
Book:To Protect & Serve(erotica) Published:2025-2-8

Shane looked like he was contemplating something. “If you can make it back before the Representative needs you, perhaps you should visit your donor tomorrow. If she finds anything, you can make a second visit, but otherwise I need the whole staff here barring emergencies out in the territory. Lacroix will be here for the meeting, so if he is involved, it would be best if we knew before he steps foot on our soil.”
“Yes sir.” Shamira turned and walked away, putting a spring in her step as soon as she was out of Shane’s view. The dining hall was mostly cleared out except for a few pockets of discussion, still buzzing over what was just revealed. Clara wasn’t there, but she saw Sebastian.
“Hey, Shane gave the okay to go ahead and start investigating you-know-who,” she said when she got close.
“Excellent. So does that mean you’re talking to the boss again?”
Shamira glowered for a second, then released the tension in her shoulders. “I want to stop these guys. If fighting Shane gets in the way, then I’ll stop fighting him. For now.”
The werespider put one of those strong hands on her shoulder. “Hey, ‘For now’ is a pretty good start.”
Shamira’s libido, which had basically shut down for business five days earlier was waking up again. Sebastian was a very handsome man, but — “I need to go find Clara,” she said.
“Of course.” Sebastian replied, pulling his hand away.
“Do you want to help me find Clara?”
He grinned.
First, Shamira went to the armory and finally got out of all her gear. They eventually found Clara arranging cots for some of the Representative’s guards in the rooms near where their boss was staying.
“Hey guys,” Clara said, her hand reaching forward and brushing some hair out of Shamira’s face. “What’s up?”
“Are you almost done here?” Sebastian asked. “You see, this young woman here was really, REALLY wanting to find you. She seems to be feeling better. She invited me to help . . . find you.”
“Oh, did she?” Clara said. Those gorgeous features that had carried worry and fear so much recently began to morph in to the hungry, sensual, wonderful visage that Shamira remembered from Shamira’s first days in the house. “And what were you going to do when you found me?”
Sebastian brushed Shamira’s hair away from her neck, then kissed the skin. “Whatever you wanted me to do,” Shamira replied, moaning just a little. “Mistress Clara.”
“Good answer.” Clara grabbed Shamira’s shirt and pulled her in for a ferocious kiss. “You were in your armor too much today. You haven’t cleaned up.” She grabbed one of Shamira’s nipples through the shirt and twisted. Sebastian grabbed the back of Shamira’s head and tugged, causing the vamp to thrust her chest against Clara’s hands.
The two dominants roughly maneuvered Shamira to Clara’s bedroom and on to the shower. Shamira was forced to her knees, and her wrists were cuffed together and her arms pulled toward the ceiling by a chain run through a pulley. Shamira never ceased to be amazed by the fact that there was no room in this house where a girl like her couldn’t be secured and fucked senseless.
Another chain was laid across her legs in the crook of the knee and secured to rings in the floor. Clara retrieved an ankle bar from the bedroom, which was a metal pipe with ankle cuffs on either end designed to keep the captive’s legs spread. Shamira was quite well secured now.
“Do you have any idea what it’s been like for the last four days?” Clara asked, stripping out of her clothes. “Being denied the pleasure I deserve?”
Sebastian yanked back on Shamira’s hair, nibbled hard on her ear, then released her in order to start shedding his own clothing. As more and more of his body came into view, Shamira wondered more and more why she’d been afraid of him. His other form might be a spider, but this one was all man, and well endowed man at that.
“Four days? This little slut’s been teasing me since I got here.” He reached down and ripped Shamira’s shirt, exposing her cleavage and her muscular shoulders. “I guess she didn’t think I was good enough.”
“She doesn’t get to make that decision,” Clara cooed. “She needs to be reminded who she is and what she is.” Clara ripped the rest of the shirt away and then disposed of the bra in short order. Then she turned on the water, grabbed the hose, and started to drench Shamira. The water was cold. Shamira gasped as it struck her, the frigid liquid causing her nipples to stand at attention and her skin to form goosebumps.
Sebastian pushed Shamira’s pants down to her knees. They slid as far as they would go in her current state, but they were also only as far as he needed them to go. He took his belt from the pile near the walk-in shower and folded it in half.
As Clara drenched the girl, he stood back and gave her a good swat against her exposed backside. Shamira gasped, and got a mouthful of water for her trouble. With all the discussion of water boarding in the news, she wondered if this was really appropriate. Then she remembered that she couldn’t drown.
Clara used the nozzle of the hose and slapped Shamira’s breasts repeatedly with it, warming up the skin and then dousing it with cold water. Then, with a wicked grin, she sprayed down between Shamira’s thighs. The captive vamp whimpered pitifully until the water was pulled away.
“Mind if I borrow that?” Clara asked, looking at the belt that Sebastian had been reddening Shamira’s backside with.
Sebastian grabbed the hose, but switched the water over to warm. He started rinsing his own hair, letting Shamira watch as the water flowed down his tight body, over his sculpted abs, and past the nine-inch monster jutting out from his body. He grabbed her hair with his free hand, holding her head still while he shoved himself into her mouth. “For the time I’ve waited, you’d better make this good.”
