
Book:To Protect & Serve(erotica) Published:2025-2-8

Shamira was a dangling fuck toy for the two of them, and she was enjoying every moment of it. She had admitted to herself that she really got off on double-penetration. Anal by itself wasn’t her favorite thing, but when she was used so completely, it got her going like nothing else. The ball-gag felt nice in her mouth, but she wished for a moment that they had a third. Cock or pussy in her mouth would have just topped her off nicely.
But Sebastian pulling on her nipple chain from behind while Clara was rubbing against her from the front . . . both of them fucking her . . . being sandwiched between those two was an amazing experience. Shamira groaned into her gag, begging in a guttural language for permission to achieve release. Neither of her captors was paying much attention except to grin at the noises she made. Clara jammed upward one more time and Shamira started to cum, her body succumbing to everything she wanted out of sex.
She liked it rough, she liked it dirty, and . . . and she really liked it when Clara was involved. She came all over that rubber cock, and her body was so busy releasing all that pent up anxiety that it took her a second to realize that Sebastian was shooting his load into her ass. He was pulling on the chain all the while, yanking her tender nipples sideways as he sated his lust with Shamira’s body.
Sebastian withdrew and leaned against the back of the shower, watching as Clara started another slow, steady rhythm into her lover’s sex. She had grabbed the nipple chain in her teeth, tugging on while she fucked the captive, and she dug her fingernails into that sorely abused ass flesh. Clara didn’t stop until she’d made Shamira cum again. She wanted to remind her friend, her lover, her . . . something more . . . what she would be missing out on if she left. She unsnapped the strap-on, but left it buried in Shamira’s body.
Clara pulled the nipple clamps away and then suckled on each breast. The expression of pure bliss on Shamira’s face was beyond words or reward. Then she pulled the gag away and stole a kiss with such force and passion that Shamira’s mind simply couldn’t react. Her body, however, was quite capable of responding in kind. Clara never kissed a submissive before, but she was damn sure going to kiss Shamira now. This was what the muscular vamp would be getting if she stayed . . . the whole damn package.
“Now that we’ve got you clean,” Clara whispered hungrily, “let’s see what we can do about getting you dirty again.”
Shamira’s face broke out into a smile. She looked over at Sebastian who was on the verge of recovering to full staff, then back to her lover. “Whatever you say, Mistress Clara.”
————— ——————-
The next evening . . .
————— ——————-
Getting out of bed by four o’clock to meet with the Representative by five had not made Shamira very happy. She, Sebastian, and Clara had kept at it for hours before getting back to training the new people. Then she and Clara had just lain together in the quiet of their room, enjoying the feel of sleep unaffected by stress. But there were still people in the house that she didn’t want to deal with, and Lady Alessandra was one of them. Shamira couldn’t get a handle on the woman, and that made her nervous. That and the fact that Alessandra would probably be in Shane’s presence didn’t bode well. She wasn’t quite ready to forgive Shane.
At least she had gotten a chance to go down and talk to Kira for a bit. The geeky financial hacker was happier than hell to have something “diabolical” to do, and had promised Shamira that no one would suspect a thing. Regardless, Shamira made her donor promise not to leak anything, even if she found anything illegal. It wouldn’t take much for Lacroix to connect a whistle-blower and the donor list and find out that something was iffy.
She was sitting outside of the Representative’s room, staring eye to eye with the Tribunal security. Well, she assumed it was eye to eye, since both of the other guys had sunglasses on. Several members of the house had walked by, none of the sure whether or not to ask her what she was doing or whether to talk to her at all. Banshee and Renata had walked by at different points, and both had been completely ignored. Shamira was discovering a vindictive streak she’d never known she possessed.
The door opened, and the Representative waved Shamira in. The beautiful lean woman was dressed in a long, silky black robe and that was just about it. When she sat in one of the comfortable antique chairs, the robe slid and exposed a bit of leg.
‘A handsome woman,’ she thought. ‘I can tell what Shane saw in her.’
“You smell . . . satisfied,” Alessandra said with that soothing voice. “I take it then that your little rebellion is over?”
Starting out by belittling Shamira’s stance was probably not the fastest way into her good graces. “Why did you bring me here?” Shamira replied stiffly.
“You had something better to do? I seem to recall that looking after my interests is part of your job.”
“Okay, if you’re just wanting to bust my chops, I can –”
“Please, remain calm. I am somewhat unused to dealing with someone quite so cantankerous. You need to relax a little more.”
Shamira grumbled that she could’ve been relaxing more if she hadn’t had to get up so early, but her companion seemed uninterested in the argument. “Listen, why are you so interested in what happens with me and Shane? I get that you’re this ultra-powerful badass vamp and you created Shane and you have this connection to him, but I’m willing to bet that not all of Shane’s kids get the third degree.”
“First,” Alessandra said, “I am unfamiliar with this term ‘third degree.’ It means –?”
“Oh, it basically means interrogated. Sorry, your English is so good that I just figured . . . never mind.”
“Thank you. Secondly, my interest stems from the fact that no other of my line has caused so much concern and yet so much hope. Even if you do not evolve and assume all of the Aspects of the great Shadow Wing, you are already the first fledgling vampire to have three Aspects in my lifetime. You have a strong sense of right and wrong and are highly passionate, but you seem to have lost some self control. You have shown great diplomacy dealing with the faeries and understanding of their culture, yet you have so little understanding or concern for your own. You are a vampire, Shamira. You can thank Shane for that or hate him but until you meet your second death, you are part of our world. Shane told you the difference that you could make, correct?”
“Yeah, I got that rah-rah speech.”
Alessandra rolled her eyes. The girl was being impudent on purpose. “It appears that he didn’t adequately explain the rules of our society. You know, those tedious things which have kept us safe for millennia?”
“But if we’re coming clean with human society –”
“There are things in this world that will always be secret,” Alessandra explained. “There are things that live on the edge of our world that frighten even me. In order to help us assimilate into human culture, you must first understand those things that make us different. The magical races are slow to change, and many will resent this edict or refuse outright. We will need to tread lightly,” she said, a wry smile crossing her face, “not stomp on eggshells with combat boots.”
“Okay, now you’re just making up metaphors.”
“I thought that everything goes in American slang.” The Representative cocked an eyebrow. “Are you criticizing me for not knowing the rules?”
Shamira glared. “There’s a difference between criticizing and stuffing someone in a coffin for two days –”
“One of those days was due to your continued antagonism –”
“My antagonism was due to getting stuck in there in the first place! Still Shane’s fault!”
Alessandra’s face came calm. “Correct.”
Shamira was stunned. “Excuse me?”
“In my opinion, Lord Stapleton was wrong to do what he did. The only thing you did wrong was to yell at Bunny, which hardly warranted incarceration. And yes, you failed to show him respect that is normally warranted for a Lord, but he also neglected inform you of WHY that respect is expected. More importantly, he admitted that he would rather earn your respect than expect it.”