Chapter 80

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Willow’s POV
” I wasn’t treated you badly. I was just going through my own personal stuff. I may have yelled at you, but it wasn’t anything mean.” Kristin tells me with a sigh.
Are you kidding me!
She was very mean to me. I didn’t just imagine or dream up her being mean and rude to me.
” You were very mean to me. You accused me of rubbing my pregnancy and Jasmine in your face.” I tell her.
At least I think she accused me of both. It may have been my pregnancy she accused me off, but either way it was mean.
” I am sorry for being mean and hurting your feeling. It’s just things are a little different between me and Virgil. As a demon women. We are held to a higher standard in giving strong powerful offspring. Me not getting pregnant was scarring me. If I couldn’t get pregnant. It would mean that Virgil would have to take another women to give him children.” She says turning around to face me.
” Seriously! I am human. I am sure if I didn’t get pregnant that Damian would have done the same thing! Not to mention he gets so much shit from other demons, because I am human. He tries to keep everything people say about me a secret, but I’m not dumb. I am aware people hate me. Even my baby will be treated differently by other demons. Still doesn’t excuse the fact you were being a total bitch!” I say wiping the tears off my cheeks.
” Willow, that wasn’t what I was saying. I meant that it puts a lot of pressure on us because we are expected to have strong children.” Kristin tells me.
” No, you said we demon females. You pointed out that I am just a human. Not to mention Damian could easy have gotten someone else pregnant and just kept me as a pet. I am aware that he wanted to keep me for himself. That’s way he trapped us here to begin with.” I yell at her in anger.
” I wasn’t meaning to upset you. I was just saying as a demon women. We are held to a higher standard. I wasn’t calling you out for being human, and I wasn’t trying to leave you alone out there. I really thought you were right behind me.” She says in a sincere tone.
I knew demons took having children seriously. That it was important for them to pass down their genes and powers too the next generation. Which is why I am surprised that Damian is even having a baby with me. He is a high ranking demon risking his reputation on me. It just sucks that I am constantly reminded that I am just human.
I know some demons do find other women to have their children with. If the women they are with can’t conceive, but I only known those in higher ranking demon clans do it.
Would Virgil actually get another women pregnant. If Kristin couldn’t give him a child?
” Would Virgil really get with someone just to have a child?” I question to her.
Kristin nods, ” Yeah, he would. Not to mention it didn’t help his father was putting a bunch of pressure on us. Men in Virgil position have to be able to have children to pass down family traditions, bloodlines, and powers. Especially for high ranking demons it is very important.” She explains
I guess that makes some sense, but she didn’t have to treat me badly.
” Still didn’t have to be mean to me. It made me feel like I shouldn’t be having a baby at all.” I tell her in a upset tone.
I watch Kristin step away from the window and walk over to me. She pulls me into a tight hug, ” I love you Willow. You are my best friend. I know you are just expressing way you are upset. I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad or upset you in anyway. I am really sorry.” She tells me in a sincere tone.
” That’s all I wanted to hear was for you to apologize and mean it.” I whisper to her as I wipe the tears away again.
Kristin laughs softly, ” I wasn’t trying to make you cry either.” She tells me.
” I know.” I say through my tears. ” It just felt like you didn’t like me anymore.” I cry out to her.
” No, it wasn’t that. I was just dealing with a lot of stuff. I should have talked to you about it. Instead of taking my anger out on you.” She tells me.
Hearing a knock at the door I look at Kristin. ” Would that be Violet or Inosuke?” I whisper to her.
Kristin shakes her head, ” No, I can still hear them fighting with that hybrid in the other room.”
So, who is at the bathroom door? How did they even get in? I thought I locked the other door before coming in here.
Hearing the knocking get louder. I start to get nervous. ” I’ll get it!” Luna says happily, as she jumps off the bed, and runs over to the door. She opens it before we can stop her.
Standing in the doorway was a shirtless muscular body of man, with a face and head of a cheetah.
I let go of Kristin and quickly grab ahold of Luna pulling her away from the demon.
