Willow’s POV
Staring at the ten huge hybrids. I watch them run towards us at full speed, and ram into my barrier.
” Seems like it is holding pretty good.” Kristin tells me.
” Yeah, but how are we going to escape from these things?” I question her.
” I have an idea!” Luna says getting mine and Kristin attention. ” Someone can lead them away.” She tells us in a happy tone.
” That isn’t a good idea. You girls are too little, and I think we should stick together.” I tell them.
I am pregnant and can’t fight these hybrids. I will be eaten if I try. Not to mention Jasmine and Luna wouldn’t be able to fight them either. As for Kristin….. I don’t think she would be able to hold them off very long. She is strong and powerfully. At least to me she is anyway.
” Right, I forgot.” Luna says with a sigh.
” Forgot what?” I question her with confusion in my voice.
” That you are human.” Luna tells me.
Right, she is use to being around Dean and his family. None of them are humans. So, she was probably thinking we could fight them.
“Right.” I say with a nervous laugh.
Hearing laughter coming from behind me. I turn around to see a huge pile of debris starting to move and shake, causing small pebbles of rock to slide down the pile and go across the floor. A second later huge pieces of debris start moving, before they are flung into the air. The huge pieces of debris go crashing into nearby walls. I stare in amazement at Violet, as she slowly stands to feet.
She alive!
For a moment I thought all that blood all over the hotel room was hers and Inosuke. Although, I don’t know where Inosuke is.
Hopefully he is okay.
I watch Violet climb out of the pile of debris she was standing in. Once she is completely out I watch her stretch a little, before hearing her let out a soft giggle, and starts running at full speed towards us. When she gets close enough to the barrier. She jumps on top of it, and starts running across the top of barrier to the otherside.
” She isn’t going to jump on them? Is she?” I question Kristin, as I keep my eyes on Violet.
” She might jump on them. From what Virgil told me before he left earlier. She is pretty insane and isn’t all there in the head.” Kristin tells me.
She nuts and I left her alone with the kids!
” She won’t hurt any of us.” Kristin says in a reassuring tone. ” Dean had a long talk with her, before he left. I am sure he told her to be nice.”
Oh yes, because that makes this whole situation better.
I continue to watch Violet, who was now standing on the edge of the barrier. I watch the way she tilts head, like she deep in thought, before a small smile goes across her face. My eyes widen, as I watch her jumps off of edge of the barrier, and onto one of the hybrid face.
I watch the hybrid shakes it’s head violently trying to knock Violet off. I hear Violet let out another giggle, as she jams her hand into the hybrids eye.
The hybrid let’s out a loud yelp, before it starts growling and shaking its head more violently. I watch in shock as Violet pull her hand out of its head with its eyeball in her palm. Blood starts pouring out of the hybrids eye socket. It lets out another loud growl before ramming face first into the wall, causing Violet to spit out blood, as she is pinned.
The hybrid steps back releasing Violet, causing her to slide down the wall. She lands onto the floor with a small thud.
” We need to go get her, before she gets eaten.” I say starting to take a step forward.
I watch Violet get to feet like nothing happened. I can see blood running down the side of her face. She is staring ahead with a wide smile. She starts laughing nonstop, before charging at the hybrids once again.
” Violet don’t! Come with us!” I yell out to her.
” Willow, just let her be.” Kristin tells me.
” We can’t just leave her. She could get eaten!” I snap at Kristin.
” Willow, we can’t stay here. We have kids to keep safe. She will be just fine.” Kristin tells me.
” Find daddy.” Jasmine tells me.
” Yeah, my daddy can help Violet too!” Luna says happily.
I suppose we can go look for them. Hopefully we find them fast. So, we can get Dean and Virgil back here to help Violet.
” Alright, but we have to hurry. I don’t know how long she can hold them back.” I tell them, as watch Violet kick one hybrid into another hybrid knocking them both over.
