Damian’s POV
” How come you never made a water portal to get us too places! Transporting kinda makes me nauseated.” Willow tells me.
” Because I hate using water portal. They might be faster to use, but it is a pain in the ass to create not to mention it uses a lot more demon energy.” I tell her.
” Really? I don’t have an issue creating them.” Dean says with a smirk on his face.
Really? He just has to open his big ass mouth. It doesn’t actually take a lot of demon energy to make a water portal. I just said that to get out of creating one.
I give Dean a glare, before I hear Willow sigh loudly out of frustration. I look at Willow to find her staring at me intensely,” Look I am getting tired! I don’t care about who can make a water portal or who can’t! I just want to get Jasmine, and go back to the hotel room.” She snaps at both of us.
” How about Dean takes you back to the hotel, and I go get Jasmine” I suggest to her.
She does look exhausted. I don’t want to make her walk back and forth. When I can just have Dean drop her off at the hotel room. While I get Jasmine and some food for us to eat. I am kinda hungry and I am sure she wants to eat too. Especially since she kept throwing up everything, because I forgot to tell Hunter to secretly mix blood in with her food.
” Make sure you get her some food. Everytime She would try to eat. She would just throw it up.” Hazel mindlinks me.
” I planned on it. Dean already told me about her throwing up food. I forgot to tell you guys to mix blood in with her food. So, the baby would keep it down.” I linked back to Hazel before looking at Dean. ” Take her to the hotel room.” I link Dean.
I watch him give me a cocky grin as he creates a water portal. He than happily takes Willow’s hand, ” Let’s go and relaxed in bed.” Dean tell her.
I watch Willow give Dean a nod, before they both walk through the water portal together.
” Jasmine still with your dad?” I question Hazel.
Hazel nods her head, ” Yeah, she was in the middle of building a sand castle with Luna.”
So, she came out of her shell and made her very first friend. I am happy to hear that.
” You coming back with me?” I ask her.
” No, I actually have something I need to do. You know the way back right?” She questions me with a raised brow.
” Yeah, I do.”
I can just transport the rest of the way to Jasmine. It would be a lot faster than walking.
” Than, I will leave you too it.” Hazel says before disappearing from sight.
I wonder why she is suddenly in a hurry. Maybe I should check with Hunter to make sure nothing is going on. The last thing I need is Willow and Jasmine to get mixed up in a fight.
Using my aura I take a step forward. The colors of the walls blend together, like the speed of light. In less than a few minutes I transport infront of Hunters barrier.
I forgot that I can’t transport inside of Hunters barrier. I actually have to walk up and touch it before I can enter. Which is a good thing, because it keeps other demons from just transporting inside unannounced.
Walking up to the barrier I place my hand on it. I watch it it glow bright, before a small hole opens up allowing me to enter. I walk through the barrier and to find Jasmine drinking a blood packet. While Luna was standing next to Hunter handling him all of her toys.
” Packing up?” I ask him.
Hunter nods, ” Yeah, there are some issues at the front gate. Where is Hazel?”
” Hazel said she had something to do.” I say answering him. Walking up to Jasmine I squat down infront of her. ” Do you have everything?” I question her?”
” Damn it..” I hear Hunter says under his breath.
I watch Jasmine nod, ” Yes!” She says taking the half empty plastic blood packet out of her mouth to answer. I gentle take her hand and walk her over to her stroller that was next to some empty chairs.
I am guessing he was counting on Hazel to take Luna back to their hotel room.
” I can take Luna. The girls can have a sleep over.” I tell him.
” Really!” Jasmine says with excitement in her voice, as she climbs into the stroller. ” Yes, If Hunter is fine with it.” I says buckling her in.
” I think that would be a good idea. That way both the girl can spend more time with each other.” I hear Hunter say behind me.
I stand up and grab ahold of the blanket that was sitting ontop of the stroller canopy. I unfold part of the blanket and let it fall. So, the bottom half or the blanket was covering Jasmine face. I than walk behind the stroller to check on the backpack. Willow had filled the bag up with a few clothes, and toys we got from the store earlier. I am just make sure everything was still there. Incase Jasmine took anything out. Once I am done checking everything I turn around to face Hunter, ” Does she have a bag I need to carry?” I question him.
” She only has this small bag that has one pair of clothes inside. I was going to take her to change out of her swimming suits, but the situation at the gate is getting bad. So, she can change once you guys get back to the hotel room.” He says handing me a small pink bag with a thin pink strap. I take the bag and hang it on the back of the stroller with Jasmine backpack.
Looks like I will have to drop both kids off at the hotel room, before going to get food. Not to mention I need to figure out where to put Luna. I can’t keep an eye on her, and push the stroller at the same time.
I walk around to the front of the stroller and lift the blanket up placing it back on the canopy. I stare at Jasmine before staring at the stroller seat. Jasmine is pretty small and the stroller is big. Maybe I can get both of them in the stroller.
I squat down and unbuckle Jasmine. I watch her start to climb out. ” No, Jasmine stay.” I tell her as I look behind me. ” Come here Luna.” I tell her softly. I watch as she walks over to me happily.
” Alright, Jasmine move over to make room for Luna.” I watch Jasmine move over to the left side. Luna takes a step forward and sits next to Jasmine. They both giggle happily to each other, before staring back at me.
I than put Jasmines right arm through the right strap, and place Luna left arm through the left strap. I than clip both straps into the middle buckling them both in together.
Now, they are both safe and sound.
I than grab the end of the blanket off of the canopy and pull it down. I let it fall gently infront of both of their faces.
” Looks like you got it under control. Do you want me to walk you back to you hotel room, before I go see what the issue is at the gate?” Hunter asked me.
I shake my head, ” No, I got it.” I tell him.
I watch Hunter disappears and the barrier starts to slowly fade away. ” Alright, I am going to transport to the hotel room.” I tell them.
As I take a step forward I notice the blanket sway. Since I am transporting instead of walking through the resort. I should probably put the blanket up. So, it doesn’t fly off.
As I start removing the blanket off of the canopy. I hear Jasmine start to whine. ” Since I am transporting it will fly off.” I tell her.
” We hold it.” Luna tells me.
” Yeah! We hold it!” Jasmine whines.
Alright, Fine..
I take the blanket completely off of the canopy and give it to both of the girls. I watch as they pull it over their heads and hold onto the edge of the blanket with their little hands.
” Ready?” I ask them.
” Yes!” They say at the same time.
Feeling my aura grow I grip the stroller handle tightly. I take a step forward and feel air hit my face as I move at top speed. The sound of the girls giggles and squeals fill the air.
Glad they think it is just a fast ride. The joy of being young.