Shamira’s eyes were wide open. It was so . . . grotesque almost. The way that she looked so spread with nothing but Clara’s wrist visible. She felt her mistress clench a fist. ‘Good love of everything holy, is there anything it isn’t touching?’ she wondered.
“I’m going to make you cum again,” Clara informed her. “I’m going to show you the power I have over your body. I’ll make you a slave to the orgasm,” she said, pumping her fist and rubbing a knuckle of the quarter-sized area of tender flesh that she knew would drive Shamira off the wall and over the edge. She was very, very right.
Shamira didn’t know you could pass out due to climaxing too hard and too often, but that’s what happened. The first wave hit her like a ton of bricks, and she felt her opening attempting to ensnare Clara’s wrist. What it had once tried to keep out, it now desperately wanted to hold in. But Clara wasn’t done. Before the first set of body quakes was even over, Clara’s gentle and not-so-gentle probing set off another round . . . and another . . . and another.
Shamira’s body was completely out of control, and she was thrashing against her cage until her energy finally completely evaporated. She had lost count after the fourth set of tremors, and her brain was too offline for her to do math. Then her eyes started to close and she just let go, letting Clara’s presence inside of her be the last thing she experienced before the waking world parted company with her.
———– ———————
The next afternoon . . .
———– ———————
When Shamira awoke, she knew immediately that she wasn’t in Kansas anymore. Okay, she wasn’t in her own bed, but the feeling was pretty much the same. She raised her head, her vamp vision kicking in to help scan the darkened room. Yeah, it was apparently five in the afternoon, but vampires used heavy curtains and didn’t have a lot of windows anyway.
She was in Clara’s room. She didn’t think she’d ever actually been in this room before, but she was pretty sure that’s where she was. How did she know? Well, Clara being curled up next to her was a pretty good clue.
Shamira felt better than she ever remembered feeling in her life. She decided right then and there that before becoming a vampire, she was a virgin, or maybe getting brought over reset the scales or something. Either way, whatever it was that she’d been doing before didn’t count as sex. What had happened to her last night . . . THAT was sex.
She was trying to figure out what the rules for this were. She was technically claimed by Clara until the woman released her back into the “pool” of subs. Did she just lie here until her mistress woke up? Then she realized that she didn’t have much of a choice. Her arms were wrapped around the smaller woman, and her wrists were handcuffed on the other side.
“Stop thinking,” muttered a very tired domme. “Wakin’ me up.”
“Sorry . . . Mistress Clara,” she said, then kissed the woman on the exposed nape of her neck. It had seemed like such a casual gesture, but it seemed to get the woman’s attention.
“Naughty pet,” Clara said with a grin, turning with some difficult until she was facing Shamira. “Touching me without permission.” Then she remembered something. “Shamira, I need you to be yourself for a few minutes. There was something I wanted to talk to you about, and it’s better that there’s no confusion.”
“What?” Shamira said worriedly. “Did I do something wrong?”
Clara laughed. “Sweet dreams, no! Trust me, you were as perfect as you could be,” she said, laying into the larger woman with another slow, soft, and milk-chocolate sweet kiss. She bit Shamira’s bottom lip and tugged on it before releasing the lip-lock altogether. She really liked kissing Shamira. “No, I needed to talk to you about feeding. Have you had any blood at all since that first night you were here? The IV?”
“No. I thought I could get everything I needed from regular food.”
“Not exactly. Yes, you can sustain your body on regular food, and all the excess gets morphed into energy. But your power . . . that part of you that makes you magical and makes you a vampire, THAT needs a fresh infusion of blood every now and then. Most of us don’t go a couple of days without blood. You can drink it from a bag, but it’s really not very satisfying in my opinion. You need to learn to feed off of another being.”
Shamira’s stomach did a flip-flop. “I . . . I guess I knew I’d have to, but it terrifies me.”
Clara kissed her again, but this was a quick one. “Because you don’t want to hurt anyone, and I admire that. But the best way to avoid hurting anyone is to learn to do it right. Then we’ll help you find some regular donors. With your kind of power, you’ll need to get fixes more frequently. Again, you can just drink from the blood packs, but I suggest a warm body at least once a week.”
“Do I . . . do I have to have sex with them?” Shamira asked. Could she even HAVE regular sex anymore?
“You don’t HAVE to, but you’ll probably want to. First, they’re giving you a great gift. Second, well, once you bite someone for the first time, you’ll get it. They feed off of your emotions, so if you find the right person, they start feeling really good, and that make you feel really good in return. We try and screen our donors to make sure they aren’t going to get clingy or possessive, and it’s worked pretty well. Girl, you are completely going to make some human’s day when you pick them. But first, you need to practice and since I happen to be here and you’ve already demonstrated that you know where my neck is –” She paused and tilted her head a bit.
Shamira didn’t know why she’d never noticed it before, but even Clara’s neck was beautiful. Slender and young looking . . .
“Okay,” Clara said, interrupted Shamira’s reverie and working one arm up so she could point to a spot on the neck, “right where you were kissing is a great spot. You can feed from the wrists or the inner thighs too, but this really is the most fun and the donors kind of expect it. I want you to place your mouth right there and slowly extend your fangs. You’ll know when to start drinking, trust me. Don’t worry about getting a little carried away, since I had a really big breakfast yesterday. A tasty fireman named Michael. Sucked him right down, in more ways than one.”
“You mean, you have . . . regular . . . sex with your donors?”
