Renata was laughing, and it was a big, chest jiggling and pearly-white showing laugh. She even started to tear up a little bit. “Oh God, I needed that!”
“Pussy is more like it,” Renata said with a cat-like grin.
“Can I see it? Your jaguar form I mean!” Okay, this time Shamira was definitely blushing.
“Well, you’ll be able to see it all,” the werejaguar purred. She stood up and and slowly peeled off her tight little shorts down and kicking them aside.
‘No underwear,’ Shamira thought, staring at the jaguar’s kitty. Then Renata tossed her shirt aside. It was obvious that she loved showing off her wild side. Her bones and muscles and organs shifted under her skin, and a light coat of yellow-gold and black fur crept up. Soon, there was a two-hundred plus pound cat lying on the floor, its tongue lolling absently.
“Clara was right,” Shamira whispered, reaching her hand out and stroking the fur between Renata’s ears, then giving her a scratch. “You are a beautiful cat!” She scratched the jag’s cheeks, and found out that big cats can sometimes purr. She watched as the cat-that-was-Renata strutted around, pausing occasionally for a head scratch before flopping down somewhat unceremoniously on the floor and allowing herself to be “subjected” to a belly rub. “You’re just always gorgeous ain’t ya?” she asked.
The cat looked up at her and eyed her over. Renata got to all four feet and quickly moved towards her comrade, pushing Shamira onto her back.
“What’s wrong?” Shamira asked, confused for a moment. Then the big cat backed up a little, thrust its head between her legs, which Shamira didn’t even know she’d spread. Then that enormous tongue flicked out and stroked the front of the vampire’s cum-soaked panties.
“Oh God!” Shamira said, actually trying to back away for a second, then hear a low growl. Renata didn’t want her to move. ‘She’s not really going to –‘ But the thought was cut off as that head dipped again and licked at Shamira’s sex. ‘This is so . . . so wrong,’ she thought, even as her body was saying it was so right. That tongue was more powerful than any human’s could be, to the point where it almost jammed the flimsy material of her g-string into her vaginal opening. And that tongue was laying the heavy lumber to Shamira’s clit, even through the fabric. Lick after lick battered against that tender shore, and soon Shamira wasn’t even capable of moving. Her body was alight with desire, though admittedly also with a bit of confusion. Part of her mind thought this was going too far, but the other part . . . ‘It’s still Renata. Her mind is still in –‘
“Mistress Renata,” she said, knowing full well that the dominant part of the werejaguar had come out for the moment, “may I cum?” ‘I’m actually going to do this,’ she thought, her body overloading with pleasure. ‘I’m going to get off getting head from a jaguar?!’
Renata let out a grumble and continued her oral assault. Shamira’s cum leaked out from around the panties as her body tightened and filled her with a naughty euphoria. The tongue grew softer and lighter as Shamira tried to recover her from an orgasm she never could have imagined having, much less enjoying that much. Then the cat started to shift and turned back into the beautiful Brazilian security agent.
Renata grinned. “Now zip up your damn pants. We got faeries to find.”
———– ——————–
Several hours later . . .
———– ——————–
“Shamira, get out of the car. It was just one web.”
Shamira was shaking her head. “I’ll be fine in a minute.”
Renata leaned against the car, laughing in her hands until she cried. She hadn’t believed it when she’d heard about the golf course incident, but Shamira was deathly afraid of spiders. She had been wandering through one of the few forested areas left near I-575 (due to the swampy nature of the area) waving a stick in front of her when a web brushed up against her face. She had screamed, waved her hands wildly in the air, then run back to the Ford Mustang.
“How can you be an outdoors person and be afraid of spiders?”
“I’m very careful when and where I walk. Damn it, I thought that this super vamp vision was supposed to help see in the dark!”
“It makes it so you can see as well at night as you do during the day. Webs are always hard to see. Now get out of the car,” Renata said, shaking her head. “Don’t make me get dominant on you.”
Strangely, that idea was more appealing to Shamira than going back into the woods, but they had work to do. She slowly opened the door. “Why do the faeries have to live in the damn swamp anyway?”
“Because they don’t build condominiums that tiny.” Renata switched on a flashlight. Neither of them really needed it to navigate, but it might reflect off of webs and prevent any further episodes. “Big baby.”
“Am not.”
“Are too! I am so not getting into this with you.” She slapped the girl’s firm ass. “Now get moving.”
Once again, they started into the wooded area, Shamira holding her stick. “How do we know how to find them anyway?”
“Faeries smell like vanilla. Not sure why. But they also have spells that can mask their scent pretty well, so it may take a while.”
“Okay. And when we find them, we sit outside their colony and wait for them to come to us, right?”
Renata nodded approvingly. The girl had been doing homework. “You go into their colony and start tramping around, things could get nasty. Faeries are small, but the ones I’ve met pack a hell of a punch. Probably some of the nastiest spell slingers on the planet.”
