102. Find my baby

Book:Sleeping With My Step Uncle Published:2025-2-8

I watched the men I sent out to find Jenna, return one after the other. None had found her yet, the ship was massive and by the rate we were moving, we would find her later, in about a week’s time.
“She bearded the ship. I have confirmed that she came yesterday but she did not get a room” Kylee said apologetically.
“Means she must be sleeping in his cabin” I said, I tried my best to keep the images out of my head. I tried my best to trust that she would not give in to him.
I wanted to believe that she was keeping the promise.
The nightmare I had last night, might as well be true. What are they doing right now?
“Fund Jay’s cabin then” I said crossing my arms over my chest.
“It would be invading people’s privacy. It was our plan B”
“Do It now”
“Okay sir” Kylee said and she walked away.
I was at the top floor of the ship, I heard loud cheering and I looked down. It was almost impossible to see what was going up but there was an open space I could see through.
There was… Jay, shirtless and diving into a pool. The cheering got louder. I took notice if the floor he had jumped from.
In minutes I was standing there, I looked around. There were too many cabins.
“Oh my gosh Jay, that was the best thing I ever saw!” I heard a girl saying dreamily.
She appeared from the corner and Jay followed behind her, with a towel to his hair, he rubbed frantically.
“Where is Jenna?” He asked the girl and the his eyes shot up to me. At first I saw nothing, but then I saw recognition and then surprise and then suspicion.
The emotions were quickly coming and going, one after the other.
“I don’t know, but she was impressed” the black haired girl said and she pushed open a cabin door.
Jay unfroze.
I pushed past the black haired girl went into the cabin.
“Hey!” The girl yelled in shock and protest.
Jenna was laying on the comforter, as if she was too tired to crawl underneath it. There she was, sleeping.
“You” Jay said behind me but I paid him no attention, it seemed to only make him angrier.
I pulled out my phone and texted to Klyee that I had found Jenna.
“What are you doing here?” Jay asked, ad if he had slowly put it together but he still doubted it.
I turned to him.
I had no words for him, I wanted to beat him up, no.
“What’s going on Jay?” The black haired girl asked.
“I don’t know”
“Do you know this man, should we call security?”
“I know him but I don’t know how he got on the ship”
“I partly own the ship, that’s how I got in”
He scoffed in disbelief.
“You’re always trying to prove that you’re rich. This ship was built by the government” Jay said smugly.
“Yeah and I was the only private entity capable enough of funding it. I own eighty three percent.
His mouth fell open in shock, I wondered why we were discussing shares.
Jenna turned and she said something. I wondered if she was having a bad dream. I went to the bed and stood beside her. She jerked but she was still sleeping.
I started tapping her shoulders.
“What actual fuck is going” Jay asked angrily.
“Jenna, wake up… Baby wake up”
Her eyelids fluttered open but when they landed on me, she stared at me bleakly, as if she felt I was still part of the bed dream.
I was discomfort, the dream had morphed into something creepy and I wanted to wake up. It was impossible, it was as if I was having a sleep paralysis.
“Jenna, wake up, baby wake up” the voice filtered into my dream and my consciousness was suddenly alarmed and interested. I opened my eyes and it complied willingly.
Christian was standing there but I wouldn’t believe it was true. I felt as if I had been asleep forever. Jay was screaming something.
“Did you just just call her baby?!!” He was yelling.
I sat up, my sleepiness was slowly creeping out of me but it was too slow.
Kaylee appeared at the door, with two men dressed in suits, I had never seen them before. They must be new.
Wait, Christian was really here.
“I’m here, were you having a bad dream?” Christian asked me.
I was dumbfounded.
He was here and he had too many emotions in his eyes and n expression I didn’t really understand, he was smart enough to keep his distance.
Jay was yelling, I turned to the door to see Christian’s men hauling him out.
“Where are you taking him, stop!” I said climbing down to run and meet him, Christian caught me.
“He’s causing a scene, they just want to take him outside ” Christian said.
Bo was standing near the door, watching unfazed and confused as everything was playing out.
“Tell them to put him down” I said partly scared that they were actually trying to throw him off the ship.
“Put him down” Christian said reluctantly.
They dropped Jay and he froze, staring at me.
What had happened while I was asleep. What had transpired!
I felt exposed and unsure.
“It’s him?” Jay asked, as if I had betrayed him and as if I had grown three horns.
When I could not answer, he laughed a bitter laugh.
“No.. you’ve got to kidding me”
I could see it in his eyes, the disgust and the hate. It reminded me of Larissa.
I didn’t want to have the conversation.
“Jesus” Jay said leaving the cabin.
I sat on the bed.
Just Klyee and Jay were now in the room, I wondered when Bo had slipped out and I wondered if Christian had sent his men to follow Jay.
“Why are you here?” I asked Christian harshly. “How the fuck did you find me!” Those were important questions I was on a ship in the middle of the sea, did he put a tracking device in me?