“What do you say?” she said. He looked down at her. She was so perfect. He could bend her hot little body into all of the positions he could imagine. Although he was still sure that if anything happened then it would be her taking the lead.
He reached out and took hold of her face in his hand. He stroked it. So soft, so perfect.
He didn’t know what to do. But that didn’t matter because his instincts had taken over.
He bent down. She strained to get closer to him and make the moment of buildup and expectation even shorter. She went up on her tiptoes.
And then his lips touched hers. He kissed her quickly, closing his eyes. Then he moved his head back to look at her and see her reaction. He could see her more closely now than he had ever seen her before. He thought that she looked flawless. She smiled at him encouragingly. That was all that he needed.
He leaned down to kiss her again and she took hold of his face in both of her hands, holding him there and not letting him pull back again. He put both of his hands on her waist, feeling the curve of her body.
He felt her tongue probing his. Adrenaline rushed his finger. His cock was pushing so hard in his pants that he could feel it aching.
One hand moved up her body and took hold of one of her breasts.
Now it was her turn to break the kiss. She stepped back from him. He could see the color in her cheeks and he realized that she really and truly wanted this just as much as he did, even though it was her who had broken the kiss. Her breasts were heaving with her breathing.
“Not here,” she said. She took his hand and led him through the house. They went into her bedroom. He realized that he had never been in there before. He felt as though this was going to be a day for firsts, however.
He could see the large bed that dominated the room. The thought went through his head that he was going to be on that bed soon enough.
Carol turned to him and started kissing him again. She ran her hands through his hair as he leaned down to her. She moved her head to the side of his so that she could whisper into his ear.
“Go on,” she said. He felt her breath, hot, in his ear, “They’re all yours now. You can do anything you want now. Anything at all.”
It took him a moment to realize just what she meant. His brain couldn’t quite seem to process it. But then he knew. He felt his cock throbbing, throbbing harder than ever as his hand moved up her dress and took hold of one of her breasts once again through the material. He squeezed it gently and began to massage it. He kissed her hard and she reached behind him and grabbed hold of his ass, pulling him toward her so that their bodies came together. He pushed up against her, his cock pushing at her. He thought for a moment that she was pulling away from him when he felt her move, but then he felt the motion and she started grinding herself against him. She broke the kiss and looked up at him. Her eyes were big – they had a look of innocence even though they both knew that she was anything but innocent. It was driving him wild.
She took hold of the top of her dress once again, just as she had outside, and he knew what was coming.
She pulled the dress down and he saw her breasts bounce out once again. He let out a slight gasp. He wanted them, and they were right there for him.
He reached out and grabbed hold of her ass – feeling the softness of it – and began kissing her, roughly, on the mouth.
One of his hands moved up and took hold of one of her breasts. He began kissing her throat and he heard her moan softly as his hand worked on her breast. He found one of the nipples – those beautiful, round, brown nipples. He took hold of it and felt it stiffen under the touch of his fingers and heard her moaning intensify. He bit lightly at her throat.
“Go on, go on,” she ordered him with breathless urgency.
He knew what she wanted and he knew that he wanted to give it to her.
His mouth moved down further. He kissed the top of her breasts – the part that he had seen on display before, the part that had started his obsession with them.
He moved his mouth further down, kissing and licking at her as he went. At last, he found her nipple. He ran his teeth over it – not biting it, just feeling the contours of it. He kissed it. Then he moved his mouth towards the other one, the one where his hand was, and he kissed that one as well. He moved back to the first one and began sucking on the nipple. His hand went back to where it had been, massaging her breast. He sucked hard on her nipple and heard her cry out.
This was just as he had always dreamed it would be. He sucked on her nipple as she continued pushing herself up against his cock.
She ran a hand through his hair and then took hold of his head and pushed it away from her. He looked at her. He wanted to lunge forward and reattach his mouth to her nipple. He could see his saliva on it, glistening. But he knew that if she had pushed him away like that then there must be a reason for it. And he was there to do her bidding. He was completely at her mercy. He would do anything that she told him to now, and he was sure that she must know that.
She tugged at her dress, getting it all the way down. He saw that she was wearing a tiny little G string. He assumed that was to avoid any lines in the dress. Whatever the reason, he loved how it looked. He couldn’t believe that she was now standing there in front of him wearing nothing but that tiny bit of clothing.
He put one hand on her waist and began to slip it around to her ass, wanting to feel it properly under his hand. However, she had other ideas.
“No, no,” she said, pushing him lightly backward, one hand on his chest, “It’s your turn now. You’re far too overdressed.”
He didn’t immediately realize what it was that she wanted him to do. He always seemed to be one or two steps behind her, it seemed.
She didn’t want to wait for him to catch up. She grabbed hold of his T-shirt and began pulling at it. He lifted his arms and she slid it up over his head. She looked at his body and he could see a look of hunger in her eyes. She ran her hands over him, then she began doing to his body what he had been doing to her breasts – licking, kissing, giving him gentle and playful little bites.
His hands went to her again, moving over her body. He had been so focused on her breasts but now he could see just how amazing the rest of her was. He moved over her flat, taut belly. He lingered on her belly button, one finger running around it lazily.
His other hand moved round to her ass. He gave it a light slap. She looked up at him and let out a surprised little gasp before going back to his body.
He took hold of it, kneaded it.
He felt one of her hands on his stomach. It moved down and she shoved it right into his pants.
Suddenly he felt it wrapped around his cock. She squeezed it and now it was his turn to let out a surprised little gasp. Once again he found himself filled with a sense of disbelief that this was happening to him.
She left his hand on her ass and grabbed hold of the other one that had been making its way back up to her breasts. She took it by the wrist and shoved it into her panties.