Chapter 71

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Damian’s POV
” Dad, I don’t think that will actually get her to stop using superglue. She has a habit of getting everyone back that makes her mad. So, she might actually try to get you with the superglue somehow.” Draco tells me.
” Yeah, she does have anger issues. She even superglue mom once for telling her to share her chips with Jasmine.” Koda adds.
” When did she superglue your mother?!” I asked them in a stern tone.
” Big mouth.” Draco tells Koda.
Hearing heels coming back in our direction. I watch Willow come out of the kitchen, ” Why didn’t you tell me that Emilia superglue you?” I question her with a raised brow.
I watch her glance over at Koda and Draco before sighing. ” I didn’t tell you because she is only three, and I didn’t want you to overreact.”
” Overreact! She is out of control with the superglue! I shouldn’t have to check her for superglue everytime I see her.” I tell them.
I stand up pushing my chair back and walk in the direction Emilia had went. When I go around the corner. I come to a stop not seeing her in any direction. I don’t know if she went left, right, or straight ahead.
Guess I will have to use my senses to look for her. Since I don’t know which direction she went. I sniff the air and catch her scent. I follow it straight down the hallway and stop outside of my office door.
I crack open the door just enough too see Emilia with superglue in her hand. She squirt glue all over my black leather chair, and uses a piece of paper to smear it all over. I watch her finish up and place the glue back into her pocket. ” Emilia, what are you doing?” I ask walking into my office and acting like I didn’t just see what she did.
” Nothing, daddy.” She says with a cute little smile on her face.
” Right, why don’t you have a seat. So, we can talk about you using superglue.” I tell her.
” Otay!” She says waddling over to brown wooden chair that was on the other side of my desk.
” Why not use my chair? It would be more comfortable.” I say to her.
” No.” She says shaking her head. ” Your chair daddy.”
” That’s okay sweetheart. You can sit in it.” I say taking the wooden chair and sitting in it.
Emilia stares at me and shake her head, ” You sit.” She says pointing at my black leather chair.
” Daddy is fine here. You take a seat. I know how much you like my chair.” I tell her with a smile.
I watch her stare at me than back at the chair. ” No..” She says lowering her head. ” I put glue in it.” She admits to me in a low tone.
” So, you put superglue in my chair and was trying to get me to sit in it?” I question her.
” Yes.” She says with a pout.
Is she really upset because I didn’t sit in the chair that she covered in glue.
” Sit in the chair Emilia.” I tell her in a stern tone.
I watch her eyes widen, ” N-no!” She screams at me.
I stand up and pick her up gently.
She tries kicking me with her little feet, as I gently place her into my black leather chair. She screams at me again.
” Meanie!” She yells at me.
This might be a little mean, but she shows no sign of remorse for putting superglue in my chair. She was only sad because I didn’t sit in it.
Maybe giving her a taste of her own medicine will get her to stop.
I watch her wiggle around trying to get unstuck. She even places both her hands on the seat trying to push herself off. Instead she ends up gluing her hands to the seat.
I watch her eyes start to tear up. ” Daddy! I’m stuck!” She cries out to me.
” Are you going to stop using superglue?” I question her.
I watch her nod, ” Y-yes” She stutters with tears streaming down her face.
I lean down and create a small fire ball in the center of my palm. I heat up the chair just enough to melt the glue before lifting her up.
She is going to need a bath to get all the glue off of her. It may have been a little extreme to make her sit in the glue, but hopefully this gets her to stop. This type of behavior is unacceptable.
I carry her out of the office and take her down the hallway. I find Willow picking up toys in the living room. She looks at me than down at Emilia, ” Why has she been crying?” She asked me. I watch her drop a teddy bear and a small plastic toy into a small pile of toys that was in the corner of the living room.
She walks up to me with confusion on her face,” I made her sit in my chair that she covered in superglue.”
” Damian! She is only three!” She snaps at me.
” Yeah! I know how old Emilia is, but she shouldn’t be supergluing me, you, or her siblings. She needed to learn a lesson.”
I hear Emilia whine and watch her hold out her arms toward Willow. I watch Willow gently take her, ” I know she got out of hand with it, but you went a little overboard.”
She was trying to get me to sit in a chair she covered in superglue!
I shrug, ” If she puts superglue on anything else. I am going to make her sit in it again.” I threaten.
Willow gives me a glare before walking away.
” Dad, maybe you did go a little overboard.” I hear Draco say from behind me.
I turn around to find him leaning against the doorway. ” She needed to learn why she shouldn’t use superglue. She will be fine after a warm bath.”
I walk up Draco, ” Is there an issue with that?” I question him.
I watch him move out of the way, ” No, it’s just you made a point to not show how cruel you can be around the girls.”
” I wasn’t being cruel. If I was being cruel. I would have left her there to cry some more.” I snap back.
I walk down the hallway and leave the apartment. I go downstairs and head towards the basement.
I should check on Milo. It has been a few since I have seen him.
Approaching the basement door I can smell blood. I open the door to hear people crying in pain.
Walking down the stairs I see Milo drenched in blood. He was slicing up a woman that had both her hands chained above her head.
Looking around I see empty cells, before noticing several dead bodies piled in the corner. Each of them had been carved up, before being killed. The other cells have a handful of people still alive. They were either laying on the floor groaning in pain or crying. A few of them were even begging for a quick death.
” P-please s-stop!” The women cries out in pain. She has cuts all over her breast and midsection.
” Milo, stop torturing her and just kill her.” I tell him.
Milo let’s out an irritated sigh, before slicing open her throat. I hear her gasping and choking on her own blood before it goes quiet.
” Kill the rest and get cleaned up. You smell like a dead animal.” I tell him, before heading back upstairs.
Guess he doesn’t need any help.
Once I get back upstairs. I shut the basement door behind me and head to the art room.
I remember future me saying that Milo liked to paint. It is possible a lot of his art work might be in the art room. I been dealing with Emilia that I forgot to look around some more. Not to mention I haven’t seen Jasmine or Yato.
Walking into the art room I see blood paintings hanging on the wall. A few were just normal blood paintings of flowers and trees. Others were painting of women. One had her heart torn out and bleeding onto the floor. Another painting had a woman with knives sticking out all over body, with her hands tied above her head, and blood coming out of her mouth. These paintings maybe gruesome, but I have to give Milo credit. They all look realistic and really capture the pain each women felt. Even the flower paintings look real.
The sound of someone playing a piano catches my attention. I walk out of the art room and head into the ballroom. I see a young man with my hair color and Willow light skin.
I even get a glimpse of Jasmine at at his feet. She was staring up at the young man in amazement.
That must be Yato.