“My name is Thorias, and I am the Captain Illustrious of His Great and Royal Majesty the Most Illustrious Leader Frolthac of the Colony of Nature’s Glory’s Guard.”
‘Again without breathing,’ she thought. “Thorias, my name is Shamira, and we need to talk to his Majesty.”
“What’s in it for me?” the faerie said, hovering in front of her face and staring right down at her cleavage. “You are a fit lass,” he muttered.
‘Men are apparently pigs everywhere,’ she thought, though couldn’t blame him. Her vest pretty much put her tits on display for the world to see. “Gratitude? Knowledge that you might have helped stopped a heinous practice and . . . are you listening to me at all?”
Thorias was just staring at her tits. “By the Mother, those are huge!” he said. “Sorry, you were saying something?”
“Yes. We wanted to ask you to see if his Majesty would be willing to help us. We’re trying to hunt down some morning star dealers and –” Shamira stopped when Thorias vanished. “Damn it, we’re just trying to help!”
“I don’t think they’re listening.”
“So that’s it?”
“Now we wait.” Renata smiled. “I guess we’ll just have to find ways of passing the time.”
Shamira shook her head. “You’re insatiable, you know that?”
Renata grinned. “Don’t play coy with me. I saw that video Clara made of you in her clutches.”
“You saw that?!”
“Sweetie, it’s on the server. Everyone has seen it.”
“Oh God!”
“I seem to remember you saying that a lot . . . just before you passed out from getting fisted.”
Shamira buried her head in her hands. “I think I’m going to crawl into a hole and die now.”
“Why?” Renata snuggled her naked form up against the muscular young vamp. “You do realize that none of us have a problem with you being a freak, don’t you? We all are. That’s why we work well together.”
Shamira was looking around. “Wish I knew where they went. How long do we wait?” For some reason, she wanted to change the subject.
“I got nowhere to be until Monday morning when my flight leaves.” The werejaguar took a deep sniff. “They’re not close. Anyway, stop changing the subject. You know that Shane put that fantasy list of yours in the same server folder as the video, right?”
Shamira’s eyes shot open. She knew he’d shared some info, but this . . . this was putting her perversions out there for the world.
“See, there you go again!”
“You look all disturbed and shit. You didn’t seem this upset when you came until you passed out, or when you were getting head from a friggin’ jaguar.”
Shamira blanched. “I just . . . I was just caught up in the moment?” The last came out as a questioning whimper.
“You put yourself in a position where you CAN be caught up in the moment, submit to someone, then second-guess yourself. You’re sweet and you’re hot, but that attitude is chicken-shit.”
“I mean it. Yeah, you finally admitted what you want, and that takes balls. But you haven’t gotten the important part through that skull of yours.”
“Which is?”
“That it’s not just about knowing what you want. It’s accepting that the wanting is okay. You have to let yourself realize that wanting to get chained up and fucked is okay, or that having Clara do her thing or me were’ing out and licking you silly is okay. You can’t go into everything expecting to feel bad or weird about it afterward. What you want doesn’t hurt anyone. Well, it hurts you a little, but in a yummy-good way.”
Shamira leaned into the other woman, reveling in her nakedness. “I remember when knowing that I was attracted to women too was too much to handle for me, but now all this? How do you know when it’s just too much?”
Renata kissed her on the cheek. “You’ll just have to trust yourself to know when that happens. For me, it’s when it stops being fun, or someone else gets hurt.” She sighed. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re doing really well. With all of it. But I promise that the sooner you accept that being a sex fiend is cool, the better off you’ll be.”
Shamira nodded. “I am trying. I really am.”
“I know.”
“How touching,” came a new voice, as suddenly the two women were surrounded by hundreds of glowing lights. One of them was putting off considerably more light than the others, and it drew closer. “Now explain why I shouldn’t kill you where you sit.”
Both girls blinked, looked at each other, shrugged, then looked back. “Because you have no good reason to?” Renata said.
“Because we haven’t done anything wrong, and faeries don’t use lethal force unless threatened.” She looked at the tiny man floating before her. He was a little more squared off than Thorias had been . . . ruggedly handsome, in a diminutive kind of way.
