Shamira hurried forward, her head poking through the whole in the other side. She noticed there were metal cuffs in the corners, two of which were secured to her ankles before the door behind her was closed. Then Clara walked around the front and reached through the openings in the cage, fastening the cuffs to Shamira’s wrists. Then the mistress slid the semi-circular pieces up and down until they formed a snug circle around Shamira’s neck, just above her slave collar. The muscular vampire was trapped.
“Now we’re going to try this again,” Clara explained as she went over and grabbed a handful of items from her workbench. She reached into the cage and fastened nipple clamps to those sturdy nubs.
Shamira groaned. It was pure, demonic heaven! There were little weights hanging from them, tugging relentlessly on her breasts. Then she felt similar clamps being applied to her inner labia, making her squirm even more. Next, something was getting shoved in her ass. It didn’t feel very long, but it was wide. ‘So THAT’S a butt plug,’ she thought. Then it started to vibrate. “Oh God!” Shamira groaned before she could stop herself.
“Tonight,” Clara said, reaching through the bars of the cage and pinching her sub’s ass hard, “I’m the only God or Goddess you’ll know.”
Shamira’s breasts and pussy were already filling the rest of her with a dull, perfect ache. She didn’t even notice that Clara had set up a television screen of some kind near the chair that the mistress had been sitting on earlier. And Clara herself had some kind of small, spy-like head-mounted camera on. She was looking down at Shamira’s captive body, and Shamira could see it all on screen.
“And this is being recorded,” Clara said, “and will be shown to the other members of the house. I want you to watch it, to remind you of what a dirty slut you’ve become. Now look at the camera and tell your audience what a slut you are and how much you’re looking forward to eating my pussy again.”
Shamira balked for a second, but started to speak quickly when Clara made a move to grab her hair. “I’m a slut,” she said, then felt an odd need to embellish. “I’m a dirty, nasty slut and I want to eat my mistress’s pussy.”
“Good girl,” Clara said, grabbing the woman’s thick hair-braid anyway and yanking on it. “Slow, but good.” She moved the chair closer to Shamira’s face and sat down, making sure her slave’s face was completely buried in Clara’s pussy. “Now try again.”
Shamira’s body was throbbing where the clamps were attached, and the humming plug in her ass was making her mad. She couldn’t do anything to satisfy her own desperate urge to cum, and knew that she probably wouldn’t see hide nor hair of release until she’d pleased Mistress Clara again. Shamira had just been given a job, and she was going to see it through.
She started slowly this time, pressing her tongue as deep into Clara’s cunt as she could. Strange, but she’d never liked the word cunt before, but now it was the best word ever. She spread her tongue out, increasing the pressure a little bit. She did a slow draw upward, ending by dragging her tongue over Clara’s clit. Then a quick kiss to that sensitive nub before circling the whole area with her tongue.
She found that sucking on that soft, wet skin got her as good a reaction as just licking everything, so she threw in more of that two. And sometimes, she looked up at the video screen over Clara’s shoulder. She could see the top half of her face, with her nose and mouth almost completely consumed by her mistress’s sex.
‘Do I really look like that?’ she wondered. She looked . . . kind of sexy. She also saw Clara looking down at her over that gorgeous light-brown body. The dominant woman was playing with her breasts the whole time that Shamira was consuming her pussy. Shamira wanted badly to please her mistress. ‘Maybe if I try something different –” She wasn’t sure why, but she decided to nuzzle Clara’s clit with her nose, lick down the slot and then trace her tongue around that puckered sphincter.
Clara let out a groan that pleased Shamira greatly. “Finally, the pet is showing some imagination,” Clara said. She grabbed her pet’s head and held it in place. “You started it, so be ready to finish it.”
A week earlier, Shamira would have thought this disgusting. Now, she didn’t have to think about anything, so it was all good. She lavished attention on both ass and pussy, her skills and confidence increasing by the moment. When Clara came again, rubbing her wet sex all over Shamira’s face, the woman in bondage felt a sense of accomplishment and power. She had brought a beautiful woman to orgasm, and she was in a frigging cage!
“Good girl,” Clara said happily. “Good girls get treats.” She got off the chair and went around to the back of the cage. She pulled the butt plug out, noticing a sigh of disappointment from her lover. Clara grinned, then slowly started to finger Shamira’s neglected pussy. “Who’s my good little whore?” she asked, thrusting two fingers into that greedy box.
