Chapter 79

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Willow’s POV
Standing in the middle of the living room. I can see Inosuke still standing in the kitchen leaning against the counter. He was tossing his huge knife into the air. The knife would do a small flip in the air, before coming back down. He would catch it by the handle, before tossing it back up into the air again. He had a bored expression on his face. He didn’t really seem like he wanted to be here babysitting me or the kids.
” Kristin, are you sure it’s okay for them to be here? They seem a little strange. Not to mention he doesn’t seem to be happy about being here with us.” I whisper to her and gesture to the man in the kitchen.
When they got here Violet had immediately went with Jasmine and Luna to play games in the bedroom. While Inosuke has just been in the kitchen area guarding the front door.
Kristin smiles at me, ” Yes, they are fine trust me.” She says in a happy tone.
I still can’t believe there are hybrids in this resort. Not to mention it is a little surprising to see Kristen so happy and being nice to me for the first time in awhile. The last time I spoke with Kristin. She was upset because I was pregnant, and Jasmine arriving only angered her more. I knew, that she was having trouble conceiving. It was like she took out all of her anger on me.
I didn’t plan on getting pregnant or adopting little Jasmine. She said some really hurtful things to me. She hurt my feeling, and now she is acting all cheerful like nothing has happened between us.
” You seem to be in a good mood.” I say to her.
I watch as Kristin smile widens, and her eyes sparkle with happiness, ” Oh! I was going to wait to tell you on our spa day, but I can hold it in!” She says with excitement. ” I’m pregnant!” She says with a giggle.
I just stare at her in shock.
Everytime I saw her and tried to be understanding. She would yell at me, and say I was rubbing my pregnancy in her face. She didn’t even like it when Jasmine came into the picture, because it only reminded her of what she couldn’t have.
” That’s great to hear! I am happy for you!” I say back with a soft smile. I jump a little when Kristin suddenly pulls me into a hug. ” Our kids will be around the same age! They can even play together!” Kristin adds.
” Yeah! They can…” I say in a cheerful tone.
I can’t help but feel like Kristin really let me down. She went from being my best friend. To being someone I use to know. I was actually dreading spending time with her, because she has been mean to me. Now that she is pregnant. She is acting like nothing happened.
I don’t know how to fix this.
I am happy for her, but she really made me feel like crap.
I want to be her friend, but she put me through so much bullshit.
All I wanted was my friend back, but she acting like she did nothing wrong.
Hearing a loud bang it causes me to jump, and stare into the kitchen. There was a huge hole where the front door should be. I watch as a giant hybrid steps through the hole. I take a step backwards and keep eye contact with the giant hybrid infront of me. It has the head and fur of a wolf, with cow horns sticking out of its head, and has hoofs for feet. It opens its mouth showing me its sharp fangs, as it let’s out a low growl.
This is bad!
Where did Inosuke go?
Looking around I finally see Inosuke laying face down motionless on the kitchen floor. The blast must have knocked him unconscious. “K-Kristin..” I whisper and look beside me. I notice that she isn’t standing next to me anymore. Hearing a door shut I take a quick glance behind me, to see the door to the spare room is now shut.
Did she really just leave me in here by myself?
I look back at the hybrid infront of me, and place my hands over my baby bump.
I don’t believe this!
I am going to die! The people that are suppose to protect us are completely useless!
I watch the wolves eyes glance from my face towards my belly. It starts slowly stalking towards me.
I feel my body freeze in place. I am like a deer caught in headlights. All I can do is watch the hybrid lunge at me in slow motion. I close my eyes, and feel tears start to slide down my face.
I wait for its fangs to dig into me. After a few seconds of not feeling any pain. I slowly peek open my eyes to see a huge pink barrier blocking its path. The hybrid was ramping into it over and over. It even tries attacking from above, but it only smacks into the barrier again.
Looking down I notice my belly is glowing bright pink.
My baby is creating this barrier? How is this even possible! I knew my child was going to be a half demon, but I thought my baby would have to be one or two years old, before it started showing signs of having demonic powers.
Hearing the door behind me suddenly click open.
I was thinking it was Kristin coming back to help me. When I hear a soft giggles that sound nothing like Kristin. I realize that it has to be Violet. Seeing dark hair come into view from the corner of my eye. It only confirms that I am right about it being Violet.
” So, fluffy!” I hear her say.
She steps in front of me, before walking towards the hybrid. She sways from side to side, before sprinting at full speed.
She lets out a giggle, as she kicks it hard. The hybrid let’s out a loud yelp, as it goes flying through the concrete wall and into the hallway.
” You should go into the back room.” I hear a male voice say.
Looking in the direction of the male voice. I realize that it was Inosuke speaking.
I guess all the loud noises finally woke him up. Not to mention it is perfect timing.
” Go!” He snaps at me.
I quickly turn around and waddle fast to the bedroom door. Giving the doorknob a twist, I quickly go inside the spare room. I shut the door and lock it behind me, before walking towards the bathroom.
Once inside I shut the bathroom door behind me, and walk over towards the other door that connects to mine and Damian’s bedroom.
Twisting the doorknob, I open the door to see Kristin sitting on the bed with Jasmine and Luna.
She gives me an expression that looks like relief, ” Thank God! I sent Violet out the second I saw her!” She tells me in a cheerful tone.
” You left me out there by myself!” I snapped at her.
” I thought you were right behind me.” She says giving me a confused look. ” Beside it is a giant hybrid and I am pregnant!” She adds getting to her feet.
” I’m pregnant too Kristin! Doesn’t changed the fact you left me alone with it!” I snap at her.
I understand that she was protecting her unborn child, but I don’t even have demonic powers to protect myself. I am just a normal human carrying a baby that will only be half of what I am.
If it wasn’t for that barrier. I would probably be hybrid food. Which has me suddenly confused. How was my baby able to create a strong barrier in the first place? Let alone know that I was in trouble to begin with?
This is something I will have to discuss with Damian. Maybe he knows more this.
” When I realized you didn’t follow. I sent Violet out to help you, and you are fine. So, it all worked out.” Kristin tells me. ” It isn’t a big deal.” She adds.
What the hell is wrong with her!
Has she went from being my best friend to a horrible person? Or did she never actually care about me?
” What is wrong with you?!” I snap at her.
” What are you talking about? Nothing is wrong with me.” Kristin says walking over to the window. I watch her pull back the curtain a bit to look outside.
” You been horrible to me for months! You blamed me for rubbing my pregnancy in your face. Than you leave me out there with a hybrid!” I snap at her. My vision goes a little blurry with tears threatening to fall.
I could have died, and she is saying it isn’t a big deal!