
Book:To Protect & Serve(erotica) Published:2025-2-8

After she had complied, he forced his cock into her mouth and down her throat. “Suck it until I cum, but don’t swallow. That’s it,” he said, as her lips sucked in and her tongue caressed the underside of his shaft. “You’ll be busy for a lot of next week on another project, but I want your spare moments dedicated to this one. And, of course, to pleasing your superiors.” With that, he shot a massive load into her mouth, coating her tongue with manly goodness. He slowly withdrew. “Tabitha, lie on my desk, back down.”
The judge’s wife did as she was told. Then Shane grabbed Shamira’s braid and pushed her face down towards Tabitha’s. “Kiss her, and let her take the rewards of your hard work.”
Shamira kissed this strange woman, who was apparently quite aroused and a highly competent kisser. Maybe not in Clara’s league, but pretty damn good. She let her master’s seed fall from her mouth, and Tabitha accept it readily.
“Thank you, Tabitha,” Shane said. “I’ll talk to you soon about that issue we were discussing. Now walk out of this house with your mouth open. Show everyone my seed, and swallow it once you reach your car. You may go.” Tabitha left.
Shamira felt jealousy. She had earned that — ‘What are you thinking?!’ she wondered.
“Go find Renata,” Shane told her. “Wait, stand up.” Once she was on her feet, he placed his hand in her crotch and started fingering her pussy while rubbing his palm on her clit. “Cum first.”
Shamira didn’t need much more encouragement, and she quickly let her juices flow, dripping down her legs. And as before, Shane shoved his fingers into her mouth and had her lick them clean.
“NOW go find Renata and tell her the plan. Don’t zip your pants up until she tells you that it’s time to go. Renata will be in charge of you for the remainder of the night.”
“Yes sir,” Shamira replied, walking out the door. ‘Where the hell would Renata be?’ she did push her panties back into position at least, seeing as Shane hadn’t told her not to. She felt warm inside and her legs were trembling a bit. It was all so new to her, but at least she was feeling better about her chances of adapting. She found the Brazilian bombshell in the study looking over some profiles. Her mouth opened, but she didn’t know what to say. Renata was a switch, so how did she address her? “Mistress Renata?” she said, decided to play it cautiously.
Renata looked up and grinned. “Don’t know how to talk to a switch, do ya?” She laughed, and Shamira felt more at ease. The woman had a sexy laugh. “Unless we’ve claimed you or specifically said something ahead of time, you can talk to me or Lillian like normal. We’ll let you know when it’s time to get on your hands and knees.” Renata was looking the new girl over with obvious interest, chewing on that luscious bottom lip as she eyed the gap in Shamira’s pants.
Shamira actually grinned. “Shane told me that they stay unzipped until you tell me otherwise. You’re in charge.” She told Renata the whole conversation she’d had with the master of the house.
Renata grimaced. “Okay. I’ve got all this other shit to do, but why not.”
“Sorry,” Shamira replied, looking downward. “I didn’t mean to –”
“Oh, it’s not you. We just need more people around here. She held up the files. “I’m flying up to Chicago and New York next week to interview candidates, and maybe even bring some home. This’ll be the first time a vampire house has more weres than vampires, at least until Shane makes up his mind and brings some more over or adopts.”
“Brings in a vampire whose sire is dead or otherwise has no house. Someone not old enough to have their own land yet. Masters are only able to bring over so many new vamps a year, depending on the number of deaths over the last year and overall mortal population. Since Shane just got promoted, he’s going to be able to bring over four . . . no, three new vamps. You’re the fourth. And he can adopt as many as will come and that he trusts.”
“Crap, you mean he gave up a chance to bring over someone more suited to being a vamp than me?” She felt like crap now. “Is that why you don’t like me? Because I screwed things up for Shane?”
Renata looked annoyed. “Why do you think I don’t like you?”
“You didn’t seem all that thrilled with me that night at the club. And since Clara says you’re perpetually perky, I just figured it was something about me. Shane could’ve brought over someone who would’ve made your job easier instead of freaking out every time –”
“Stop it!” Renata said. “The ONLY problem that I have with you is that you seem like you’re looking for a reason to look down on yourself. Yeah, I was miffed that night at the club, but not at you. Believe it or not, you showed up during a calm spot. Keeping Shane safe has been a world of headache, particularly when he doesn’t listen to me.”
“Yeah, I heard about some of that from Clara. Is that why you took the punishment? So you wouldn’t have to worry about it for a while?” Shamira thought back to that delightful scene of Renata’s perfect bubble butt sticking up in the air —
“Nah,” Renata said, leaning back and rubbing her eyes, “I did that for Shane. He can get as down on himself as you because he holds himself responsible for all of us. Things could’ve gone really bad. Me taking the blame for it, letting him punish me . . . yeah, it was a thrill. I like to bottom every now and then, but he needed to stop blaming himself. Even if it was just for a little while.”
Shamira was actually surprised. She knew the girl had to be bright, but she had insight that Shamira never would have guessed at.
“I was a little annoyed at him bringing you over, but not because of you. You saved lives that night you became one of them,” Renata said, looking at a portrait of Shane on the wall, “so I figured you’d be worth a risk. I just wish he’d stop being so damn impetuous. It’s hard to guard someone who never really has a plan. Thinks with his heart, so to speak. Guess that makes him something like you.”
Shamira walked around put her hands on Renata’s shoulders, kneading them lightly. She wasn’t a great masseuse, but she knew the human body pretty well and knew how to use her hands.
“Please, don’t ever stop doing that. Lillian’s a great masseuse, but she’s busy doing her spell stuff most of the time. Or doing Monique.”
Shamira chuckled. “How does that work? I’m still trying to understand relationship dynamics, but they’re actually dating, right?”
Renata nodded, leaning back against Shamira’s muscular torso while her shoulders got worked. “It happens. Dating is hard around here. Weres try and make it work with a vamp, but the vamp will outlive them. Date your own kind, you’ve got a relatively small pool to choose from. Date humans, and most of the time you got to worry about their mortality and fragility, AND hoping they can deal with our world or that you can hide it from them. I tried datin’ Reaper for a bit, but it didn’t really work.”
“You kinda need to get know Reaper before I can answer that. I will say that he’s looking for more of a full-time sub in the long run, and I like to be on top sometimes.” She grinned, holding up a folder for Shamira to look at. “Here’s the perfect man for you,” she said.
Shamira took the folder. “Damn, he’s hot!” she muttered, looking at the tall dark Calvin Klein underwear model staring back at her. “Oh, that’s a pretty . . . Yech!” she said, throwing the folder down on the table and dancing up and down while waving her hands as if there were acid on them. “Werespider? You’re trying to give me a heart attack, aren’t you?!”