“I’m your husband,” I said calmly to her, trying not to scare her.
“Is this a prank Ava,” She crackles immediately.
“Isabella, he’s your husband,” Aba said with seriousness, pointing at her ring.
“I am married?” She asked herself, staring at the ring on her finger, then back at him.
“But I thought I was going to end up with Micah,” she pouted her lips staring at Micah, and my eyes almost pulled out from its socket.
“What? He? He’s not your type,” I blew raspberries in frustration while I stared at Micah, who seemed pleased with the way Isabella’s palm rested on his chest.
“What? What’s wrong with me,” Micah asked me, while I glared at him.
“Don’t touch him muffin,” I tried to pull her hands away from his chest, but instead she screamed at me.
“Don’t touch me,” She glared at me.
“And don’t speak so rudely to Micah,” She pointed her fingers at me and I scoffed in shock.
“Also Micah is my ideal type, not you,” She smiled at him, and Micah’s face beamed instantly.
“Say what now? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me?” I scoffed at the sight in front of me. He was patting her hair, freely and openly touching her in front of me.
“Someone needs to tell him that I have a gun, or else he’s going to be dead soon,” I mumbled to myself.
“Bells,” Her mom pulled her from Tristan and I was grateful for that.
“She says I’m her type,” Micah whispered to my ears, trying to piss me off and actually it was working, and maybe soon enough I might lose my shit if he tries it again.
“You don’t know that man?” Mrs. Colin asked her pointing at me.
“No,” Se shook her head and responded nonchalantly.
“He’s your husband, don’t you remember getting married to him,” She pressed on, but Isabella just looked at the ring for a minute before shaking her head.
“I don’t know, I don’t think so, I don’t remember,” She shook her head, and her body started to shake when the Doctor stepped in.
“You don’t need to, you did good Isabella,” Doctor Eddie said and gently pulled her to the bed so that she could rest.
I was back at the doctor’s office with Isabella’s mother as he explained her situation to us.
“Her mind is in a haze, and right now she’s very confused, her brain activity skyrocketed and she might break down if you force her to remember things,” He explained.
“But that doesn’t explain why she couldn’t recognize me,” I looked at him.
“Yes, she identified almost everyone in the room, except him,” Mom added staring in curiosity.
“Well I think it’s psychological,” he started.
“What do you mean by that” I looked at him in fear.
“Isabella’s brain is choosing to forget you and not recall anything about you,” He said confusing me more.
“Now why would she do that?” I looked at him in disbelief.
“It’s like a defense mechanism, maybe because of some trauma or whatever, her defense mechanism is just protecting her this way,” He said.
“So what now? I am a danger to my own wife?” I looked at him with anger, not one directed at him, but at myself because even after asking him that, I knew the answer to it.
“Yes, maybe I was. Maybe I was a danger to Isabella and her body needed to protect her from me, ” I sighed when her mom spoke bringing me back to consciousness.
“So what do we do? Is this going to be forever or temporary?” She sighed and gave my hand a small squeeze.
My heart ached at the word forever, I was scared of what the doctor’s response would be.
“Did I lose Isabella forever? Would we never have a present and future again? And what about the child? What happens to that offspring? What does this mean for us?” I was in such deep thoughts, I couldn’t control it as each thought crept in increasing my fear. My anxiety grew and for a second there, the ground was shaky and it felt like I was going to lose consciousness.
“No, it’s not, she would recover and be fine,” He said and my eyes lit up instantly.
“When?” The words left my mouth.
“I can’t say for sure, all of that depends on Isabella,” He stated.
“It can take days, weeks, months, even years,” He stated and the last words crushed my heart into tiny pieces.
“Years? No way, I can’t let that happen. I want Isabella and I need her to remember me right now,” I thought silently.
“So what can we do for her? Is there a way to fasten the process?” I asked him with curiosity.
“Be there for her, don’t push it, show her things that could help her recall, or recreate memories that would spark something in her. Also, therapy is also an option,” He added and I sighed.
I don’t think I felt comfortable about opening up and talking shit about myself to people who would barely understand him I felt at that point in my life.
“Therapy,” I sighed.
“It works most of the time, it has been proven effective,” He said, and I hissed lowly, not buying his bullshit.
“Also the memories can come in fragments, they can be triggered with different emotions too, not just happy moments, even the sad moments, all of these could be a factor,” He added and I smiled listening attentively.
I was going to do anything to get my wife back, I’ll make sure she remembers me, she recalls all the blissful moments. I’ll see to it that she recognizes me again.
“Thank you so much doctor,” Mrs. Colin said.
“Can she be discharged now?” I needed to start making her remember me soon.
“No, she would be watched for any development today, but if she’s cleared you can take her home tomorrow,” He said and that was good enough for me.
“Thank you so much doctor,” I said and shook his hands before I stood on my feet to leave his office with Mr. Colin.
“You need to freshen up, go home, and come back tomorrow,” she said immediately we were outside.
“But I can’t leave her,” I didn’t like that idea.
“You’ve been here since last night, and you need a break,” She patted my back, while I sighed in defeat.
“Okay,” I smiled and started to leave.
“Tristan,” She called and I turned around to stare at her.
“Isabella is going to remember you soon,” She said to me, and I felt like crying.
“But what if she doesn’t? What if she never remembers me again?” I asked her, as a tear dropped from my eyes.
“Don’t say that. You’ve got to have more confidence in her, you just have to believe in your love and be there for her,” She said and pulled me for a hug, while I sniffed in.
“It’s good to be okay,” She whispered and patted my back.
“Come on, go freshen up so you can pick up your wife,” She said to me, and I nodded my head before leaving her sight, and heading back home.