“And they’re paranoid and don’t like intruders. Why the hell are we here again?”
“Hey, your idea. And it’s a good one.” Renata sniffed the air. “It’ll be easier if I go jag.”
“Pretty kitty time?” Shamira was smiling.
Renata grinned. “They’ll be able to smell that I’m a were anyway, so why not?” She grinned harder “Help me undress?”
She probably didn’t need any damn help and there were rules against ordering the subs around when in the field unless the situation was secure, but Shamira didn’t care. She wanted to see Renata naked again, and wanted to see the jaguar. She pulled those far-too-tight pants down to her cohort’s ankles, taking them and the hiking sandals and putting them neatly in a pile. By the time she got turned around, she was being eyeballed by an enormous feline.
“So I just follow you then?” The two of them set off deeper into the woods. Apparently, faeries helped to magically “encourage” people to develop elsewhere, so this part of the Atlanta region would probably always be wild. Spiderwebs aside, it was a good place.
It wasn’t long before Renata pulled up and plopped down on her haunches. She looked back at Shamira, then forward at a grove of trees that was drenched in shadow. Even with her night sight, the vampire couldn’t see in. She felt like she should just keep walking, then instantly realized a familiar sensation. It was similar to what she had felt outside of Cho’s Tavern.
“Glamour,” she murmured. She sat down next to the jaguar and waited, giving the big cat a good petting. “Do we need to call them or –” She stopped. “I’m talking to an enormous putty tat.”
Renata purred. Then she turned back into a human. “You know, if we weren’t working,” she said with a wicked smile, “I would have so many suggestions on how we could pass the time.”
Shamira grinned back. “Damn rules. So, what’s your style? When you domme?”
“Oh no, you have to find out the same way as all new subs. The hard way. I’ll get my chance at you after all the full doms do. Switches come after . . . part of the downside of getting to sit on the fence. Then Lillian will get her shot. I just had to get me a little taste . . . a little somethin’ somethin’, if you know what I’m saying.”
“Bad kitty.”
“I hear that a lot.”
“If you two are quite through,” came a squeaky voice, “we would appreciate you going the hell away.”
Both women looked over and saw a firefly. ‘No,’ Shamira thought, ‘too big for a firefly.’ “Hello,” she started, “my name is –”
“I have a name for you. Miss Leaving Soon.”
Shamira squinted her eyes and looked at the floating figures. “Are they always this rude?”
Renata shrugged. “This one is actually being polite.”
“Yes, on behalf of His Great and Royal Majesty the Most Illustrious Leader Frolthac of the Colony of Nature’s Glory, I command you to leave.”
The two women sat there staring at the floating ball of light. “He did all that in one breath,” Shamira muttered.
“He’s tiny,” Renata replied. “Where did he get all the air from?”
“I ORDER you to vacate at once!” The glowing figure flitted closer, and it turned out to be a male. Actually, it was quite a handsome male, with long white hair and almost effeminate features.
“Pretty!” Shamira said.
“Pretty?! PRETTY?!” Then the faerie cocked his head. “Well, I supposed ‘pretty’ isn’t so bad. Though roguishly handsome or even dapper would be better.”
“No one uses ‘dapper’ anymore,” Shamira explained.
“I do, and it’s a perfectly good word. Now scram!”
Shamira chuckled. “You should be waving a rake or something when you say that.”
“Ooh ooh,” Renata started excitedly, “Say ‘You kids better get off my lawn!’ Yeah, say that!”
The little man looked over Renata’s naked body. “You are quite fetching, but I’m afraid that you’re still going to have to leave.”
Renata shook her head. “Sorry, but we’ve to talk to the most high and exalted . . . whatever his name was.”
“Sir,” Shamira said, trying to regain some decorum, “we really wouldn’t be bothering you if it weren’t important. Might we speak with . . . uhm . . . your lord and master?”
The Brazilian woman was sniggering. “If he says, ‘I told you, we’re an anarco-sydicalist commune,’ I am SO going to die laughing.”
“Be quiet! I order you to be quiet!” the faerie shouted.
Renata tried to make good on her promise to die laughing.
The little man started to glow brighter, and Shamira felt that he was going to do something rather rash.
“Sir, please. We’re here on behalf of Shane Stapleton, vampire master of Atlanta.”
“That explains YOU fang face, but what’s the flea-bag doing here?” the faerie grumbled.
“She works for Master Stapleton as well. And she doesn’t have fleas. Do you have a name? Something I could call you besides ‘sir’ or ‘pretty’?”
“Is his name Dennis?” Renata asked, rolling over on the ground and laughing so hard she couldn’t breathe.
“There is something wrong with her,” the faerie said.
“I’m beginning to agree with you.”