At The Bailey International Conglomerates.
The second lady, who waited behind after Whitney left, was getting anxious. Besides, she was famished and had to achieve her goal before she would leave. Then, she drove back to the gate and made her request responsibly.
“Excuse me, what does it take to see your boss? I mean, when is your visitors’ day? I want to book an appointment.”
Her manner of approach earned her the respect and attention of the security guard, so he treated her with respect.
“Sorry, Ma’am. What exactly do you want to see my boss for? If I know what you want, I will be able to direct you to the right person to attend to you. The boss does not attend to random.”
Unknown to the security guard, the forty-two-year-old woman was a time bomb, and such a friendly and purpose-oriented question would open a can of worms.
“What do you mean by ‘random’? Do I look unimportant to you? You better watch how you talk to people. Otherwise, your days are numbered here.”
She spoke with the power and authority of Arthur’s future wife. Then, the petrified security guard walked back to the gatehouse and asked his superiors, whom the Police constable had instructed, to report any suspicious movement around the boss, “Why does the boss have random visitors these days?”
One of his superiors looked up from the file he was working on and asked him, “Where are the visitors?”
“One of them is at the gate making trouble.”
“Come with me, and let me see for myself.”
They walked back to the gate to meet an angry woman who was already out of her car, ranting and ready for a fight. She thought that when she disturbed the peace at the gate, the guards would be forced to grant her wish or get the attention of the higher-ups.
“You think you can waste people’s time and get away with it. You must let me in?”
Nevertheless, the superior got the picture at once.
‘She must be a spy. Most assassins use beautiful women who are desperate,’ he thought and gave the woman a warm smile before he wheedled.
“Sorry, Ma’am, for taking your time. Please come in.”
The levity from the superior spurred her to make more implicating comments while facing the security guard.
“I will teach you a lesson you will never forget. I will come for you when I am done with the business that brought me.”
“Open the gate for her, please,” the superior pleaded.
The security guards quickly opened the gate. Then, the woman got into her car and drove in with the demeanor of a successful opponent.
“Halt,” the superior ordered the moment she crossed the bar. She jolted as she stopped her car abruptly.
“Lock the gate,” he instructed him and the security guards obeyed at once.
Likewise, the superior walked up to her and ordered, “Park well and come to the office for documentation.”
Although she was not expecting that she would fill out any form, she quickly parked properly, got out of her car, and walked to the security post. Then, she collected the visitor’s form and began to fill it.
Meanwhile, the upcoming first lady of the Bailey family, Lorene, was on her way to catch up with Arthur for lunch. She smiled softly as she thought of the time she would spend with him that day. She had suddenly forgotten that she had been turned back the previous day by the security guard. Soon, she was close to the complex. To her terror, she saw a police van with some policemen holding their guns and ready to shoot. Then, she parked her car at a reasonable distance and observed the situation.
‘What is happening?’ she spoke under her breath.
She could not make out any reason for the presence of the police, so she concluded, ‘Today may not be a good day for me to see him.’
Likewise, she saw the police van drive off, following a vehicle where she was unable to see the driver. Some aggressive-looking policemen stayed behind after the police van left.
Then, she advised herself, ‘I will leave and check back some other day. He may not be in a good mood for me.’ She concluded and drove off.
At The Bailey Native Home.
The beautiful girl who was arrested at the gate was not worth the attention of Arthur and his wife. The news of Nichole’s superior granting her some days’ leave was more significant to them.
“Permit me to prepare your lunch today, sweetheart,” Nichole requested when they got to their bedroom.
“It is all right. Provided it would not be stressful for you.”
“No. It would not,” she responded and got to the kitchen to prepare lunch while Arthur continued working at home.
While he was working, he got a message from the disgruntled Denise.
(Father, I will test run the explosive on Uncle Stephen’s garden.)
Arthur smiled. He was aware that Denise had been working on ammunition, and he could bomb his Resort through a robot.
Then, he sent back a message.
(You have my support. But make sure that lives are not lost.)
(All right father.)
After thirty minutes, Nichole walked up to him at the reading desk and announced, “Lunch is ready, dear, but I need to freshen up. Give me some minutes.”
“It is all right, dear,” he responded.
Arthur continued with his work while she freshened up her sweating body. Soon, she was through. She dressed up and walked to him.
(Peck) “I’m through, Hubby.”
Now, he held her hand, pulled her back, and asked, “Are you sure you’re through? You smell good.”
She laughed heartily and declared, “Yes. For now. Let us have our lunch first.”
“If you say so.”
“I love you, Nichole.”
“I love you too.”
They walked to the dining table and began to eat. Arthur’s eyes ran back and forth from the food to his wife.
Then, he laughed and gave her a lavish commendation, “The food tastes delicious.”
“Thank you. But why did you laugh?”
He laughed the more before he explained, “Many things. I laughed because I remembered many things.”
She laughed too and requested, “Tell me some of them.”
“I will tell you one of them now, and tell you the rest in the bedroom.”
“I’m all ears.”
“I laughed because after eating the food on the dining table, I will eat the food on the bed.”
He laughed at his dirty thought. Nichole laughed, too, and asked him, “How did you conceive such an idea?”
“I don’t know. It just came.”
“I can’t wait to hear the rest.”
“I will tell you.”