Willow’s POV
” Dean, where is Damian? It has been at least an hour.” I say watching Dean sigh.
” He went to go get food for everyone ”
He what!
” Didn’t He hear the announcement! Their are wild animals roaming around!” I whisper yell at him.
” He heard the announcement. He just doesn’t care. He is determined to bring us food to eat, as we wait out the situation.” He says leaning against the counter with his arms folded across his chest.
” Food is worthless if he doesn’t come back. Why don’t you go help him?”
I hear Dean let out a laugh, ” You spent so much time with Damian. Yet you still don’t understand him. He isn’t going to want or need my help. He is a lot powerful than you think. He is feared by many demons, and it would hurt his ego for me to help him.”
” What exactly are you trying to say?” I question him.
” I am saying Damian can handle himself just fine without my help. Besides someone has to stay here and make sure none of those wild things get in here. If something were to happen to you, Jasmine, or the baby. Damian will loose his shit and that is a side no one want to see.” Dean says.
As I am about to answer. A loud thud against the front door causes me to jump.
” What was that?” I whisper to Dean.
” Help me!!” I women screams as there is another loud bang against the front door. Followed by a loud growl.
The door shakes and rattles against the hinges. Her screams echo throughout the hotel room. Hearing pitter patter of small feet running out of the bedrooms. I look behind me and notices Luna and Jasmine running up to us.
” Daddy, what’s that sound?” Luna asked Dean.
” It is nothing to worry about. Just some kids playing a mean prank.” Dean reassures her.
How can he lie so easily like that? What if it bust through the front door. After it is done killing that women.
Feeling little arms wrap around my legs. I look down to see little Jasmine hugging me. I bend down and pick her up. ” I’m scared.” She whispers to me.
” I know.” I tell her as I rub her back gently.
I stare back at Dean, ” We need to do something. It clearly isn’t safe in this room.” I tell him in a worried tone.
” It is fine Willow. Just kids playing a prank.” He says giving me a glare.
I know he doesn’t want to scare the children, but that thing on the other side of the door. Isn’t going away and probably won’t. Not until that front door is broken down.
The cries and screams of the women have disappeared. It had gone quiet out in the hallway.
” Maybe whoever was playing the prank left.” Luna tells Dean.
” Yes, maybe.” Dean says as he squats down infront of her. ” I am just going to have a look out in the hallway. You and Jasmine go back to the bedroom and watch tv okay.” He tells her.
” I go with you.” Luna tells him sternly as she pouts.
” No, you go watch tv with Jasmine. No, coming out into the main hallway to help me. Do you understand?” He says in a stern tone.
” But daddy!” Luna whines as she pouts at him.
” No, go watch tv now.” Dean orders her in a stern tone.
I watch Luna stomp her little foot, before letting out a loud sigh. ” Fine.” She says upset.
I smile down at Jasmine, ” Come on. I’ll help girls decide on what to watch.” I tell them.
I walk Luna back to the bedroom with Jasmine still in my arms. Once inside I lock the door and turn on the tv. ” What will it be? Disney movies or tv shows.” I question them, as I set Jasmine on the bed.
I watch them look at each other, and talk like they are deciding. ” Lilo and Stitch movie!” Luna says happily to me. I watch Jasmine nod her head in approval.
” Alright.” I says clicking on the Disney app, and turning on the first Lilo and Stitch movie.
I than help Luna onto the bed and place the bag of chips in between them. ” Share and stay in this room okay.” I tell them.
” Okay!” Both girls says at the same time.
I smile at them before heading towards the bathroom, and walking inside. l shut the door behind me and lock it, before walking over to the otherside of the bathroom, and opening the other door.
This bathroom goes into mine and Damian bedroom, and it connects to a spare room. That I can use to sneak back through the kitchen and head to the front door.
I walk out of the bathroom and into the spare room. I shut the bathroom door quietly and tiptoe over to the bedroom door. Peeking out I don’t see any wild animal.
The kitchen looks clear. So, I might as well just head towards the front door.
Stepping out of the spare room. I shut the door behind me and head towards the front door. As I am about to open the door. Dean comes back inside and quickly slams the door shut. He is covered in blood. His upper right arm has a huge deep cut with blood pouring out of it.
” Damn it! These hybrids are fucking strong. Especially ones that are mixed with three animals instead of two.” Dean says as he pants hard trying to catch his breath.
” Hybrids! What are they doing here in the resort!” I whisper yell at him. ” I thought that women on the announcement said it was wild animals. It being Hybrids changes thing.” I say starting to panic.
Damian is out there! If Dean is having this much trouble. I can only imagine what kind of trouble Damian is having.
……….. ~ DAMIAN’S POV ~ ……….
I reach my hand up and catch its tongue in mid-air.
Never thought a frog, snake, and alligator would mix together. Not to mention it is fucking ugly.
It has a head of alligator, feet of a frog, teeth like a snake, and a tongue like a frog. The body has the alligator scales while having snake flexibility.
Not to mention this thing is fast as hell, but it is also dumb.
I stretch its tongue out and tie it around one of the rock pilers. I than watch it try to pull it tail free, before it yanks its head back pulling on its tongue.
I has manged to tie up its lower body, by running around in circles. It’s tail eventually got tied into a knot. So, it had been trying to catch me, by using its tongue.
I watch it jump up with its frog legs, but it only slingshot itself back into place.
Now, if I remember correctly the weak spot on a alligator is around one of its eyes. Only I can’t remember which side. So, I will just aim for both.
I pop both of my knuckles as I walk up to it. Once I am within arms reach. I jam both of my hands deep into each eye. It let’s out a low hiss before falling still.
Pulling my hands out of its head. I see that my hands are covered in blood and brain matter. I flick my hands causing all body fluids to fling onto the walls.
Looking around I let out a sigh.
I took the elevator to the third floor, but when I stepped off. I fell through the floor.
I guess, I am in the basement area. Which explains all of the rock pliers holding the bottom of the resort together. Although, I haven’t figured out why there is a circular concrete slab in the middle of dirt.
Isn’t the basement normal all concrete with cars parked underneath?
Pulling out my cellphone I call Dean’s phone. It rings once before it is picked up.
“Damian! Where are you! Dean is injured and there are hybrids running around!” Willow yells into the phone.
” Can Dean hear me?” I ask her completely ignoring everything she just said.
I hear her sigh before Dean answers, ” Yes, I can hear you. I am also fine. Willow is a drama queen.” Dean says.
” I am not! Your arm is pouring blood!” Willow says in a irritated tone.
” Dean, is there another way to the third floor. I think I fell into the basement. I tried transporting, but it doesn’t seem to work.” I tell him.
” Are there rock pliers?” Dean questions me.
” Ya? why?” I question him.
” You aren’t in the resort basement. You fell into the sacrifice room. Only way out, is the way you fell in. All other exits are sealed shut by my grandfather.” Dean tells me.
I laugh, ” This fucking sucks.” I say before hanging up.
I than look up at the giant hole above me.
When I find the hybrid that made this hole. I am going to chop it up, and turn it into a stew.