“I am,” Shamira gasped. Thanks to the vibrations of the butt plug and the throbbing in both her nipples and pussy lips caused by the clamps, she was so ready to cum. The clamps on her pussy were suddenly removed, and the blood rushed back in, causing a different but also welcome pain. She almost came on the spot.
Clara reached her other hand through the cage bars and gripped that amazing ass, digging her nails into the taut flesh. “I need you wet,” she whispered. “How can we get you nice and wet?” She gripped Shamira’s ass harder. “I asked you a question, slut!”
“I’m sorry Mistress Clara,” Shamira said, feeling those fingers start to withdraw. “Please, if I cum, I’ll be wet –”
“Of course you will.” Clara reached underneath and pressed her fingers around that large clitoris and started to rub in circles. “And remember to ask permission –”
Shamira was way ahead of her. “PleasecanIcumMistressClarapleasecanI –”
Clara smiled. “I suppose you may.”
Shamira shoved outward with each limb as much as she could, and the steel of the cage started to groan. Her whole body was shivering as cum squirted from her deepest places and her pussy spasmed.
‘Good grief, I’m wet up to my elbow!’ Clara thought. ‘Well, if I wasn’t by now, I would’ve been soon anyway.’ “Poor pet. You must have needed that.”
“Yes, Mistress Clara. Thank you, Mistress Clara.”
“Look at the monitor,” Clara ordered. “Don’t take your eyes off of it until I tell you that you can. I want you to see how I reward good girls.” Her fingers started to move in and out of Shamira’s box, and she was satisfied that her pet was paying rapt attention to the monitor. She plunged her fingers in, sometimes curving them to stimulate the g-spot, other times spreading them to stretch the girl out. She was going to show this muscular whore what the “pleasure of submission” was really about.
Shamira watched and felt every move that her mistress made, but there was something else was happening that made her uncomfortable. She didn’t know how to say it, but hoped she would be forgiven if she did this wrong. “Mistress Clara, my nipples . . . they’re hurting a lot now and –”
“Well why didn’t you say so?” Clara asked, moving down and reaching into the cage, removing the offending clamps. The woman gasped with relief. “Always tell me when you have reached your limits. Yes, I will push you but I will not break you.” She pulled one of those breasts close to the wall of the cage, angling so that she could put her lips through the opening and suck gently on the tortured nub.
It almost made Shamira want to cum again. The burning and pain suddenly seemed worth it as her nipple was sucked into that soft, talented mouth and teased with that lovely tongue. It was suckled only for a moment, but it was beautiful while it lasted. “Thank you again, Mistress Clara.”
Clara didn’t respond. She moved to the back of the cage once again and her fingers went back to work. “I have a great many toys,” she explained, “and over the weeks, months, and years I will use them all on you. But now,” she said, deciding to use three fingers to violate her captive, “it is just your flesh and mine. I shall penetrate you in a way you’ve probably never imagined before, and from what Shane told me, you’ve imagined quite a bit.” She was up to four fingers, those long delicate digits scrunched together into a single mass. She kept pushing a little further and stretching her fingers out.
Shamira couldn’t take her eyes off the screen even if she had wanted to. She knew what Clara was going to do, and her mistress was right . . . she had never imagined that SHE could be taken like that. It made her pussy even wetter as she thought of it now.
The dominant woman’s hand pushed further and further, feeling the woman’s vaginal walls relax bit by bit. She tucked her thumb into the palm of her hand and pushed a little further. She wanted to make Shamira climax in a way that no one else in the house would be able to. She wasn’t quite sure why this competitive idea had come to her, but it was something she wanted regardless. She kept pushing further and further, feeling that tight pussy try and push back. The good thing about pushing vampires was that they could take a little more and bounce back quickly. Shamira could bounce back even faster. That thought made Clara smile. That thought made her push her hand all the way inside.
‘God that hurt!’ Shamira thought, her shoulders pressed tight against the front of the cage as her body instinctively tried to move away from this massive invasion. But the pain surprisingly evaporated quickly for her. Clara was inside her body, and she made Shamira feel so full.
“Good girl,” Clara said as her fuck puppet started to relax. “This is what being my pet gives you,” she said, reaching her other hand into the cage and stick a thumb into Shamira’s ass. She glanced up without turning her head, making sure the monitor was catching everything.