“You should see your face right know!” She said throwing her head back in laughter. She skipped over to where I was sitting sat down beside me.
“I’m just joking sweetheart, Christian is my Dad’s best friend, he’s hot as fuck and he’s every girl’s dream but we would end up stabbing ourselves to death if we ever tried getting together. My Daddy owns this company, so yesterday Christian called and he told me he was coming with his girlfriend and asked me for a favour” she said stretching on her seat like a cat.
She was so slender and beautiful. Her skin was crystal clear and her lips were curvy and full.
“What favour?” I asked finding out that I was slowly easing up to her.
She said nothing at first but she fished inside her pocket and pulled out a black card.
“Tadaaa…” She said grinning sheepishly. “Christian asked me to take you shopping, anything you want, we’ll get. Come one let’s go out of this boring ass room. Last thing Christian wants in his little one to be bored”
Did she just call me Christian’s little one?
I stood up trying to catch up to her pace, but she was fast on her feet. She reached the door and slipped out, next thing I see is that she’s running to the elevator, she bumped into someone carrying a file.
“Oops, I’m sorry, let me help you with that” she said bending down, her fingers worked quickly too.
I went to offer my help and in no time we were done with picking the files.
“You have to be careful next time, Blue” the woman said lovingly.
“I’ll try” she answered with a smile making the woman burts out in laughter.
“Let’s go Christian” she said pushing the elevator button.
“Your name is Blue?” I asked her walking in inside her.
“Yes darling, I’m blue” she said smiling.
“That’s a cool name”
“So you’re a model?’
“Ever done runaway before?”
“Yes ” I said feeling interrogated.
“That’s dope, I run for big brands, seems we have a lot in common ”
That was when it hit me, she had been looking so familiar that I had been wondering where I knew her from. I had seen her before.
You’re a model too” I told her, it was more of a declaration than a question.
“I am. I am a model for Andreas and since Christian just bought it, you know what that means right?” She asked squealing.
“It means payday every day for us!” She yelled at the top of her lungs and she exited the elevator calmly.
I was transfixed watching her, she was full of life. I stepped out quickly as the door were about to close and followed her to the underground garage where she stopped in front of a Porsche.
“Nice ride ” I said entering the passenger seat.
“Daddy got it for me last month, I think I want another one, I don’t know.. the options are too many to pick from and it’s giving me a burnout ”
I almost laughter at her.
“You know some people have to work for years to even get a car, not a fancy car but a car ”
She shrugged and mumbled something indistinct.
“Are you sure we can buy that things?” I asked staring at the cute necklace in the glass box, it came with an insane price tag.
“It’s two hundred thousand dollars, if you want it you can have it, your boyfriend is paying and he’s loaded” she said waving the black card in my face.
“I know he’s paying. I’m just wondering if it’s too much, we already got that Vivienne Westwood dress, those Dolce and Gabbana shoes… We can barely even carry these things ourselves” I said and I turned to look at the pile of shopping bags lined up behind us, it would not even fit into the car.
“She wants it” Blue said to the clerk and handed her the card. I didn’t say I would take it.
“This is too much, you know we’ve spent up to a million dollars, right?” I asked feeling nervous.
“Relax Jenna, Christian loves like crazy, he’s never really loved anyone before and he loves you to death, you’re special to him and do you even know who you’re dating at all… He begged me to spend a lot of money, I mean he begged” she said bending to look at the necklace in it’s case. “This would look so good on your pretty neck”
“Transfer successful” the clerk said with a grin and they took it out of the case, they were about to drop it in a Cartier box but Blue stopped them.
“I want her to wear it now” she told them.
The clerks came towards me and placed it on my neck.
“You should see yourself, girl you’re so fucking beautiful Christian would fall to his knees when he sets his eyes on you”
I walked to the mirror, it was true, I almost fell to my knees at the sight of myself.
“One thing left in the list, spay day!” Blue yelled, I had gotten used to her usual outburst.
The baggers helped us take our bags to our car and they fitted it into the booth and the back seat. Blue drove us to a spa.
“It’s late already” I told Blue, the elevator ride was quiet and she had grown more calmer or maybe I understood her better.
She chuckled.
“Their meetings take time” she said softly and we walked out of the elevator.
We were at the top floor.
“I want to meet my Daddy, he say I should come see him when I drop by” she said pushing a big heavy door open.
“My god, look at that” I said pointing outside the glass walls, it was the setting sun, it was so beautiful.
“It’s a good time to take pictures” Blue said, she pulled her phone from her pocket and held me tight. We did multiple poses and I broke free from her extremely tight grip.
“Look at us” she said staring at the picture we had just taken.
“Lemme see” I said and she showed me.
“Wow, we’re so beautiful” I said.
“I could cry right now, we look so good” blue said fanning her eyes with her hand.
“Let’s go” she said taking my hand and laughing.
She pushed through a door, it looked like a conference room, but almost all the chairs were empty.
I watched Blue running to meet a grey haired man, I smiled as she hugged him so tight he almost turned red. I felt someone watching me. I turned to the other side of the room to find a pair of familiar green eyes.