Book:LOST IN LUST {erotic short stories} Published:2025-2-8

He snapped a few photos. She moved around, posing in ever more seductive poses. Ben could feel himself getting more and more turned on.
He had dreamed of telling her to lean forward so that he could get a better look at her breasts, but then she did it for him without needing to be prompted. She bent down and pouted with those gorgeous lips of hers. What would it be like to have those lips wrapped around his cock? He could only dream. But what a dream it was. Her on her knees, those big, beautiful eyes of hers turned up to look at him as his cock slid in and out of her mouth. His cum on her face, on her breasts. It would be perfection.
He stood behind the lens. He saw that beautiful mouth of hers, he saw her breasts bulging forward as she bent down, trying to escape. He wished that they would just pop out. They seemed so close to it. How on earth were they still staying inside her dress?
She came close to him.
“How are they looking?” she asked.
“Good,” he replied. Once more it seemed to come out as a croak. He cleared his throat and repeated it, more clearly, trying to sound confident.
She was standing right next to him, her arm touching his. The touch was electric. Her skin was so soft and smooth. He wanted to move his arm up and down to get some idea of what it would feel like to stroke her skin properly.
She was so short next to him. As he showed her the photos he looked down at her. If only she didn’t have her head turned down to have a look at the camera he’d have a better view down her dress. But what he was experiencing – her touch, the scent of her – felt like enough to him right then.
“Oh, wow,” she said breathlessly, “these really are pretty special. You have quite a talent. I wonder what other talents you have.”
He kept scrolling through the photos, not knowing how to respond to that last remark.
“Oh!” Carol said suddenly, “Stop, show me that one. Go back.”
She had picked out the one where she was leaning forward and pouting. “I like that one,” she muttered softly.
Ben nodded lightly as he looked at it. The line of her breasts, the pouting lips. How close were her nipples to being exposed in that shot? Maybe if she’d just leaned a little bit further forward, arched her back just a little bit more. It was so, so close. He wanted more.
“Maybe we should try that one again?” she said. “Sure. Why not?”
She walked in front of him and turned to look at him. She had a serious look on her face but then she couldn’t help but burst out laughing. The sound was like music to him.
She leaned over and for a moment he was so enraptured by what he was seeing that he forgot to start taking photos.
He lifted the camera and began shooting. He tried to focus on the job at hand. But then something happened and he lost all of his focus.
“Let’s try something different,” she said, practically purring.
She reached up with each of her hands, crossing them over her ample chest, and hooked under the straps of her dress with her fingers.
She tugged them and they fell down. Now all that was holding the dress up was the swell of her breasts that pushed outward into the material.
She leaned down again. This time the dress seemed to go just that little bit further down. Ben was watching with his mouth wide open. More of her breasts were exposed. He was sure that in the dark, secretive shadows he could see something. Just the hint of her nipples. They looked so good, so tempting. He had never wanted anything quite as much as he wanted them right then.
Carol laughed again.
“Well?” she said, “Are you going to take a photo or just stare?” Ben blushed.
“Oh! Sorry. Of course.”
He took a photo. He didn’t think that it was a particularly good photo. He wasn’t really concentrating on what it was that he was meant to be doing.
She straightened her back and stood up straight. She tilted her head to one side and bit her lip. It was driving him crazy.
“You liked having a look then, didn’t you?” she said, teasing him. The thought flashed through his mind that he was being mocked, but then he didn’t see any hint of cruelty on her face.
“Maybe we should try something different,” she said.
She took hold of the top of her dress and tugged at it. He could barely believe what he was seeing. He couldn’t believe that this was actually happening.
But then it did happen. She pulled the dress down. Her breasts caught in it for a few moments and then bounced free.
He stood there, staring at them. They were incredible, everything that he had ever hoped and dreamed that they would be. They sat there, perfectly formed. Her nipples were big and round. Her breasts were as tanned as the rest of her. For a moment he thought about the fact that she must sunbathe topless when she was alone in the garden. He wondered what it would be like to walk around into the garden and see her like that, lying there with those amazing breasts out in the sun. He thought about jerking off over her as she lay there, surprising her when his cum covered her.
But he didn’t have to imagine anything right then. Because her breasts were right there now, right in front of him. And they were everything he had ever dreamed that they would be.
He stared at them. He wanted to go over to her, reach out to them. It took him a few moments to come back to his senses and realize that she was watching him as he stared at her naked breasts. He dragged his eyes back to her face.
“Hmm,” she said, “I guess if you’re not going to take a photo of them then I may as well put them away,” and just like that she pulled her dress up and covered herself again. He felt a sense of disappointment then. Was that it? Was that really all that she was going to show him?
“You know,” she said, “If you want to see them again then I think you’re going to have to get them out yourself.”
And before he could answer she began walking towards him. Within just a few short moments she was standing right in front of him.
He realized that his cock had fully hardened now. It had only been stirring before but now it was hard and throbbing in his pants, straining to get out. He had no thoughts of trying to hide it now, however. Let it do what it wanted to do. Let her notice if she was going to notice. He thought about the possibility of her coming even closer and brushing up against it and suddenly he didn’t think that her finding out that he was hard would really be so bad. He could feel it throbbing in his pants. It was the ultimate physical expression of just how much he wanted her.
She looked up at him.