I couldn’t stop him, I watched him leap from there, jumped through the twelve footwall like a cocaine bear and he landed right beside me, he rolled on the ground, got up, dusted his clothes and smiled.
“Wish, you look more beautiful from up close, Jenna, look at you” he said coming close, his fingers made contact with my skin and it stung, like small electric currents was passing through his fingers into my skin.
“You felt that too didn’t you?” He asked me.
I tried to make sense of it. Why did I feel it with him, I felt it with Christian… This was the universe trying to play ticks with me and test me to see if I’ll consider a reverse harem.
“I did” I mused.
“I have missed you greatly, Jenn” he said hugging me, I liked they way he smelt.
Not entirely expensive, subtle, calm, natural and homey.
I closed my eyes, and basked in the pleasure of being simply held and simply wanted, nothing added.
I heard the door slam shut, it deliberately loud so that I would snap, my eyes opened, Christian was standing there, in front of the door.
Jay pulled out of the hug, I was too frozen.
“Your step uncle, right?” Jay asked me and I nodded.
“My step uncle ” I said.
He was standing there and I said I would give him a piece of mind, it was easy for me to say, now cat has gotten my tongue.
What did he say earlier, he would punish me and he meant it.. what kind of punishment?
“Who are you?” He asked Jay rudely.
No… He can’t talk that way to Jay, he can’t hurt Jay, he simply can’t.
“None of your business ” I spat, Jay turned to me.
“I’m a neighbour ” Jay said with an outstretched hand.
Christian took it, shortly they shook but to me it felt like an eternity, Christian’s eyes couldn’t stop scanning him.
“You’re Mrs Rollins’s son ” Christian said with newly found realisation.
He turned to me sharply, in disbelief… I know what it would seem like. It would seem as if I was trying to get back at him.
“Jay, my parents are probably in the living room, go and meet them, I’ll be behind you” I told him.
He hesitated and then nodded.
He turned away and left.
“The Jay you were supposed to fuck on the dining table is being invited into the house?”
“Don’t… You started this, don’t scold me”
“It was a joke Jenna, I was just joking around it was never meant to get serious”
“An expensive joke and it got serious. You’re not the one they look t with disappointment, it’s me, don’t make stupid jokes like that”
“Why is he here?”
“He invited himself, he just wants to say hi to my mum”
“Jenna” he snapped.
“Christian ” I retorted.
He looked angry, angrier than I had ever seen him. It took force to keep himself from bursting out, his veins on the neck was bulging and if I was just seeing him for the first time, I would dig my own grave right where I stood.
“Jenna, it seems like you haven’t learnt anything. I am a very jealous man and you don’t want to fuck with me by bringing him here”
“What would you do to him?”
“Things would you do to him?”
“Things he would not live to tell”
“Just stop this, stop because I hate it when you’re like this. Times like this I wish I never knew you or met you, times like this I hate myself for even loving you in the first place ”
He was quiet, staring at me as if I stabbed him with a dagger in his abdomen.
“I meant every word I said in the afternoon about breaking up with you and don’t think you can intimidate me into staying with you. The thought of you wanting to hurt Jay is driving me so crazy and I never wanted to be petty or stoop to this level but if you think twice about hurting him then forget me, I’m leaving you for good and there is nothing you’ll do to get me back ”
I pushed past him, it was my own stupidity because it took the love of God for me to keep the cry of pain from escaping my pursed lips, my shoulder felt paralyzed. I almost fell to the ground and cried out.
When I got inside, I let out the breath I had been holding, my hands were shaking at my sides but I had done it, I had given him a piece of my mind.
He can’t keep controlling my life, he is such a control freak. I went to sit in the dinner table, my mum was listening intently to what Jay was saying.
He had impressed her so much that she didn’t even bother about my comment about fucking him on the dinner table, it was as if she was even giving me permission.
Christian joined shortly after.
“This is delicious, who is the chef?” Jay asked.
“Christian started cooking it but our chef continued from where he stopped, so I’ll say the both of them” my mum said.
Jay smiled.
“So apart from being hypersexual what else are your talents?” Jay asked me and I choked on my drink.
My mum rubbed my back but she didn’t scold, she was calm and nice.
I looked up at him from my lashes and he chuckled.
I shook my head and swallowed, a smile was tugging at my lips, begging to escape.
“Well, I can whistle” I said with a smile.
“Ugh, that’s so impressive” he said I’m kick exaggeration.
Everyone at the table bursted out in laughter, everybody except Christian.
“A little birdie told me you were supposed to… Hump me on this very table”
Nobody noticed the way Christian was grabbing his fork. I was enjoying it, let him taste what it feels like to be the one frowning when everyone was laughing.
“Be a gentleman Jay, my parents are present”
He smacked his lips and it got my mother quickly transfixed, Jesus, this guy has charms.
“It’s a pity they’re here, this table would have been put to good use”
“Jay!” My mother yelled, playfully… My mother was laughing at that joke?!
Jay should have told me he was a magician.
“So Jay, you’re studying for your second degree” Marcellino said trying to change the topic, I could tell that he took was impressed.
My mother didn’t look to happy that her husband decided to change topics and become serious and Christian didn’t even look relieved at all.
“Yeah, engineering” he said matter of factly.
“You should biochemistry the first time and you graduated first class, what made you what pursue engineering?” Marcellino was getting interested in Jay.
“My first love has always been engineering, Jenna don’t be angry Baby, I know I tell you you’re my love but…. I’m sorry you’ll have to come second place ” Jay said.
My mother almost rolled out of her chair.
“I studied biochemistry because my dad wanted it, not because I wanted it. So now I decided to go back and make things right ”
“Your mum says you own a penthouse.. well two penthouses” my mum said curiously.
“Mum” I scolded her.
She glared at me and smiled warmly at Jay.
“I do” he said humbly.
“That’s so nice” my mum mumbled to herself.
“I never knew that you and Jenna were… Together” Marcellino said.
Christian dropped his fork.
“We are not together”
“Well, we are not together because she’s constantly rejecting me. I have tried endlessly and she never really looks my way twice” Jay said, I could hear the sadness in his voice.
My mum judged me
“Ask her again, maybe this time she wouldn’t say no” my mum urged.
“Jenna, please will you go out on a date with me”