“Captain Illustrious Thorias says that you are dealing in morning star, a crime punishable by death in our world.”
“Sir,” Thorias muttered, flitting up on dragonfly wings, “what I said was –”
“We’re not dealing IN morning star,” Shamira protested, “we’re dealing WITH it! As in trying to track the guys down who are doing the killing and distributing? And the buying?”
“That’s what I said!” Thorias reiterated.
“No, you flew into the royal bedchamber while I was giving the Queen a royal thrill and starting screaming about giants and morning star.”
“If you call that a royal thrill, I would hate to see what you give to the peasant women you’re ‘thrilling.’ I could barely stay awake.” This new voice was distinctly feminine. “No wonder I have a dozen other lovers.”
“Ouch!” Renata said, grinning at this woman’s audacity. She didn’t even need to see the little crown on the woman’s head to tell that she was the queen. The little woman flew up to Renata, scoping out the naked were with obvious interest.
“Very, very nice,” the Queen cooed. “Were? What kind?”
“Jaguar,” Renata replied, leaning back on her elbows and letting her Majesty enjoy the show.
“I love kitties,” the Queen said with a grin.
“Harlots!” the king shouted. But Shamira looked closely, and he was grinning. Then he noticed that he was being stared and he put his business face back on. “So why are you here then?”
Shamira explained her whole theory about how she wanted to isolate the dealers’ location, emphasizing the importance of the faeries in instigating the plan. For tiny creatures, they had enormous egos and catering to that would help their cause.
“So if you have a way to contact the other colonies in Georgia –”
“We don’t,” the King said.
“Yes we do,” the Queen replied, sounding somewhat miffed.
“Do not.”
“Do too!”
“It’s like they’re five,” Shamira whispered.
“Five inches tall, maybe,” snickered Renata. She needed to go along with Shamira more often. Her missions were amusing.
“I heard that!” the Kind and Queen said in tandem.
“Please, your Majesties, if you would explain why you are unable to help us –” Shamira started.
“There is nothing that the Colony of Nature’s Glory cannot do!” the King yipped.
“But you said –”
“Never mind what he said,” the Queen interrupted. “Communicating with other colonies in such a broad manner is difficult. It requires a great deal of energy, and there is no guarantee that we will even be able to reach them all.”
“What kind of energy?” Shamira asked.
The Queen shrugged her tiny shoulders. “Back in the Savage Days, we used death energy, but that isn’t allowed anymore.”
“When were the Savage Days?”
“The 1980’s. Anyway, death energy requires a living sacrifice. Blood energy might work, but it would have to be some good blood.” The queen eyed both women, particularly Shamira. “I’ve got a good vibe from you.”
“How much blood?”
“A lot, and it’s also the method of extraction.”
Shamira shuddered. “What about sexual energy?” she said, her voice heavier than before.
Renata rolled her eyes and thought, ‘Here we go again.’
This time it was the King who spoke. “It is a lengthy and complicated ritual. It takes more sexual energy than it does blood energy, and the kind of spell that we’re talking about covering that much area . . . I don’t know how many peoples’ energy would be required. We’d be doing the casting, so you –”
“Would be providing the energy,” Shamira finished. “Non-lethal?”
“Yes, but it is usually too much for normals,” the Queen explained, “so if you really want our help, you might want to think about –”
“Sexual energy,” Shamira said quickly. “How long do you need to prepare the spell?”
Renata growled. “Shamira, let’s talk to Shane first.” She looked back to the Queen, who was still hovering around the were’s breasts. “Your majesty, we would like your help. Could you prepare for either spell if we were to return in . . . oh say, a week?”
“Quite easily.”
Shamira was getting angry. This had been her idea, and now Renata was taking over?
It didn’t take a were to sense the tension that had suddenly filled the air, but Renata was going to do her job. “We will come back then at high midnight. Is there anything that we need to provide?”
“Besides a willing body? I mean participant?” the King asked, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “Nope. Though you might want to bring someone to transport you home. And maybe some food and drink to replenish your strength. And something to ease the pain, and extra blood for the vampire. Just in case.”
“Thank you,” Renata continued, “you do a great honor to our people and yours.”