Damian’s POV
Arriving in the hotel room I spot Dean in the kitchen area. He was opening cabinet like he was looking for something. ” What are you doing?” I question him.
” Getting Willow a drink. She said she was thirsty, but I can’t seem to find the cups.” He informs me.
” I am not sure where the cups could be. We didn’t actually check for cups or plates. We just explored the rooms a little before meeting you at the swimming area.” I tell him as I remove the blanket off of the girls head. ” Alright, I am going to unbuckle you girls now.” I tell them.
They both smile up at me, ” Otay!” They say at the same time, as I unbuckle and undoing the straps. I watch as they both get out of the stroller at the same time.
” I am heading out to get food. Can you stay here with Willow and Jasmine?” I question him.
He nods, ” Yeah, I can do that. It will even give the girls more time to spend with each other.”
” Daddy, can I stay the night here?” Luna asks Dean softly.
” How about we do that tomorrow. They still need to get situated in their rooms.” I hear Dean explain to Luna as I walk out of the hotel room.
That is probably a good idea with Willow being exhausted from today. I am sure she doesn’t want to deal with two kids at the moment. Don’t get me wrong. We both love Luna very much, but we need a little break to relax on our first day.
Walking down the hallway I can hear a bunch of commotion up ahead.
” You are weak and pathetic!” I hear a male voice growl out.
As I get closer I can smell blood and hear a small child crying. ” D-daddy, get up!” The small child cries out.
Once they come into view I get a better look at the situation. There was a child around six years old kneeling next to her father. He was bleeding from his head and somewhere else. I couldn’t tell where since he was laying face down in his own blood.
Looking at the demon that injured the man. The first thing that catches my eye is his clan tattoo of a spider with a dagger going through it on his upper right arm.
Great, a vampire from the ninja clan. They are cocky, rude, and inconsiderate of other clans. Not to mention they considers everyone else insects for them to step on. Out of all the vampires these guys are a pain in the ass. They are a lot harder to kill using hand to hand combat. Which I don’t plan on doing.
” What are you looking at?” He growls out at me. ” Do you want to die next?”
Looking back at the man on the ground I listen carefully. I can still hear his heart beating but it isn’t very strong. I can probably heal him depending on the damage.
” Don’t ignore me!” The man snaps.
I let out a sigh, ” Kinda hard to ignore you with your flithy scent and loud mouth.”
” You don’t know who you are dealing with!” He says taking a step towards me.
” Oh, no he is walking towards me. Whatever shall I do?” I say my voice full of sarcasm.
” You are nothing but a weak piece of trash, just like that man laying on the ground!” He snaps as he lunges at full speed towards me.
I block his attack by catching ahold of his wrist. His claws where just inches away from my face. I can smell the blood on his finger.
I kick him hard in the chest sending him flying into the marble rock wall. The sound of rocks cracking echo throughout the hallway.
I watch as he pushes himself off of the wall and lands on his feet. Behind him was a outline from where his body was just moments ago.
I should probably be more careful. I don’t want to do any damage to the resort. I should probably stick with body shots that don’t send him flying into objects, or I could just blow him up.
” You are going to pay for that!” He says angrily as he lunges at me again.
I catch his fist in mid-air and give it a hard twist. Hearing a loud pop I know that I snapped his wrist in half. I keep ahold of his fist with my left hand, as I punch him hard in the face with my right. I hit him again and again causing blood is come out of his mouth and nose.
Think that is enough.
I just need him off balance for a second. It will give me a small opening but it is all I need.
Letting go of his fist I watch him stumble backwards. ” I am going to kill you!” He screams at me.
I really don’t want to us this method. It won’t damage anything but it will cause a huge mess.
I hold up my right hand and focus all my power into it. A dark aura flickers at the center of my palm. I watch the vampires run towards me before jumping into the air. I shoot the dark aura out from my hand. It wraps around the vampires trapping him into a huge black orb.
I than slowly squeeze my hand into a fist, causing the orb the vampires is stuck inside to shrink. I watch as the vampires eyes start to pop out of his head. I keep adding pressure until his body explodes, and chunks of his flesh, blood, and other body fluids go everywhere. It covers the walls, floor, and ceiling.
Like I said it was going to cause a huge mess.
” Thanks for putting that barrier up last minute to keep blood and guts from getting all over us.” I hear a male voice say in a low tone.
I turn around facing the man and his daughter. He had a huge gaping hole in his chest from where the vampires had shoved his hand inside of him.
Right, I forgot they were behind me. I only put up that barrier up to keep from getting all that filth on me. The last thing I need is to make Willow throw up all over the place from seeing blood, guts, and chunks of flesh all over me.
” No, problem.” I tell them.
No, need to be a jerk and tell them the real reason. I put the barrier up in the first place.
” Do you need help?” I question the man.
I watch as he slowly gets to his feet and shakes his head. ” No, there is a infirmary just six doors down. Me and my daughter practically live here.” He informs me.
I see, so in other words he sold his soul. So now he is a slave that works here. No wonder that vampire was giving him and his child a hard time. Maids, servants, and lower level demons that work here will have a hard life. Even the guards would treat these people like trash.
I watch him lean on his six year old daughter for support, as they start slowly walking down the hallway.
I let out another sigh.
So, damn irritating.
Walking up behind the man and his child. I grab both of them by the collar of their shirts and transport them to the infirmary. I watch as a nurse quickly runs up to us.
” I can take him.” The nurse with white hair and thick makeup tell me.
Letting go of them. I watch the man stumble into the nurses arms. While another nurse with pale white skin, bright red hair, and vines wrapped around the outside of her nurse uniform walks up to me.
Been a long time since I seen someone from the enchantress clan. Too think someone from that clan works in a place like this. People from the enchantress clan are very powerful and have amazing healing abilities. So, I don’t see why she is posing as a nurse. When she can cleanly be a doctor.
” Do you want to wait in the waiting room for your friend?” The enchantress questions me.
” He isn’t a friend. I was just passing by when I found them.” I say turning around and transport out of the infirmary.
Standing in the middle of the hallway. I look to my right and find the elevator. I walk over to it and press the elevator button. Once it dings open I step inside.
Which floor should I go too?
We already had pizza for lunch. If I remember correctly there should be a Taco Bell or a Kentucky Fried Chicken somewhere around here.
Maybe I should try the sixth floor.
Pressing the button that goes to the sixth floor. I suddenly hear a loud grow that shakes the elevator, and causes the lights to flicker.
This is going to be a long night with all these demons making trouble. I wonder if this has anything to do with the issue at the front gate.