“How much?” I asked.
“So much that any scale that tries to measure it would break” I chuckled.
He pulled away from me and held the blanket open for me to crawl under.
I snuggled in tight and he joined me, he pulled me so that our bodies were pressed against each other and the last thing I remembered was his fingers grazing my lips.
“Wake up” a very soft voice said, I smelled the minty scent of toothpaste and I opened my eyes to see Blue standing on the bed.
I almost jumped, she speaks her legs so that each one her of legs were on each sides of my body, she was leaning in and holding the headboard for support, if I had jumped I would head bump her.
She giggled.
“You sleep so peacefully” she said jumping from the bed like a ballerina.
“Where is Christian?” I asked her seeing that he bed was empty.
She walked to the window and opened the curtains, sunlight almost blinded my eyes.
“Sorry” she said walking over to me and soothing my closed eyelids with her fingers.
“Christian and his assistant left early, daddy must have gone with them because when I woke up he was gone”
I sat up and climbed down from the bed, I walked to the bathroom and picked up the toothpaste.
“Here” Blue said pulling out a drawer and fishing out a toothbrush that was still in it’s wrapper.
“Thank you” I told her.
“My brother is downstairs”
“Sandy?” I asked her.
“Yes, he is taking us to see his friends”
“Us?” I asked her.
“Yeah, We’re going to the beach ” she said digging her fingers into my hair and picking some strands.
“Girl, I want to give your hair a makeover ” she said, I looked at her hair in the mirror, it was appealing in many ways.
“You mean like dying it?” I asked her.
“No, highlights maybe ” she said digging her fingers into it.” We’re definitely going to give it some trimming ”
“Is this before or after the beach ?” I asked her and she laughed.
“Before the beach, definitely before ” she said.
“You’re fucking gorgeous, you should thank me” Blue said and she gave a three sixty twirl as if she was the one with the makeover.
“Wow” I said picking my hair. “Jesus, Blue you’re the best” I said dripping the strands to pick others.
My hair was actually dark but she had added some lighter strands to it and now it just accentuated my entire face.
“Slay” Blue said running out of the door. I ran after her, matching her intense energy. I stopped in front of her bedroom and walked inside.
“Blue?” I asked feeling as if was crossing some boundaries since I didn’t see her.
“Here!” She shouted, I walked to an open door. She was standing in her closet, she walked deeper and pulled out a crotchet bikini top and very beautiful crotchet skirt.
“That’s so beautiful” I told her.
“Have it, it’s for the beach”
“Thank you” I said going forward to take it.
“Blue, my friends are here and we’re about to leave” I heard a very charming voice say from the door.
“Damn, your brother’s voice sound nice” I admitted.
“Don’t say that in the presence of Christian, please… The both of them are friends, I wouldn’t want Christian to kill him” Blue said with a laugh.
“We’re here” she yelled, I heard footsteps apprachi, I didn’t know why I felt nervous. My heart was doing a flip flop in my chest, I swear could hear my heart drumming in my ears.
“There you are, what have you been up to you little de___”
Sandy was the definition of handsome, I found myself smiling at him because he had stopped talking to stare at me.
“Hi” he blurted out.
“Hi” I said with a small wave.
There was silence, long deep silence. I heard Blue clear her throat, I snapped from the haze and turned from Sandy to her.
“Brother… This is Jenna, Christian’s girlfriend ”
There was an awkward silence again and then he just stretched out his hand.
“I’m sandy ” he said, I took his hand and shook it.
“Leave us Sandy, we’re about to get dressed ” Blue said.
He turned and started walking away.
“We leave in ten minutes ” he said.
“What sort of treachery is that, you know I can not get dressed in ten minutes ” Blue yelled.
“Ten minutes sister Sandy said and he shut the door.
“Your brother is… Good looking” I found myself saying.
“Whatever, let’s jump in the shower together”
I wanted to say no but she pulled me into the shower and we just took out bath as if we have been seeing ourselves naked for years.
“You don’t think he’s going to leave us are you?” I asked her and she laughed.
“My brother doesn’t waste his words ” she answered. “If he said ten minutes then he’s going to take ten minutes before he leaves ”
I slipped into the clothes and I looked in the mirror.
“I look good” I mumbled under my breath. Blue looked like a mermaid, she was extraordinary beautiful.
“Let’s going” she said pulling my hand, I ran down the stairs with her and we met Sandy outside.
He was staring at me, his eyes scanned ever inch if me. Blue opened the door and then she led me inside his Mercedes.
“Where are your friends?” Blue asked him.
“They left, we’ll meet them there and you can finally see Keenan” he said, his voice sounded teasing.
“Who say I want to see Keenan” she said folding her hands across her chest.
Sandy chuckled.
“Little sister, you don’t need to hide it from me, I see it in your eyes”
“Then why haven’t you said anything” she asked him.
I watched him shrug.
“Keenan is a good guy, I’m keeping my eyes on him throughly, so don’t think that I’ve permitted anything yet” Sandy said, he turned and his eyes met mine.
I averted my gaze and placed it on my laps, this guy’s was doing things to me, things I didn’t like.