing something so heinous. I have spent some quality time with my mom and my sister, but I never to ask them about something like this because I never imagined that something like this could ever happen. I’m guessing that they have no idea about it as well, they knocked them out before planting that chips on their heads. They have no idea that their lives are still in danger.
I have to do what he says, I can’t take any chances, not when it involves my mom and my sister. I know I said I didn’t want to have anything to do with Maxwell anymore, but I was really looking forward to his arrival tomorrow.
I wanted to tease him a bit and show him just what he is missing because of our breakup. Too bad I won’t be here when he arrives tomorrow. Too bad I am being blackmailed by my own father.