Damian’s POV
I take a step towards Yato and Jasmine. Only for everything to go black.
” Damian! Can you hear me?” I hear a muffled voice call out to me.
I slowly open my eyes and blink a few times before Dean comes into view.
” Where am I?” I question him.
” The soul room. Remember you wanted to peek into the future.” Dean tells me.
Sitting up I can feel water dripping off of me and sliding down my bare back and chest. Staring ahead I see all of the souls floating around infront of me.
” I wasn’t done yet.” I tell him.
” Dude, it was just a glimpse into the future. It wasn’t going to let you stay there very long.” Dean says helping me up.
” How long was I gone for?” I asked him.
” About five hours.” Dean tells me.
Shit! I left Willow by herself for five hours. Not to mention I wasn’t able to leave myself notes about things that need to be fixed. I guess I will just have to change things on my own.
” How is Willow?” I question him.
Hopefully she isn’t too pissed off about me being gone for so long.
” She is fine, but my dad tells me that she has been throwing up everything she would eat.” Dean says handing me a towel.
” Did any of the food have blood mixed in with it? I been secretly mixing blood into her food, because that is the only way for her to keep food down.” I say grabbing the towel, and drying my face off with it.
” I don’t think any of the food had blood in it.” Dean tell me.
Right, Willow being human it is possible no one thought to mix blood with her food. I will just have to order room service and make her a blood smoothie to satisfy our baby. Not to mention I left her alone with a bunch of demons, but she should be fine since Hunter is with her.
Picking my dry shirt off of the rock floor. I slip it on and watch Dean hold his hand out infront of him. I watch as water droplets start gathering in mid-air until it makes a doorway.
” Another water portal?” I question him with a raised brow.
” It’s better than walking twenty minutes out of here and through the thrown room. Just to use the water portal anyway halfway down the hall.”
He is right, and I do need to get back. Willow is going to need food to eat and Jasmine has a bedtime.
………….. ~ WILLOW’S POV ~…………..
I have been sitting here listening to everyone talk for five hours. Don’t get me wrong they are all nice, and Jasmine has came out of her shell. She hasn’t wanted to hide in stroller at all. She been sitting in the sand digging and building a sand castle with Luna.
I am happy that she is making friends, but my back is starting to hurt and I really want to go lay down. A nap sounds really good right now. Kinda glad this was an explore day. However, we haven’t exactly been exploring. It is starting to get late and I am too tired to explore anymore.
We will just have to explore more tomorrow while we do our shopping.
I watch Jasmine and Luna fill a bucket full of sand for the third time. They fill the bucket to the rim, before patting the sand into the bucket with their little shovels.
I watch as they pick the bucket up together and quickly flip it over.
” looks like they are going to be best friends.” I hear Hunter say to me.
I take my eyes off of the girls, and stare at him with a soft smile. ” Yeah, I am happy that she finally has a friend to play with.” I tell him.
Jasmine needs a friend her age to bond with. This is good for her and it will teach her how to share and communicate with others. I was a little worried about her not having any friends back home.
Looking around I notice Kaleli is nowhere in sight. It was just me, Hunter, and Hazel.
I wonder where Kaleli went? She was just here a moment ago.
I see Hazel over by the bar pouring herself a cup of coffee and adding creamer, before walking back over to us.
I watch her stir her coffee with her spoon, before taking a seat next to me, ” Maybe we should go check on Damian. I am sure you are getting tired, and after awhile these chairs aren’t comfortable.” She tells me.
She isn’t wrong I do want to go to the hotel. I want to lay down or take a warm bath. My back is starting to hurt worse by the second. Not to mention I am hungry, but everytime I eat something. I end up throwing it up. I am freaking starving.
” Yes, we can do that.” I say slowly get to my feet.
Walking around might actually help get some of the soreness out of my back.
” I will keep an eye on both of the girls.” Hunter tells us softly.
” You don’t have to do that. I can take her with me.” I tell him.
Hunter smiles at me, ” It isn’t a problem. Besides I think they want to finish their castle, before we all leave.”
Yeah, Jasmine is determined to finish. She is even helping Luna place the final touches on their sand castle.
I guess it won’t hurt to go find Damian and come back to get her.
” I will be right back. You be good.” I tells Jasmine softly.
I watch a little smile go across her face, ” Otay mama.” She says happily without looking up.
Looking back at Hazel I watch her place the coffee cup down onto a small table, before getting to her feet. I follow her out of the barrier.
Looking around I notice that it is a lot more packed with people. Not to mention they are all demon’s.
I feel a soft hand grab ahold of my hand. It catches my attention causing me to look at the person holding my hand. I sigh in relief once I realize it is just Hazel.
” Stay close to me.” Hazel whisper.
I nod, ” Okay.”
She doesn’t have to tell me twice. I will feel alot better once Damian is with me again. He makes me feel safe and comfortable.
We start walking down a long dark hallway before I hear Hazel speak to me. “So, how did you meet Damian?”
” Him, Dean and a few others came into Jake’s Diner. I met him again at a club I went dancing at with my best friend Kristen.” I tell her.
I miss how close me and Kristin use to be. We were stuck like glue and did everything together. However since I got pregnant our friendship hasn’t been the same.
” So, was it love at first sight?” Hazel question me.
” No, it was more like a one nightstand.”
I’m not lying it was a one nightstand, but I guess it was love at first sight for Damian. He did kinda force me to start living at his house. After awhile I started having feeling towards him.
” I see.” Hazel says softly.
” That was how we first met. After I started living with him. We started becoming more closer.” I try to explain.
I hear Hazel let out a soft giggles, ” It is okay, you don’t have to explain. I am marrying someone I have only known for a few weeks. So, I am not going to judge you.”
” You are getting married?”
I watch her nod, “Yeah, we are getting married in a few months. I am really excited.” She says happily.
I wonder if me and Damian will ever get married? We haven’t exactly talked about marriage. We have just been busy with getting everything done before the baby gets here.
” Congratulations on getting married.” I tell her happily.
” Thank you.” She says back with a soft laugh.
As we continue to walk down the dark hallway. I notice a flash of light suddenly flicker ahead of us. We come to a stop and watch as a wall of water starts to form infront of us. I watch in amazement as Dean and Damian both come out of it.
” What are you two up too?” Dean asked us.
” We were coming to look for the two of you. You guys have been gone for five hours.” Hazel tells Dean.
” What was that you guys just walked out of?” I question them.
” It was a water portal.” Damian informs me as he walks over to me. I feel his arms wrap around me as he pulls me into a hug.
I didn’t know they could do that! You mean this whole time instead of transporting. We could have used a simple portal to get to places! I am freaking jealous!