Book:LOST IN LUST {erotic short stories} Published:2025-2-8

May’s thumb moved back and forth slowly on Rose’s cheek. The feel of her skin excited May. She wondered if the rest of her skin felt just as good. She thought about running her hands over her body. She thought about soft curves, sweet and supple flesh. She felt weak at the knees.
This kiss was unlike any that she had experienced before. There was the same hunger but it felt as though it was being expressed differently. She felt as though Rose understood her in ways that no man ever had before. She wondered what else Rose would understand about her differently. She wanted more of this. It felt as though all of these kisses were simply building up to something more.
Rose’s hand on her cheek moved upward. She felt it run over her ear, pushing further up. Rose’s hand ran through May’s hair. She felt the delicate, slender, fingers push through her hair.
The tips of her own fingers touched Rose’s hair. It felt so silky. Everything about Rose just felt so different. She wanted more of it. It felt as though Rose was something secret and unexplored, something forbidden which now she had access to.
Rose pushed her back against the kitchen work surface. May pushed back at her. Their bodies came together. May felt the softness of Rose against her, felt her breasts pushing against her own.
Rose’s hands went to her waist. She felt Rose grinding up against her and her own hands went to Rose’s body as well.
One hand slid up Rose’s body. She felt the slight curve of her. Then the palm of her hand touched the swell of Rose’s breast. She passed over it quickly, unsure if she should be touching her there quite yet – this was all
still so new to her and she was still waiting to see just where Rose would lead her.
Her hand went up to Rose’s shoulder. She was wearing a dress, just like May was, and her shoulder was bare. May caressed the skin there, and it was every bit as soft as she had imagined that it would be.
She heard a sound and suddenly she remembered that there was someone else in the room. She opened her eyes, slightly shocked, and saw Tom, still leaning back against the kitchen table. Their eyes met. For a moment, May didn’t know just what she should do or how she should react. But there was something in the way that he was looking at her, a certain hunger in his eyes, that made her hold his gaze. It was obvious that he was enjoying the show. It was obvious that this was something that he was enjoying as well. Was he enjoying it as much as she was? She didn’t think that was possible.
A feeling started to overtake her as she looked at him. She wanted him to watch. She wanted him to like what they were doing. She wanted to turn him on.
As she was looking at him, Rose’s kisses began to move.
She kissed the corner of May’s mouth, delicately. Her lips lingered there for a moment.
Then she was kissing May’s cheek, the line of her jaw. May tilted her head to one side. In a way, she wanted to close her eyes and just enjoy this moment, but at the same time, she didn’t want to break off eye contact. She wanted to simply feel what Rose was doing her while she could look at Tom, just watching her.
She felt Rose’s kisses move to her throat. She was breathing more heavily now, feeling even more excited. She was sure that Rose was breathing more heavily now as well. She could feel it, every time that Rose took her mouth away from her throat. She felt her breath, the hot urgency of it, on the bare skin there. Then She felt Rose’s tongue lick at her, tasting her. She wrapped both of her arms around Rose’s head, then one of her hands ran down Rose’s back. She could feel the bumps on her spine. Her hand went further down to the small of her back.
Still Rose pushed against her, seeming to rub against her. May was practically panting by this point.
She was sure that Tom could see the desire in her eyes, just as she could see it in his, just as she could see how turned on he was.
Her hand reached the small of Rose’s back. She could feel the top of her ass. It was so tempting, she wanted to take hold of it, but still, she waited, her hand just resting there, the tips of her fingers the only part of her hand that was actually touching the ass.
Still Rose pushed against her. May was bent back slightly on the work surface.
She bent one of her legs up as Rose pushed between them. She ran the inside of her thigh along Rose’s body.
Rose reached down with one hand and took hold of May’s thigh. She gripped it, gave it a squeeze, and then she ran her hand back and forth along it. May knew that Rose liked what she was feeling. She ran her hand down
further now and finally took hold of Rose’s ass. She had one cheek beneath her hand. She could feel the sweet roundness of it. She gave it a squeeze, just as Rose had given her ass a squeeze.
Rose was still kissing, licking, nibbling, at her throat. But now she raised her face to look at May’s face. May took her eyes away from Tom to lock eyes with Rose now. Rose had noticed where May was looking, however. She looked over her shoulder to look at Tom, still standing there, still watching.
She turned back to May. May almost felt as though she had been caught out doing something she shouldn’t have, looking back to Tom while Rose’s hands, Rose’s kisses, were all over her.
Rose leaned forward, her mouth at one side of May’s head. As she spoke, May felt the tickle of Rose’s breathing on her ear.
“What do you say?” Rose whispered, “Shall we let him come and join the fun?”
Rose looked into May’s eyes, searching.
May felt as though Rose was peering into her soul, and she felt as though something was being exposed that she had never dared to show to the world – or even show to herself – before.
May knew that Rose was waiting for her answer. Should she do it? Should she allow Tom to come over and join them? She realized now just how much she wanted that.
She bit her bottom lip demurely and looked away for a moment. Then she looked back. She looked deep into Rose’s eyes. There was a slight smile on Rose’s lips. She must have seen just what May was thinking.
May nodded at Rose. The two women turned to Tom. May nodded at him as well. He came over to join them.
He walked over casually. Rose stepped slightly to one side to allow him to get in close to May. He nuzzled slightly at Rose’s throat as he slipped one arm around May.
Then he turned his full attention to her.
He kissed her on the lips. He was gentle, but the feel of his stubble on her cheek reminded her that this was different from kissing Rose.
She felt his hand on her body, Rose’s hand on her body, and she had one hand on each of them. She pushed one hand up beneath his shirt and felt his washboard abs. She ran the palm of her hand over them, marveling at them. She had known that he was well built but she hadn’t expected that. It was a welcome surprise.
Her other hand was on Rose’s body, feeling the soft curves of her body. She felt as though she had everything she could ever want right here, the two of them contrasting with one another. He is so hard and masculine. She is so soft and feminine.
She felt Tom’s hand run down her body to her ass. She felt him pulling at her dress and then his hand was beneath it, right on her ass, squeezing it.
She didn’t want to neglect Rose. She turned to kiss her as well and felt Tom kissing her throat as she did that.
Then the two of them stepped away from her. It seemed to happen in unison, as though they had both had the same idea.
Each of them took one of her hands.
“Shall we take things upstairs?” Rose asked. May looked from her to Tom. She didn’t even need to answer now. The way that she looked at them was enough.
She felt the tug as they both began to pull on her hands. They led her upstairs. They found her bedroom easily enough. They led her inside and then they were all kissing again. Except that this time the intensity seemed to be even greater. She watched as Rose kissed Tom and then they took turns kissing her. There were hands everywhere, hands all over one another. She felt Tom push up against her and felt the hardness – not just the hardness of his body but another hardness, his cock pushing at her, rubbing against her.
She felt the two of them tugging at her dress.
She stepped back from them. They were both looking at her expectantly. For a moment she considered teasing them and keeping them both waiting even longer for what they both so clearly wanted. But she couldn’t do it. They wanted it, and she had to give it to them. She knew that was how this worked.
She reached behind her back and undid the zip of her dress.