He felt her lips constrict and her tongue caress the underside of his shaft as he pumped in and out, developing a rhythm. He let the warm water cascade directly onto her arms and head, watching her hair stick to her body, her eyes clothed as she enjoyed the violation of her mouth.
Sebastian pulled out, giving her only the head to work with, not that she seemed to mind. And despite Clara’s repeated lashed to not only her buttocks but to her upper back, the woman never touched her teeth to his skin. He pulled his cock out and slapped her in the face with it repeatedly, watching her head move so that she might recapture it. He kept it just out of reach until he was ready, then thrust it down her throat again.
Clara helped by putting her hand on the back of Shamira’s head and forcing it further on to Sebastian’s manhood. Then she started giving the captive woman love bites up and down her arms, making sure to leave marks. Her hands reached around and sought out those large breasts and the nipples that sat atop them, waiting to be tortured. She squeezed hard, then turned those nubs as far as they would go. She pulled them in opposite directions, causing her lover to almost scream with delight into Sebastian’s member.
Sebastian pulled out again, slapping one cheek with his cock and the other with his palm, then he fucked her throat again. Clara reclaimed the hose and lowered it to the floor of the shower, the directed it directly up into Shamira’s crotch. She squeezed the clitoris in her fingers and pelted it with water.
Shamira wanted to squeeze her thighs together and alleviate some of the pressure, but she was quite trapped, assuming that she didn’t want to yank the chains out of the ceiling and floor, which in fact she didn’t. And Clara pulled the hose away before it was able to get Shamira off.
“Oh no, not yet,” She whispered. “You haven’t earned it yet.”
“Trade again?” Sebastian asked.
“Certainly.” Clara stood up and thrust her crotch into Shamira’s face, grinding her sex against those lips and that increasingly talented tongue. The woman’s head was as far forward as it could go with her arms still wrenched above her head. Clara watched as Sebastian actually began rinsing and shampooing Shamira’s hair. It was sweet to watch really.
He slowly worked that long dark hair out of its braid until it was loose and plastered to her muscular back. He gently bit Shamira’s shoulders all over, enjoying the feel of her between his teeth. He’d slipped to his knees, pressing his length into the crack of her ass. He could feel her clench her butt out of reflex, expressing its desire to have him inside her. He pulled back enough to slap both sides of her already reddened ass hard several times before lowering his rod and touching the head of it against her pussy.
“Let her beg,” he said to his fellow dom. Clara pulled back just enough so that Shamira could use her mouth for speaking again.
“Please sir,” she murmured as water cascaded down her face. “Please fuck me.”
“Why should I? You made me wait. You made Mistress Clara wait. Why do you deserve to get fucked?” He slapped her ass again when she didn’t respond as quickly as he would have liked.
In a short time, Shamira had almost forgotten how to play the game. “Because that’s what I’m good for,” Shamira muttered loud enough to be heard over running water. She thrust her butt out as much as she could, then clenched those powerful muscles. Her posing was rewarded with another harsh slap to the ass.
“Even now, you’re teasing me,” he whispered. He pushed his way up inside her until his length was captured inside her gripping sex. “The time for teasing is over.” He grabbed a fistful of her hair and pushed her head into Clara’s crotch as he not-so-gently started to fuck Shamira’s helpless form. Clara had to put one foot on Sebastian’s shoulder in order to give Shamira sufficient access to provide pleasure, but the werespider didn’t seem to mind. He’d waited way too long for this.
Shamira’s tongue danced around Clara’s clit until an awe-inspiring climax ripped through her. Clara held her melting sex against her sub’s face, the joy of their reunion leaking out of her folds. “I missed this,” she whispered, mostly to herself. Then the wicked look returned. “Keep it busy,” she told Sebastian. Clara climbed out of the shower, dried off a little, then disappeared into the bedroom, then reappeared with a host of goodies.
First, she was wearing a strap-on that made her every bit as well endowed as Sebastian. She also had a ball gag and some nipple-clip attached by a chain. She immediately fixed the gag in Shamira’s mouth, then attached a clamp to one titty-nub. As Sebastian fucked her, she threaded the chain between their bodies and then attached the other clamp to the other nipple. Sebastian let go of Shamira’s hair and grabbed the chain, tugging on it and causing Shamira to moan into the gag.
“Now that I’ve got reins for you, I’m going to ride you until I’m satisfied,” he growled. He looked at the thick black piece of rubber, then tugged on Shamira’s chain again. “You’ve been keeping your body to yourself for too long. Around here, it’s polite to share. See, I’m going to share you with Clara here.” He pulled out of her snug pussy and started to push up into her even-more-snug ass.
She practically squealed as his slick member penetrated her back-side, her body struggling to accommodate him even as Clara knelt in front of her, guiding her strap-on up into that recently vacated pussy. As he eased up into her, Clara used her free hand to lightly slap Shamira’s face. Clara thought that she’d been the one stressed out, but she realized just how bent out of shape Shamira must have been. The difference in her face, reddened, abused and all, looked enormously more at peace than she had just an hour or so earlier.