54. Ride or die

Book:Sleeping With My Step Uncle Published:2025-2-8

“She’s not picking up” I told Kaylee.
“Please stop panicking, I can’t keep calm if you’re panicking, I’ve never seen you like this, I don’t know what to do” Kylee said.
She was sitting on the couch and staring at me.
“I need to go and find her”
“I don’t know, anywhere, I can’t get this sick feeling off my chest that she’s not find, why did I leave her”
“Christian, you know that she would have wanted to stay with Blue, that’s why you left her, don’t blame yourself for her disappearance ”
I turned to Kylee with a glare.
“Wrong choice of words. If anything happens to her you’re not to blame ” she said putting a picture in my head, it ignited the flame burning in my chest. It made things worse.
“I’m not good at this, I’m sorry, it’s just that I’m scared, Christian she’s with Blue, we saw her this morning, we’ll see her tomorrow morning ”
“She didn’t see me this morning, she was asleep when I left, now both Blue and Jenna’s phone are ringing without a reply.
“Calm down Chris, they might have gone for a party or something” Kylee said.
“Jenna would have called me or texted me if I didn’t reply to tell me she was going out of the house. She would have informed me that she’s going to a party, what if you’re right and she’s in a party, think of the guys that would be trying to rub bodies with her, what if she’s in trouble?”
“She is not in trouble”
“You don’t know that!” I snapped. Anger was a consuming fire, I felt the heat of my anger burnt through my fingers.
There was awkward silence in the room.
“I’m sorry for yelling, I’m a nervous wreck right now”
“No, It’s fine” Kylee said.
“I’m going in search for her, anywhere I can enter, I’m looking for my baby”
The door creaked open.
“Easy, look around sweetheart we’re home” Sandy said, he was holding Jenna, he was holding Jenna tightly.
I ran to them.
“What’s wrong?” I asked him taking her from his hands, she smelt like alcohol, a lot of alcohol.
“Mr. Christian , I missed you in the morning, I arrived some hours after you left”
“What happened to her, how did she get drunk ”
“Oh, she had some vodka I think ”
“Daddy” Jenna said leaning on me and snuggling into my arms. “I missed you’
“I missed you too my love” I said to her.
“How much did she drink?” I asked seeing that Jenna has gone out cold in my arms.
I tried to get her on her feet so that she would wake up but she was too deep into sleep.
“I don’t know how many she had. Blue said she drank eight shots of vodka and then they went on another round of tequila and something else but I’m pretty sure it was the tequila that got her drunk ”
I was so angry I didn’t know if I could even breathe again.
“Are you crazy, don’t you know she could have died from alcohol overdose, did you hear yourself, eight shots and tequila and then something else!!”
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t there. I was with my friends, she was with Blue ”
“Christian, please calm down, let’s take her upstairs ” Kylee said.
I lifted Jenna from the floor and carried her upstairs.
“She’s going to be fine”
“Did you her how much she drank??” I asked Kylee.
She rested her head on the door frame and I layed Jenna down.
“Is this what she wore out… She wore this?”
“Why don’t we focus on bringing her out of the influence first before you can tell about her revealing outfit” Kylee said.
“Go downstairs and make two cups of coffee for her, one black without sugar or cream and the other with sugar and cream”
“On it” Kylee said leaving.
I took off Jenna’s bikini top and the short skirt that was like a tiny piece of headband, she was wearing a G-string underneath the skirt, I tossed it away and carried to the shower.
I turned on the shower and tested the temperature with my hand, it was suitably cold.
I put her under the water, immediately the water splashed on her face she jolted and her eyes snapped open with her mouth and she started breathing hard.
“It’s me baby, I’ve got you” I told her.
She looked up at me and she calmed down and latched onto me, I held her there and I thought she was going to be asleep but she pulled out my hold, very awake.
“Hi” she said like a guilty child.
“Jenna what were you__” I began but then I stopped and took in deep breaths because my voice sounded bitter cold and harsh, I didn’t want her to experience that.. later when I was a lot calmer I would scold the fuck out of her but now I needed to get her into dry clothes before she catches a cold.
Suddenly, I’m reminded of the time I decided that I was slowly going to tell her how much I was in love with her. It was raining when I got to the house and she walked in soaking wet, her hair was plastered to her face and her white t-shirt clung to her like a second skin, the moment I saw her shivering and trembling from the cold, I wanted to keep her safe and warm, for an infinity.
The next morning she had woken up with a smal cold and I blamed myself for not being there for her, never again I swore, but how can I protect her when I’m buried neck deep into work.
I grabbed a towel that could be wrapped around her twice and I rubbed it on her, the reflection was for heat, I carried her to the bed and sat her there.
The smell of coffee was strong in the air, Kylee had dropped it on the bedside table. I bought a smaller towel an rubbed it on her hair, trying to get the water out, it was working, soon enough her hair was semi dry.
I pulled the towel out to see that she had actually done something to her hair, she dyed some strands honey brown. I liked it, very much.
“Here” I said handing her the cup of coffee.
“Ewe, what’s this” she said scrunching her nose and frowning, she pushed the cup away and bought her tongue out.
“Drink itx I ordered her.
She looked down at the cup then she looked up at me. I saw it in her eyes that she wanted to say no but I made sure she could read my eyes too, I was not letting her Keep the cup without having ever single drop.
She brought it to her mouth and took a sip, I pushed the bottom of the cup and she swallowed plenty of it, she tried to push it down but I tipped it even further until the cup was empty.
“Good girl” I said taking the cup from her hand, there was still a mouthful in her mouth and she wanted to spit it out.
“Don’t you dare. Now swallow it”
She groaned and whined.
“Jenna don’t try me”
She rolled her eyes and swallowed it.
I brought the next cup and handed it to her, she took it from me and eyes me suspiciously, then took a sip.
Her face brightened and she drank almost half of it at once.
A light knock sounded on the door, I turned around and walked to get the door, standing there was Sandy with a bouquet of roses.