Book:LOST IN LUST {erotic short stories} Published:2025-2-8

However, as she pulled out of the office car park she thought that something in her car didn’t seem right. Perhaps if her day at work had been better she would have gone back into the office to see if anyone there knew anything about cars, but the way that her day had gone she just wanted to get the hell out of there. She was sure that she would be able to get home and she could worry about her car then. If it still felt funny then she would sort out a mechanic then.
Unfortunately, she got halfway home when the motor started sputtering. “Come on, come on,” she muttered.
It was no good. She felt the power going and just had enough time to pull over to the side of the road.
She pulled out her phone to call for help and was dismayed to see that her battery was dead.
She got out of the car and sat on the bonnet. She looked around, feeling frustrated with the whole situation. What was she to do?
Just as she was contemplating looking around for the nearest gas station where she could find a phone to use, a car pulled up in front of her. A woman stuck her head out of one of the windows.
Hey!” the woman called out to her, “do you need some help?”
“Oh, thank God!” May replied, “yes, please. I’ve broken down and my phone is dead. I don’t suppose you’ve got a phone I could borrow do you?”
“Ah, I don’t have mine on me, sorry. Hang on,” She turned and spoke to someone else in the car.
“No,” she said, turning back to May, “we’ve both left ours at home. Sorry. We can give you a lift somewhere if you like?”
“That’d be a great help, thank you.”
May went over to the car. She got in the back seat. The woman turned round to her.
“Hi,” she said, “My name is Rose.”
“May,” May replied.
She finally got a proper look at the woman. As flustered as she was, she had to admit that this was a very attractive woman. She looked as though she was about the same age as May. She had pale skin and short, curled, black hair. Her makeup was quite dark, which matched her hair and accented just how light her skin was.
Her eyes were large and brown. There was something alluring about them. She smiled at May and May smiled back at her.
The man in the driver’s seat turned around.
“Please to meet you, May. I’m Tom.”
He was just as attractive as Rose, in his way. He was tanned, with a handsome, rugged, face with a strong jawline and bright blue eyes. His hair was dark and cut short.
“Hi,” she said.
“So, where are we taking you?”
She gave them her address.
“Again, thank you so much for this.”
They made small talk on the way back to her home. Tom and Rose asked her plenty of questions about herself and she did her best to answer, although some of the questions seemed quite personal and she wasn’t quite sure how to take them. Sometimes she was sure that she caught the two of them looking at one another and it was as though they were trying to tell each other something without speaking. She almost felt excluded from whatever it was.
She felt comfortable with both of them, however. That was why, when they pulled up at her house, she invited them both in for a drink to say thank you for all their help. They agreed immediately, and she almost felt as though they had been expecting it. But she was happy to show her gratitude, so she was glad that they agreed to come inside.
There was something more to it as well. If she was being honest with herself, she wanted to spend some more time with them as well. There was just something about them, she found herself drawn to them somehow.
She led them inside. She brought them both to the kitchen and got them their drinks.
They continued chatting. On the surface, it didn’t feel as though anything had changed since they had come inside, but May started to feel as though there was a bit of a change in the atmosphere.
She wasn’t sure if it was just that she was immediately more at ease in her house, and all the stress seemed to have just melted away, or if it was just this connection that she seemed to feel with these two, but she felt happiness at having them there, as well as a kind of excitement. She felt as though anything could happen, even though she didn’t know just what that “anything” might be.
She was standing by the sink with the two of them standing nearby at a table, leaning back on it.
The two of them were looking at her and she almost felt as though she was being observed in some critical way. She didn’t feel self-conscious, however. In fact, she felt as though she wanted them to approve of her. She
didn’t understand where that feeling came from. She wasn’t used to it. She had always been a very independent kind of person. These two just seemed to have a strange effect on her.
“You know,” Rose said, looking closely at her, almost critically, “you’re a very beautiful woman. Isn’t she, Tom?”
She took hold of his hand, as though she was encouraging him to respond.
“Oh, yes,” he replied, looking May up and down, not even trying to hide it, “She certainly is beautiful.”
“Thank you,” May said, blushing slightly, “You are both… very attractive as well.”
They both smiled at her. There was something of an awkward silence then. It was as though some secret was out now – all of the cards were on the table.
“Anyway,” Rose said. “Anyway,” Tom, echoed.
The two of them looked at each other and once again May was sure that something had passed between the two of them, as though they were making some kind of decision about what to do next.
Then, as though they had settled on a final decision, Rose stepped forward. She walked over to May. Suddenly May had a realization about just what
the atmosphere was and what it had been that she sensed might be about to happen.
For a moment, she felt trapped. Then the feeling seemed to fade. She had always had a sense of adventure. This was something that she had never done before, however, never even considered it.
But now that the idea had occurred to her and now that it seemed as though it might really happen, she found herself eager for it, eager to see just what would happen next.
Rose walked up to her. It felt as though it was happening in slow motion, but somehow at the same time, it all felt as though it was happening too fast, far too fast. Was this really what she wanted? She decided that the only way she would know for certain would be when it actually was happening.
Then, even as she was coming to this conclusion, Rose was there, right in front of her.
Rose was slightly taller than she was. It was enough of a height difference to mean that she had to turn her face upward slightly to look at the other woman’s face.
Their eyes met. May felt as though there were sparks shooting between them. She knew that this was happening – that this was about to happen – but still, she couldn’t quite believe it.
She felt Rose’s hand brush her cheek. The touch was soft as a breeze, so soft that she could almost have thought that it was nothing more than her
imagination, except for the fact that Rose was right there, right in front of her, her face moving in closer and closer.
May could feel her heart racing but at the same time, she felt strangely relaxed. She felt herself relaxing – almost to the point of melting – and then she saw Rose’s eyes close, her lips part. She saw the slight shine of moisture on Rose’s lips and then they were on hers.
Their touch was soft, yet at the same time, they felt strangely insistent. As soon as their lips connected May felt as though she was truly coming alive. This was it, she thought to herself. Something that she had never even known that she wanted, and now it was hers, all hers.
She reached up with one hand, slightly unsure if this was something that she should really be doing.
Then her hand was on the smooth, soft, skin of Rose’s face and it felt right, oh so right.
She held her there as they kissed. Rose’s hand was on her cheek as well, on the opposite side.
They held one another as their lips moved over each other, as their kiss continued. Their tongues came together – May felt Rose’s push past her teeth and hers went to meet it.
Their tongues moved slowly over one another’s as their hands stroked each other’s faces slowly.