We reached the beach, it wasn’t an open beach as I was expecting, it was a private resort.
“You should have painted a better picture in my head and I would have been so fucking excited to come, I would have dressed up faster” I told Blue.
I inches closer to the window and I looked out. The entire place was like our of a movie.
“Sandy owns the resort” Blue said and I felt impressed.
“That’s impressive” I told him and he turned to give a short smile.
“Thank you” he said and he drove into the parking lot, we all exited at the same time.
“Keenan” Blue called softly, there was no ounce of emotion in her voice and her face was plain.
Keenan turned around, he had very black hair, it was short and shaggy. He had thick dark lashes hooding his icy blue eyes, he was striking handsome, he had a well chiseled jaw and when he smiled, he had an amazing set of teeth. He was wearing a shirt but it was unbuttoned from top to bottom.
His face brighten up and his smile stretched to both ears , he practically ran over to Blue and hugged her, she remaining unfazed and I swear I wondered why.. she was just holding about him in the car, now that he’s in front of her, she doesn’t even seem to want him anymore.
He pulled out of the hug and his smile grows even wider.
“Keenan…” Sandy called, Keenan turned slowly from Blue to her senior brother.
“Hey man” Keenan said shaking his hand.
“How about we play some volleyball” Sandy said talking his friend’s hand and pulling him away.
“See you later Blue” Keenan said waving at Blue, she smiled and turned to face me, as if knowing they were out of earshot, she grinned sheepishly.
“Arghhh….!!” She screamed in my face.
“Jesus Blue!!” I yelled and she chuckled.
“Did you see that?” She asked me jumping and clasping both hands on my shoulders.
“I saw but why did you act like you were uninterested in him?”
“He has to do all the chasing Baby girl” blue said tossing her hair away from her shoulders.
I smiled and shook my head.
“He looked like he was into you” I told her and she nodded.
“He better be” she said laughing.
She led me to where a bunch of people were staying and all I could see were beautiful faces and bodies that were properly cared for. I didn’t feel like I was the most beautiful person around, there were other girls that would beat me hands and feet when it comes to the beauty aspect, but no one could match my happiness.
Surrounded by these very interesting people, with their unique stories to share and positive vibes was the peak of socialism I ever felt.
They had gathered around me cheering my name.
“Jenna! Jenna! Jenna!”
“Please don’t make me do this” I begged Blue, she was holding a camera and filming. “For my vlog” she said with a wink.
“You can’t back down now” she said gesturing to all the people cheering for me. “Your do not want to disappoint them”
I groaned and picked up the single shot, I cocked my head backwards and without thinking I tipped the glass and immediately the vodka went down my throat, I felt the sting.
The smell of the spirit overfilled my nose and I could not breathe, drinking one single shot was not problem, the problem was drinking the seven shots lined up in front of me.
“One down, seven more to go!” Blue yelled.
I picked two shots with both of my hands and I poured the in my mouth at the same time, making the crowed go wild.
“Holy fuck!” I cursed, it was a way to release the emotional pain and also the physical one.
“Five more to go Baby!”
I picked two more and then two more, I almost slammed my head on the table, mighty ducks!
“You can do this girl, one more Baby, just one more”
My lungs were one fire and my belly felt as if they were melting. With shaky hands I picked up the single glass and threw it down my throat.
“Yeah…!!!” The crowd yelled, I felt hands one more, multiple hands and before I knew it, I was being yanked onto the shoulders of a stranger.
“Jenna, Jenna, Jenna!” The crowd had gone totally wild.
They carried me around the place as if I had saved a child from a burning building, I was a hero, I had downed eight glasses of vodka in the space of a minute.
“Dear god, I can’t see a thing ” I said staggering.
“You’ll be fine sweetheart. Let’s get you home ” Sandy said holding my arm so all my weight could be on him and he held me to his car.
“Blue, where are you going?” I asked watching Blue enter into another car. “I’m continue the party, they are taking it to a penthouse not far from here, I’ll be back by morning, Sandy tell daddy I love him”
“You’re leaving me, why can’t I join you?” I asked her.
“Because darling, you can’t even stand on your own ”
I heard her chuckling and I hugged onto the strong arms that were holding me.
“Uh oh” I said.
“What?” Sandy asked me.
“I think, I’m gonna…” Before I could continue my statement, I ran to the curb and threw up.
I stood up straight and cleaned my mouth with the back of my hand, I wanted to wipe it with something so I leaned forward to clean the back of my hand on the gas light in the street.
I needed a bath, real quick, I stood up and I turned to Sandy, he smiled at me but I was not sure. I was standing until my knees buckled.
“Caught you, I swear I thought you would fall face flat into your own puke” Sandy said.
“You got me” I reasoned.
“I do Jenna, I got you”
I was certain the alcohol was making his voice sound… Seductive and suggestive, as if he was not talking about catching me but something else.
“Look, the moon” I said pointing upwards.
“I can see the moon from your eyes” he said.
“I know I’m drunk but I’m not stupid, the moon is up there in the sky and not in my eyes” I told him and he chuckled.
“I mean the reflection of the moon is actually casted on your eyes”
He pulled me up and held me there. I tapped his shoulders telling him he’s doing a good job but instead his whole body tensed.
I feel it even though I could barely feel my face, he puts me into the back seat of the car and I fall in the seat.
“So comfy” I groaned, that was the last I remembered.