” Go away!” I say in a stern tone.
” Willow, that isn’t a normal demon. That is a type of hybrid. It isn’t going to understand us.”
That is a hybrid with a normal looking body and legs? It’s only animal body part is the head, face, eyes, and ears. How is that even possible? I thought hybrids were just different demon animals that had merged together. I never saw or heard about a human or a regular demon mixing with demon animals.
” We have to get out of here.” I tell Kristin
I watch the hybrid open its mouth. Showing me its sharp fangs. It lets out a loud growl, before charging towards me. Once it gets within arms reach. A pink barrier instantly appears, causing the hybrid to slam right into it.
” How are you doing that?” Kristin questions me.
” I don’t know. It happened earlier when that hybrid from earlier tired to attack me.” I tell her. I watch Kristin pick Jasmine up and walks beside me.
” Do you think you can keep that barrier up long enough to get all of us out of this small room?” Kristin questions me.
” I don’t know. I don’t have control over it. The baby is doing it.” I say and gesture to the pink light coming from my tummy.
” Than tell your baby too keep the barrier up for us.” Kristin tells me.
That sounds kinda dumb, but at this point it is the only option I got.
Placing my hand on my baby bump I speak to little him or her. ” Keep up the good work. Mommy, sissy, Luna, and Aunt Kristin need to get somewhere safe.”
Watching the barrier go from pink to red, before wrapping around all of us like a giant bubble.
I guess the barrier turning red means that my baby is going to hold it for us. I am kinda surprised that worked.
Taking a step forward the barrier moves with me. ” Kristin, stay close to me. I am going to walk out the side door.” I tell her.
Since we can’t leave going through bathroom door. We can go out through the side door to go out into hallway.
Kristin walks next to me, as I hold Luna hand. When I reach the door. I turn the knob and open it. Peeking out into the hallway. I don’t see any hybrids, but I don’t see Violet or Inosuke either.
” I don’t see anyone or hear anything.” I whisper to Kristin.
I step out into the hallway with Kristin behind me. I hear the door quickly shut. Looking behind me I realize it was Kristin who shut the door. I watch her break the doorknob off to keep the hybrid trapped inside. There is a loud thud followed by a growl, before the door starts rattle against the hinges. I quietly, but quickly walk down the hallway. Once we reach the corner. I peek out into the living room and kitchen area. There was glass, pieces of wood, and bloody knives all over the place.
” Damn, looks like world war in here.” Kristin tells me.
I nod my head agreeing with her, as I stare through the hole in the wall. The main hallway looks clear, but I’m not sure if anything is close by.
” Can you guys sense anything?” I ask them.
Since they are all demon’s. They should be able to sense or smell anything nearby.
” No, I don’t sense anything or anyone.” Kristin tells me.
” I smell daddy.” Jasmine tells us.
” You can?” Kristin asked her in a surprised tone.
Jasmine nods, ” Yeah, I can.” She tells us.
” Can you not smell Damian or Virgil?” I asked Kristin.
” No, which is why I am surprised that she can.” Kristin tells me.
” Maybe her sense of smell is a lot stronger.” I suggest.
Hearing the door rattling loudly. I tighten my grip on Luna hand.
” We got to go before that thing gets out.” I tell them and look at Jasmine. ” I need you to be brave and take us too daddy.” I tell her.
Jasmine nods, ” I will.” She says with a cute smile.
” Let’s go.” I say walking through the living room and into the kitchen. I walk over to the giant hole, and step over a small piece of the wall that was still there.
Once I am in the hallway, I help Luna through the hole in the wall, before waiting for Kristin to come through with Jasmine.
Once we are all in the hallway I look at Jasmine. ” Which way?” I ask her.
” Go right.” She whispers to us.
Why is she whispering? There isn’t anyone around.
Hearing servaral loud growls. I look to my left to see atleast ten huge hybrids.
That is why she was whispering. I didn’t even hear them walk up. It’s like they just all suddenly appeared. Let’s just hope this barrier can hold them all off. I don’t know if me and Kristin can manage to kill these things. Only option is to run.