Damian’s POV
As I watch numbers on the elevator up go. The sound of roaring gets louder and closer.
I originally thought the sound was coming from somewhere down below and not above.
Hearing the elevator ding. I watch as the doors slowly slide open. The smells of blood instantly hits my nostrils. Stepping out of the elevator I can see the hallway is drenched in blood. It covers the floor, walls, and ceiling. Chunks of flesh was scattered everywhere.
Hearing a loud growl coming from somewhere down the hallway. Along with several other growls and roars from different locations.
Guess whatever demons these are. They are everywhere including different floors of this resort.
Hearing the speakers chime on I listen to the person speaking. ” Everyone needs to stay inside and don’t leave your rooms. We have a breach with several wild animals on the loose. I repeat don’t leave your rooms.” The women says right before there is a loud bang followed by a scream.
” Someone help me! It busted through the door!” She cries out over the speaker. There is a loud growl that causes the speakers to make a loud piercing ringing sound.
Followed by a loud thud with stuff breaking in the background. The women’s screams slowly die out. After a few minutes the thud stops and the sound of someone gurgling on their own blood fills the speakers. Even the sound of flesh being torn off can be heard clearly, before the speaker gets disconnected.
So, wild animals did this?
Looking at the chunks of flesh at my feet. I notice a lot of the flesh was from demons. Very few body parts were from humans.
I squat down and examine one of the chunks of flesh. It had teeth marks from a cat of some kind, but instead of paw prints. I see hoof prints which tells me it is a some kind of huge deer.
” Looks like we have a bunch of hybrids on the loose.” I mumble to myself.
Hybrid demons live deep in the mountains. The only way they would be here, is if someone lead them here.
Hybrids were created about two centuries ago. We aren’t sure why those animals started mixing together. One theory is that they started mixing to not get wiped out. Normal animals aren’t very strong, but when mixed with stronger animals. They can become very dangerous.
I let out a sigh, ” Well, back to looking for food.” I mumble as I stand up.
Walking down hallway I see a wide opening up ahead. Guess I was right about a food court being on this floor. However with hybrids running around. I will just have to get the food myself.
Walking out onto the food court. I see blood covering floor, chairs, tables, and countertops. Along with body parts spread everywhere. Each step I take, I can hear the fluids squishing against the bottom of my shoes.
I stop walking in the center of the room and decide which place to get food from.
I was thinking about tacos, but that will take to long to make. I need something that I can get fast. Which only leaves Kentucky Fried Chicken or McDonald’s as an option.
Not to mention I will need something to carry all the food in. It will make it easier to get it back to the hotel room.
Looking around I find a small store off in the corner. It has children backpacks and other items inside.
I pull out my phone and call Dean. It rings once before he answers the phone. ” Dude! You need to get back here! I have to help get rid of these hybrids!” Dean shouts in my ear.
” Right, now I am getting food. You need to stay with Willow and the kids until I get back.” I say walking towards the small store.
” You are still getting food! Are you insane! There are demon hybrids on the fucking loose!” He whisper yells at me.
” I am aware, but the kids and Willow need to eat dinner. Besides I can handle myself. I might even help you kill a few hybrids later, but for now Willow and the kids come first.” Stepping into the store I look around at all the bags. I step over a few half eaten dead body, and grab a huge black backpack off the rack.
” I am aware they need to eat, but there are hybrids on the loose. Food will attract them too you.” Dean says in a irritated tone.
” So, not like I can’t kill them.” I start to head out the store with the backpack in hand. When I notice stuffed black foxes. I walk over to the rack and take two of them off the hook.
I think Jasmine and Luna will like these stuffed toys. They are soft and fluffy things that little kids like.
I unzip the small front part of the backpack and place the stuffed foxes inside of it, before zipping it back up.
Throwing the strap over my shoulder. I walk out of the store and head towards Kentucky Fried Chicken.
” Not my point Damian! The food will attract them! Which means they will follow you back here!” Dean say in a harsh whisper.
” I also said that I can kill them.” I tell him back calmly as I climb over the counter of Kentucky Fried Chicken.
I grab a white plastic bag from under the counter, before heading to the back where all the food is located.
Touching a bucket full of chicken that was ready to go. I notice it is still warm to the touch.
I didn’t actually touch any of the dead bodies parts. However with this still being warm to the touch, like it was just taken out of the fryer. This place was most likely attacked moments ago. Which means the hybrid is close by.
I open the lid and see that it is full of chicken. I put the lid back on and place the bucket into the plastic bag. I set my phone down on the counter, before grabbing a few styrofoam cups. I start filling each one up with mash potatoes, gravy, mac and cheese. I place a lid on all the cups before putting them into the bag.
I than grab a white box and fill it with bread rolls. Putting the box into the bag. I tie the bag into a knot to keep all the food up right, and to keep it in place. I than take the backpack off and place it on the counter. I unzip the bag and toss the white thin paper they stuffed inside out. I than place the food into the backpack before zipping it up.
” Hello! Damian!” Dean says on the other end.
Right, I forgot he was still on the phone.
” I am here. I was just gathering food.” I say picking my phone and placing it to my ear. “Think I will hop over to McDonald’s real quick and grab a few McChickens. They even have a bunch of bottle drinks over there.” I add.
I hear Dean let out a loud sigh, ” You really don’t listen!” He says in a irritated tone.
” Nope.” I say proudly as I slide the strap to the backpack over my shoulder.
” Fine, just get here quickly. Especially with all that food.” Dean says before hanging up.
I put my phone on silent before sliding it into my pants pocket. I climb over the counter and walk a few feet over to McDonald’s. Part of the counter was still lifted up. So, I just walked right through it. I instantly step in a puddle of blood and stare down at the dead body.
This one looked like it was torn apart by a bird, but instead of bird feet. I notice huge bloody paw prints all over the floor.
Looks like there are two hybrids on this floor. I grab a brown bag from under the counter that was next to the dead body. I make sure there is no blood on the bag, before walking to the back. I start filling the bag up with chicken sandwiches and hamburgers that were already made and wrapped. I than take the backpack off and set it on the counter. I unzip the backpack, and roll up the top of the brown bag to keep everything sealed. I than place the brown bag into the backpack.
Leaving the backpack open I carry it over to the refrigerator filled with bottled drinks. I open the refrigerator door and grab nine bottles of water, six bottles of different sodas, and nine small bottles of orange juice. I place them all into the backpack, and zip it up.
Throwing the bag over my shoulder I walk out of McDonald’s.
I stop in my tracks seeing two hybrids standing infront of me. One hybrids had a head of a bird but a body of a mountain lion. While the other hybrid had the head of a cat with horns and huge hoofs for feet.
” Fuck me running sideway!” I blurt out.
Guess I was right about it being a deer some kind.
I watch the hybrids cat open it’s mouth. It makes a growl that sounds like a bob cat. While the bird hybrids let’s out a loud screeching sound.