” Keep up the good work, and hang in there! We are going to get you help!” I yell out to her.
I hear Violet let’s out more laughter, before charging at the hybrids again.
I don’t think she heard a word I just said.
After leaving Violet, we walked a good hour trying to find Damian, Dean, and Virgil. Jasmine was walking in front of me leading the way.
” Is she sure that we are going in right direction? I don’t sense or smell anyone here.” Kristin says from behind me.
” This way!” Jasmine says with a bit of a attitude.
I don’t really blame her. Kristin has been complaining ever since we had to walk down three flight of stairs.
” I hope they are here somewhere.” Kristin says with a sigh.
” Me too.” I say agreeing with her.
My feet and back are starting to hurt. Not to mention I don’t think this barrier can hold must longer. I started noticing about twelve minutes ago that the barrier wasn’t bright red. It is slowly fading back to pink.
Placing my hand over my baby bump. I give it a gentle rub, ” Just hang in there. Having a little trouble finding dada.” I whisper to little him or her.
I suddenly feel this blast of energy shoot through me. It felt like I was everywhere at once. I can see things from different floors. I could hear and smell things that were far away.
This must be one of my babies abilities.
Although, it doesn’t seem like I am the one in control. I am only able to watch.
” Sissy said, daddy was on this floor.” I whisper, causing the hallway from a few seconds ago to reappear in front of me.
I watch as I get a better view of the hallway. It was like I was looking through a magnifying glass. I could see tons of snake hybrids slithering around. Farther down the hallway were a few dead hybrids laying on the floor. Some were torn apart, and others had gapping holes in their chest area.
” Damn! How many of these fucking things got in?!” I hear Dean say out loud.
I don’t believe this!
Jasmine was right!
They are here!
” Are sure someone is holding them off at the gate?” I hear Damian say, as he comes into view.
” Someone better be! This is kinda bullshit!” Dean says kicking a hybrid hard enough to send its head flying off its shoulders and into a nearby wall.
” Good job, we found daddy.” I whisper as Damian’s and Dean’s faces suddenly disappear, and is replaced with Kristin squating in front of me.
” Are you okay? You just sat down and was whispering to yourself.” Kristin says holding my face in her hands, as she examines me closely.
I let out a awkward laugh, ” I am fine, but I do know that Damian’s and everyone are up ahead.” I tell with a nervous smile.
” How do you know that? And why do you look nervous?” Kristin questions as she let’s go of my face.
” I can explain how I know later. Right now, we have a issue, there are snake hybrids blocking our path. ” I tell her.
” How many are we talking about?” Kristin questions me.
” At least fifty in one spot. They are all tangled together.” I say rubbing the back of my head.
” Do you think we can walk through them?” Kristin asked with a raised brow.
” I honestly don’t think my baby can keep this barrier up much longer.” I tell her honestly.
” We just need the barrier to hold. Until we get to the otherside. You said everyone was just past those hybrid snakes.”
I nod my head, ” Yeah, but I don’t think it will hold long enough to get to the otherside.” I tell her.
” Take barrier down!” Luna tells us.
” We take it down. We will be open for hybrids to attack us.” I tell Luna.
I rather keep the barrier up and wait for Damian to come in our direction. It looked like they are clearing out the hybrids. So, They are coming this way.
” No, she is right. The barrier is keeping them from sensing or smelling us. If you take the barrier down. They will come to help us.” Kristin tells me.
I understand that she wants them here fast. However, if the barrier is keeping us invisible from hybrids far away. Than letting it disappear will alert all hybrids of our present.
” It will also tell bring hybrids to us.” I say nervously.
” I know, but Damian will get here first.” Kristin tells me.
I hope she is right about this, because I don’t want to be eaten.
Placing my hand over my belly. I give it a gentle rub, ” Take down barrier.” I say softly.
I watch as the barrier starts to slowly fade away, followed by the sounds of hybrids growling and howling loudly.