It was an impossible dream, however. She must have hundreds of men chasing after her. Confident, older, successful men. How could he ever hope to compete with that? There was just no point dwelling on it.
Ben headed to the front door with the camera in his hands. He had a smile ready on his face, hoping that he could quickly defuse any potential tenseness between the two of them.
After he’d knocked on the door he waited. Finally, it was opened. The smile froze on his face. It wasn’t Phil who answered but Carol.
“Oh! Hello, Ben. What a nice surprise! What can I do for you?”
He had many answers for that. Many answers about what she could do for him. He would have loved to tell her “you can get down on your knees and suck my cock. Suck it till I cum on your face, on your hot little body,” but
of course he could never say anything like that. And besides, what kind of reaction did he really think that he’d get from a comment like that?
She was looking as good as she ever had. She was wearing a light blue dress. He would have loved to see her in a short dress but this one went most of the way to the ground. It clung tightly to her body, however. He could see the curve of her hips, the line of her legs. He could see where it perfectly accentuated her breasts. He could also see just how low cut it was and it took all of his willpower not to stare at her breasts. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Was she wearing any underwear? He would have loved to find out.
The dress had two thin straps holding it up. Surely it wouldn’t be hard to reach out and push them off her shoulders. But the way that the dress held onto her breasts he didn’t think that would be enough to get her out of it. He’d have to give it a little tug. He’d love to have the opportunity to do so.
From the curve of her breasts, the dress stayed close to the slight curve of her stomach. He could feel the desire within him, stirring in his stomach. He felt his pulse quicken. What was it that she had asked him? How long had it been since she had spoken? How long had he just been standing there, completely mute, trying to focus on her face rather than looking down?
“I…” he said, trying to remember just what he was doing there. Then he remembered the camera in his hands.
“I just brought this back for Phil. I borrowed it a while ago.”
“Ah, I see. There I was thinking that you’d come all this way to visit me! Well, Phil isn’t here right now.”
“OK. Can I just give you the camera?”
“Sure! But why don’t you come in? Seems a shame to come all this way and not stop for a drink. And besides, a woman does get lonely sometimes. You know, being here without any man to keep her company.”
Ben didn’t know what to say to this. He had to look away for a moment but then managed to look back at her. She was looking at him expectantly. He didn’t know if he was supposed to say something.
“Well?” she asked, “How about it? Want to come in for a drink?” “Sure, I guess so. Sounds good.”
He followed her inside. He could see her ass perfectly defined by that dress, and once again he found himself wondering whether or not she had any panties on. Her dress was cut very low in the back and he could see the tanned skin of her back. It was flawless. He wanted to reach out and touch it so much. He wondered what it would be like to stroke it.
He thought about bending her over, pulling her dress up, eating her ass.
They went through to the kitchen and she poured him a drink of orange juice.
“So,” she said after a while, “What were you doing with Phil’s camera?”
I was just practicing my photography skills a bit. It’s kind of hard as I don’t have a good camera of my own. It’s good to get the chance to use this one. I really do appreciate Phil lending it to me.”
“What kind of photos do you like to take?”
“Mostly landscapes. I go out to the countryside and just see what I can find.”
“Nice. Do you ever take any photos of people?”
“Like portraits?”
“Sure. I guess so. Like portraits.”
“Not really. I mean, I’ve never really had the opportunity to do that kind of thing.”
“Well? Would you like the opportunity?” “What do you mean?”
“I wanted to try this dress on today. I was kind of curious to see if it would still fit. It’s been years since I wore it. I think I still look pretty damned good in it. I mean, it still fits, doesn’t it?”
“It… it does…”
“So, how about taking some photos of me.”
“I… I guess so. Yeah. That’d be good. I’ll just go to my car and get one of my memory cards.”
He headed outside. His face felt warm. What is this, he wondered to himself. Was something really about to happen? Was it already happening? He told himself to calm down. It was just his friend’s mom wanting some photos. Nothing more. But at least maybe he’d get to look at her up close without it seeming weird.
He felt a bit nervous heading back inside. What was he supposed to do with Carol now? He had never had his own personal life model before. Was he supposed to order her to pose how he wanted her? He had some ideas about how he would like her to pose. Leaning down to show off her amazing cleavage. Bent over with her sweet ass in the air. So many possibilities. But how could he possibly give her instructions like that? He felt that whatever happened next she was going to be calling the shots. Of course, he’d do exactly what she told him to. What other choice did he have?
He walked back to the kitchen and she led him through to the garden.
“How about here?” she asked. She leaned against a tree, folding her arms underneath her breasts and smiling seductively at him.
“Perfect,” he said, but it came out as more of a croak. He thought that he saw the laughter in her eyes at that. Did she know what she was doing to him? Was this all just a game for her? He could feel his cock stirring. He had to get control of himself.