“Pretty much. Sometimes I find one that likes to bottom for me, but I don’t always need it to get my kicks.” ‘As you will hopefully soon find out,’ she thought. “Go ahead, don’t be shy. If you start to miss the mark somehow, I’ll let you . . . know,” she purred as Shamira’s fangs sank in. She hit the right spot on the very first try. And boy oh boy, did it feel good.
Apparently her companion had thoroughly enjoyed herself at Clara’s hands, because she was still feeling pretty damn good inside. Instinctively, her hand parted Shamira’s thighs and immediately went to work pleasuring the girl’s sex.
It wasn’t like Shamira expected. It was fabulous to be sure, but she’d been expecting some huge rush or something. Instead, it was like drinking hot chocolate right after coming in from the cold. It was a pleasant, comforting warmth that built up from the inside with each sip. She felt Clara’s hands moving and fingering her pussy, and it did feel much more erotic than it normally would. She couldn’t move her hands, so she just moved her hips against Clara’s generous touch.
‘Damn she’s incredible,’ Clara was thinking as her fingers moved to bring Shamira an early afternoon happy time. Even though she knew Shamira had drank enough, she didn’t want to end it . . . which is why she knew that she had to. So when Shamira climaxed, Clara pulled the woman’s head gently away. “Good girl,” she muttered. “Very good girl.” She kissed Shamira’s lips, tasting her own blood. “Now I’m going back to sleep for another hour. Try not to think so loud.” She turned back around (slowly) and pressed her back against Shamira’s muscular form.
‘Great,’ Shamira thought, feeling a tingling in her nethers and feeling somewhat euphoric. ‘SHE wants to sleep –‘
———– —————–
That evening . . .
———– —————–
Shamira knocked gently on the door to Shane’s office. The door buzzed and opened slightly, so she pulled it the rest of the way open. She peaked her head inside. Shane was sitting behind his desk, and the judge’s wife she’d seen the previous night was in a chair across from him. She was wearing a different dress suit than she had the last time, so she’d probably gone home in the interim.
“I’m sorry Sir,” Shamira said, looking down at the ground. “I didn’t know you had company. I’ll come back –”
“Come in, Shamira,” he interrupted. “Mrs. Grunholdt, this is Shamira, my latest acquisition. Dressed appropriately, I see,” he murmured appreciatively.
Monique had put several more outfits into Shamira’s closet, including the tight stretchy black pants with a zipper that ran from the front to the back between her legs, black leather bustier that was laced up the middle, brown leather belt, and black opera gloves. She was feeling a tad underdressed. “Yes Sir. Sir, I wanted to talk to you about that . . . problem that we’ve been investigating,” she said, glancing at the judge’s wife. She wasn’t sure how much Mrs. Grunholdt knew about —
“Oh, the morning star trade?”
“Ah, yes sir. I had an idea about trying to find the –”
“Just a moment.” Shane was looking her over carefully. “Come here.”
She walked over to him tentatively. He reached down and pulled the zipper of her pants down until it was just on the other side. Then he spun her around and finished pulling the zipper all the way up to her belt in the back. “Why do you even bother wearing underwear?” He stood up and shoved her stomach first on the desk, then kicked her legs apart. “Extend your arms.”
Shamira did as asked, her eyes locked on the judge’s wife. She couldn’t believe that Shane was doing this, but she would obey. ‘Why surprised?’ she thought. ‘She fucked him in front of everybody yesterday.’
“Tabitha, hold her wrists and keep her steady.” He watched as his envious blood donor grabbed his new recruit’s arms and held tight. Shamira now had her torso stretched, her feet on the floor, and her legs spread wide. He unzipped his own slacks and withdrew his already rigid member. Without any fanfare, he pushed her g-string aside and plunged his member into Shamira’s pussy and started to pump away. “Now, tell me your idea.”
“Unh . . . unh,” Shamira grunted, trying to get her brain back on track. “Faeries . . . they live in (unh) tight knit communities, but vampires (unh) and weres don’t. (Unh) If someone has (unh) set up shop to make morning star, then we should have some (unh) missing persons.” She chewed her bottom lip as she and Tabitha kept looking at each other’s eyes. The woman was watching Shane fuck her . . . take her like a cheap whore. It made Shamira wetter to think about it. Exhibitionism. Shane was indulging another fantasy of hers. He was also fingering her asshole. “If we could make contact with the faerie community (unh) then we might (unh) be able to find out which colony might (unh) be missing someone. If they (unh) have to keep the faeries alive so the blood (unh) is fresh for mixing and (unh) faeries are hard to keep trapped, then it could help narrow our (unh) field of . . . UNH!”
She grunted louder when he brought his hand down hard on her ass and plunged in hard at the same time. ” . . . search. Then search the immediate are to see if anyone actually (unh) knows of (UNH) missing vampires or . . . sweet Jesus.” She had lost her train of thought as the spanks started coming harder and faster. “I just . . . I don’t know how to get a hold of the faeries,” she whispered. “Sir, can I cum?”
“The proper phrasing is ‘MAY I cum,’ and no you may not.” He slapped her ass again as he took her over and over again. “It is a good idea. Faeries are suspicious, belligerent, and can be devious. You’re too inexperienced in the ways of our world to look for them on your own. Renata is familiar with the woodland creatures and is a good tracker. I know generally of one colony nearby, so she will help you find them and you will plead your case. Perhaps they will contact the other colonies.” He pulled out of her. “Tabitha, release her arms. Shamira, on your knees.”