Damian’s POV
Watching the cat hybrid sprint towards me at fully speed. I stand my ground and shove my right hand into its mouth. It jaws clench down hard onto my wrist. It starts shaking its head left to right.
Damn thing is trying to rip my hand off.
Only one thing I can do.
I relax my muscles and let myself fall backwards onto the marble floor. I hear a loud pop and feel the bones in my wrist snap. I place my feet on the hybrid face. While leaning my back against the marble floor. Grabbing ahold of the hybrids back tooth It keeps the cat in place.
Seeing my own blood running down my arm. I hear the cat growl and clench down harder onto my wrist.
I forgot how strong hybrids jaws can be. Normally I would just put my hands inside a animals mouth and rip it apart straight down the middle. However for hybrids I might have to do something more extreme.
I haven’t shifted into my true form in a long time. I might not be able to shift back to normal, but it is the only option I have at the moment.
Hearing a roar that sounds like a mixture of lion and some kind of huge animal. I feel the hybrid cat loosen it’s jaws instantly let go of me. I sit up and watch the cat and bird hybrid take off.
They ran down the hallway and disappeared around the corner. Looking back in the direction of the roar. I can hear loud stomping as the hybrid that scared the other two away comes into view.
It was at least four hundred pounds bigger than that cat and bird hybrid put together. It had a head of a lion and scales for skin. Even the tail had scales with spikes sticking out of it.
It has to be a lions mixed with a crocodile, snake, dragon, or something else with scales. Only way to know for sure is to fight the damn thing.
Now would be a good time shift into my true form. If I don’t this fucking thing is going to end up killing me. I haven’t shifted in over three hundred years. So, I might be a little rusty.
Standing to my feet I keep my eyes on the hybrid. I snap my wrist back into place with a loud pop, before focusing on unlocking my demonic energy. After a few minutes I can feel the power starting to surge throughout my body.
Taking a quick glance at my wrist. I watch the teeth marks start to heal before disappearing.
It’s a good thing I heal fast in this form. I will be able to withstand anything this wild animal can throw my way.
Looking back at the hybrid. I notice that it is running towards me at full speed. Once it is within arms reach I kick it hard. It goes flying backwards through the air and slams right into the center of McDonald’s. I watch the metal shelves go crashing on top of it.
I hear it let out a growl, as the metal shelves that fell on top of the hybrid start to move. As the hybrid stand up, the shelves start to slide off its back and go crashes onto the floor with a loud clinking sound. It let’s out another loud roar causing everything around me to shake, before running towards me.
Once it gets close enough to pounce on me. I quickly move off to the side causing it to smack into the concrete wall. I jump up into the air and punch it hard on the back of the head. It takes my punch like it nothing.
Damn it!
Jumping back away from it. I stare at the scales on its body.
I can’t seem to pierce through its thick skin. It is almost like dragon scales and not actual crocodile scales or something weaker. That punch should have at least cracked it, but one good thing did come out of it.
It told me where I needed to aim.
I need to get this done quickly, so I don’t waste to much energy on this thing. There is no telling how many more hybrids are on this floor.
I watch the hybrid shake its head before facing me. It opens its mouth wide and see a spark starting to form at the back of its throat. The small light starts to form into a huge flame.
Guess that answers my question on what kind of hybrid this is.
I watch the flame shoot out of the lions mouth and into my direction. I dodge it by jumping up into the air and grabbing ahold of the Chandelier. I watch the huge flames hit the wall with such force it creates a giant hole. Once the flames finally stop. I watch the hybrid stare up at me. It jumps into the air and wings burst out through the scales on its back.
You got to be fucking kidding me! This fucking thing can fly!
I watch the lions mouth open as it flies towards me. I see a spark start to form in the back of it’s throat, before shooting the flames directly at me. Not having time to move out of the way. I put my hands up infront of me and create a barrier.
When the flames hit my barrier. It causes the chandelier to sway back and forth.
Feeling the heat against my hands. I keep my barrier strong.
Looking to my left and right. I realize the flames are bouncing off of my barrier and surround me on all sides. Looking behind me I notice smoke.
That’s right, there were curtains and other things hanging for decoration. It must have caught them on fire.
I mindlink Dean, ” Does this hotel have a sprinkler system?” I question him.
” Did you set something on fire trying to kill a hybrid!” Dean snaps at me.
” No! The hybrid is trying to turn me into a crisp meat dinner! So, if you don’t want the resort burning down. You might need to turn the damn things on!” I snap back.
” Alright, but I will have to leave the hotel room to activate it. Everyone else is either injured or fighting hybrids on different floors.” He tells me.
” You don’t have to leave the room. Just tell me how to activate it.” I tell him.
Feeling the flames starting to let up. I remove the barrier and jump onto the hybrids face. I shove my hand deep down its throat.
I focus all my demonic energy into my hand, before shooting a black mass of dark demonic energy down the hybrid throat. It blows up the hybrid instantly, and sends me flying into a wall.
I let out a cough and place my hands on either side of me. I start pushing myself out of the wall. When I am half way out my hand slips, and I smack into the floor with a loud thud.
I groan a little as I slowly get to my feet.
Dragon scales are hard to penetrate. So, only way to kill a dragon demon is to aim for the soft spot. The soft spot happens to be inside the mouth.
I am just lucky the hybrid weak spot worked the same way as a dragon demon. I wouldn’t recommend doing something like that unless you are fast at reacting.
Wiping the chunks of blood and body fluid off my arms and face. I let out a sigh, ” So, much for staying clean.” I mumble.
” Damian! Did you hear me! I said, you have to activate the sprinkler system manually! You have to go to the third floor!” I hear Dean say through mindlink.
” Why do I need to go to the third floor? Why not just pull the fire alarm?” I question him.
” Whoever let those hybrids inside. Disabled the fire alarms. So, the sprinkler aren’t going to turn on. Only way to get the sprinklers to work is to go to the main office, and set them off. The main office is on the third floor, room twenty-eight.” Dean tells me.
” Alright, I will go to the third floor.” I mindlink back before cutting the connection.
Turning around I come face to face with the hybrids from earlier. ” These things are getting annoying.” Grabbing a table I rip out two of the table legs. I than tap the metal rods onto the marble floor. It makes a loud clink as it makes contact.
These aren’t very strong but it might pierce their bodies. If I add enough force behind my attacks.
I watch as both hybrids let out a loud growl and start charging towards me.
I transport above them and merge my demonic power with the rods, before jamming them hard into both hybrids head.
There is a loud yelp before they fall lifeless on the marble floor.
Guess I should have done that sooner.