“Wait a minute. SHANE said that?”
Alessandra smiled again. “That surprises you? He is really quite progressive. Look at the guard he has put together. You are still new to our world, so you probably don’t realize just how powerful of an organization he has put together. Banshee is one of the most feared assassins in all the dark world.”
“Most, if not all of the weres here are strong enough to run their own territories, packs, prides, or nests if they so chose. And having a necromancer, a vampire-shaman, and even a poltergeist? And now, thanks to you, there may be a faerie sorceress here as well if Princess Coramen and Lord Stapleton can come to some kind of arrangement. It is unprecedented.” NP “And yes, even Shane has some things to learn about other cultures, but I ask that you forgive him some of his trespasses, since he is already attempting something that no one has ever done before. And one other thing that separates him from many other lords is that he would rather his house WANT to be here rather than simply demand it of them. That is why he wants everyone here to share his lifestyle as well as his vision. He wants to create a family.”
“Every family has its black sheep,” Shamira said.
The Representative’s smile did not fade. “Even the black sheep defends the flock when there are wolves at the door. Something tells me that as you grow into the power that I believe you to possess, this flock will survive if you stand with it. There are wolves in the dark, Shamira, and they have bones in their teeth and blood on their mind.” She cocked her head. “Where will you stand?”
Shamira didn’t like this. She was hunting drug-runners, something she was used to. Not this. She wasn’t a revolutionary . . . she was a cop. “I think you you’re really overestimating me.”
“I doubt that. Shadow Wing was the wisest of all the Great Dragons. If he has chosen you –”
“What were they like?” Shamira blurted out. “You said you met some Shadow Wing . . . uhm, disciples?”
“They were not disciples,” Alessandra said. “The two that I met were very different. From my understanding, they all are. They have all had a thirst for justice, but their methods and personalities vary. The two I met were both very driven and incredibly powerful.” The Representative’s voice grew sad. “Our kind is normally drawn to power, but I would not have taken on their trials for the power of God himself. I do not envy you if indeed the last Moon Dragon has chosen you, yet I cannot think of a better choice.”
Shamira’s blood dropped a few degrees in temperature. “And what if just decide not to play?”
“Can you really do that? Just walk away from what is about to happen? I do not think you will, not when there is so much riding on you.”
Shamira walked out the door, but turned to the Representative one last time. “I never wanted this. I certainly never wanted to be a hero.” She left, hoping to share a few more moments in bed with Clara before the new work day began.
Alessandra’s smile was sad, but very real. “The funny thing is,” she whispered, “real heroes never do.”
———– —————–
To be continued . . .