CONTENT: Threesome, lesbian, sixty-nine, face sitting, blow jobs, pussy licking, jerk off, fingering, titty sucking, oral.
May, late twenties. She’s on her way home from work when her car breaks down. But then a couple picks her up to give her a lift home. Rose and Tom, late twenties couple. They give May a lift home and she invites them in. When they get inside, Rose makes a move on May. They get down to it while Tom watches, and then Tom joins in as well.
May had been wondering just how her day could get any worse when it happened.
The day hadn’t started off so badly. It might have been better if her husband had been there to wake her up properly, as he so often did, but he was out of town on business.
She had woken up and stretched out, with a smile on her face, but when she felt the empty side of the bed next to her she had scowled slightly. She knew that it wouldn’t be long till he was back, though. Her scowl had turned into a smile, then. She thought about how good it always was whenever he came back from one of his trips.
She thought about what it was always like when she heard his key in the door. How she would look up, expectantly.
Then he would be there. She’d run to him, kissing him all over, throwing herself at him.
Sometimes he would pick her up. She’d wrap her arms and her legs around him and he’d carry her through to the bedroom. He’d throw her down on the bed and she’d look up at him, desperately wanting him, wanting his body, wanting his cock.
He’d tease her, slowly taking his clothes off. The anticipation was exquisite torture.
Then, when he had stripped right down to his boxer shorts, he’d come to her.
He had a great body – he was in his early thirties and in good shape, with a lean, firm body.
She’d look at his boxer shorts and see the rise of his cock there. The excitement would grow even further.
Then he’d come to her on the bed. Her hands would be on his body as he kissed her, as she felt him unwrap her from her clothes as though she was his very own, special, present. She had a good body – toned and tight with a flat stomach, round, firm, ass, and good-sized breasts. She had a beautiful face with big, full, lips and big, blue eyes that, combined with her long, blonde, hair, seemed to give her a look of innocence that didn’t match up with her real appetites.
She’d feel his hands, his mouth, on her body. She’d be doing the same to him, feeling the firmness of his muscles, her hand running down his body, down toward his boxer shorts.
They’d use their hands, their mouths, on one another.
She’d love the feel of his fingers and his tongue exploring her pussy – the delicate touch as he did all those things to her that she enjoyed so much.
She’d love taking hold of that big, hard, cock of his. She’d feel every single contour, every single vein, of it as she toyed with it. She loved taking it in her mouth, the feel of that hot, hard, thing in there, feeling so alive as she sucked on it, hearing his ragged breathing as she knew he was loving every second of it.
He’d bring her to unimaginable levels of pleasure – every single time he came back it seemed to be even better than it had ever been before, or maybe it was just that she had forgotten just how incredible it was.
Then he’d be on top of her. She’d know that this was the moment, that moment that she had been waiting for all this time.
Then she’d feel him pushing his cock inside her. She’d feel her pussy stretched out and it would all come back to her, the memory of feeling it, deep inside of her.
She’d cry out as he fucked her hard, both of them wanting to unleash all of the expectation, all of the frustration over how long they had waited for this, all those nights they had laid awake imagining what this moment would be like when it finally arrived. And it never disappointed.
She would lie there afterward, exhausted. Sometimes they would do it more than once in the same night. Sometimes she would go for a drink in the night and come back to find that she had woken him up and he was ready to go again, his cock hard and expectant.
Often she’d sleep in late the following day, completely spent. Sometimes she’d get woken up by something pushing at her face. Her eyes would open and his cock would be right there, hard and ready for her. She’d smile happily and open her mouth, welcoming it in there, sucking on it greedily.
Sometimes he’d turn himself and lay down facing the other end of the bed to her. He’d push her legs up and then she’d feel his tongue back at her pussy. When they had both pleasured each other enough, they would sit up on the bed, their legs wrapped around one another, kissing each other, and then she’d feel his cock pushing at her pussy, the tip entering her.
She’d lie back on the bed, her legs spread and her pussy ready for him. She’d feel the hardness of his cock and know that he was ready for her as well.
By the time they left the bed the air would be heavy with the scent of their sex. May’s desires would be sated, but she knew that feeling wouldn’t last. She knew that she’d want him again soon enough.
She was thinking about this as she lay in bed, all alone, wearing nothing but her panties.
She barely even realized that she was doing it, but her hand ran down the length of her body, down her taut stomach, down to her panties.
When her fingers touched her pussy she let out a slight gasp – half surprised at what she was doing to herself and half pleasure at her touch.
She closed her eyes and smiled as she imagined that it was his hand there, touching her in just the way she liked to be touched.
But then her alarm clock went off, and the spell was broken, the moment passed. She sighed to herself and got ready for work. She told herself that it would happen for real soon enough. Soon it would be time for them to be together once more.
She told herself that she couldn’t keep looking to the future, however. She just had to get through these days and soon enough he’d be back with her, back in their bed.
She tried to have a positive outlook as she headed off to work. That was when things started to go downhill. The traffic seemed to be even worse than it usually was. That was always annoying, but if the rest of the day had been OK then maybe she wouldn’t have minded so much.
However, everything that could go wrong at work that day did seem to go wrong. Her boss was in a bad mood all day. There had been a time when he had loved to flirt with her, really thinking that he had a chance with her. For her part, she quite enjoyed the attention and she was aware of the fact that she could get away with more than some of the other staff as a result. She also liked to sometimes think that maybe he went home and jerked himself off thinking about her when she was wearing one of her more revealing dresses. Sometimes he went off to the bathroom at work and returned slightly out of breath and red in the face and she was sure that he had been in the bathroom stall thinking about what he wanted to do with her, how he wanted to push that dress up and get at her hot little body.
It wasn’t arrogance on her part, she simply knew the effect that she had on him. The change had happened when she had made the mistake of
mentioning her husband. She didn’t wear a ring at work, so maybe he had assumed that she was single. He had changed his attitude completely, then, and sometimes seemed as though he actively disliked and resented her.
That day, he had been in a particularly bad mood.
As he kept telling her that she was doing everything wrong, she had decided that she may as well do her best to frustrate him. He was using the power that he had, in the office, so she was going to use the one thing that gave her power over him – her body.
She walked slowly to one corner of the office. She was sure that his eyes were on her.
Then she bent down, slowly, to get something from the filing cabinet. She kept her long, toned, legs straight. She bent down and she knew that he would have a good look at those legs of hers. Her dress stopped above her knees and as she bent down she knew that it would rise up somewhat.
Then her ass – that tight, juicy, ass of hers – was stuck in the air. She was sure that he wished that he could come over there and just grab hold of it, but he knew that he couldn’t. She was sure that it would frustrate him. It gave her a little bit of a sense of power when he was behaving the way that he was.
It only seemed to make him act even worse, that day, but she decided that she wasn’t going to let him get to her.
However, she was in a foul mood when she left work that day. She fully expected it to be raining when she walked outside, the way that her day was
going, and the way that she was feeling.
Luckily, it was still sunny and warm. She told herself that she would be home soon enough and the day at the office would be behind her.