Molly’s POV
I was kneeling on the ground with tears running down my cheeks. I was so scared, and I felt very confused over the fight that was happening around me. There was blood everywhere, and the lady in front of me, who was doing her best to hold the barrier around us, looked so tired.
Why did they bring me to such a dangerous place in the first place? Was Harley even here?
Wait, Harley!
I got to my feet, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath to calm myself down. Once I felt better, I opened them.
“Harley! Where are you? Harley, I am so scared right now!” I screamed at the top of my voice as the lady looked at me in surprise.
I knew it was useless for her to hear my voice because the growls and snarls around me were very loud. But it was still worth a try.
“Harley, please! It’s me, Molly!” I screamed, then sighed in relief when I saw her come out of the huge mansion, running.
She looked around with a shocked expression on her face, then raised her hands.
“Stop!” she screamed in a voice that turned into a loud rumble I had never heard before. It was like that of a huge beast. Her hands were covered in fire, and her hair was blowing in mid-air. Her eyes were a shade of purple, and she had this aura around her that was so dominant it made everyone turn and look her way.
“I will burn each and every one of you if I have to. So stop this fight!” she warned.
All the werewolves that were part of the place we were in slowly began lying down. It shocked me to see these huge werewolf beasts submitting, especially since she was so small compared to them.
I had no idea why I wasn’t startled by the fire coming from her hands. Maybe it was because of everything I had already seen and observed.
I gasped loudly when the men and women who had shifted into werewolves began shifting back into human form-naked. Luckily, they were all kneeling, with their backs turned towards me.
The lady in front of me dropped her shield, and when she clapped, a golden ray swept over everyone. Instantly, the ones we had come with were clothed and shod. I was amazed by her magic, though I couldn’t say a word.
The largest wolf, who seemed to own the place, dashed toward Harley, who had lowered her hands.
It looked down at her and, without a word, darted into the huge mansion.
“Everyone, please-” Harley called loudly, but I couldn’t hear the rest of her words. I suddenly felt dizzy, lost my balance, and collapsed. Before I hit the ground, warm hands caught me.
I wanted to see who was kind enough to catch me, but my eyes grew heavy. All I could feel were the beautiful tingles I’d experienced when that man held my hand before we crossed the portal. Then, everything went dark.
“Are you sure she’s okay?” I heard Harley’s voice. She sounded loud, panicked.
“I assure you, Vanessa is an excellent healer. She said your friend fainted from panic and stress. Also, I’m sorry if you didn’t know this, but it seems your friend has a heart problem,” a deep male voice responded.
“What?” another male voice asked.
“Hey, just because I didn’t cut off your fucking head doesn’t mean I’m okay with you being in my damn pack,” the man with the deep voice warned.
“I don’t care what you say, Alpha. I’m not leaving my mate. If you want, go ahead and kill me because it’ll be over my dead body that I leave her behind,” the second male voice shot back.
“Sky, please let him be. I’m sure Molly would appreciate it too. And what Vanessa said can’t be right. Molly is my close friend-like a sister to me. If she had a heart problem, she would’ve told me,” Harley said softly.
“I’m really sorry, babe, but our healer is always right. She’s not just a healer; she’s also a professional doctor who studied with humans to improve her skills,” the deep voice replied.
“Is my mate dying?” the other male asked, his voice low.
“No, she’s not! Vanessa must be wrong!” Harley nearly screamed.
“I’m not sure about that, so I can’t say much. All I can tell you is that I trust Vanessa completely. Once this human wakes up, Vanessa will do a thorough exam and let us know,” the man with the deep voice answered.
I blinked a few times as I opened my eyes and looked at Harley, who quickly moved to my side and grabbed my hand.
“Molly, how are you feeling?” she asked softly.
“I feel fine,” I answered after swallowing hard.
“You fainted a few minutes ago. Do you remember?” she asked, her voice full of concern.
Of course, I did-I remembered everything.
“I do,” I replied.
“Um… who caught me when I was about to fall?” I asked softly.
“That would be Paul,” she answered.
“Paul? Who’s Paul?” I whispered, holding my breath as the man I was attracted to stepped closer.
“Hey,” he whispered with a smile.
I raised my free hand, which he quickly took.
“Paul,” I called, just to confirm it was him.
“Yes,” he answered.
I smiled as those beautiful tingles spread throughout my body.
This was the first time I had ever felt so attracted to someone who was a complete stranger. If my fiance knew about this, he’d be disappointed and hurt. But I couldn’t help myself-I wanted to know more about this man and be around him as much as possible.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
“I feel… different,” I answered honestly.
“What do you mean?” Harley asked.
“I feel confused, and also surprised by the emotions I’m experiencing,” I admitted.
“I think it’s because of the sudden fight that broke out,” she suggested, but I shook my head.
“It’s not that. I admit I was scared and confused by everything going on, but right now I feel different,” I replied. Then I pulled my hand away from hers and placed it on top of Paul’s.
“I don’t know how to explain this, but I’ve never felt this kind of attraction toward anyone before,” I confessed, immediately regretting it as everyone stared at me like I wasn’t supposed to say such a thing.