Chapter 70

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Damian’s POV
” It means that some of the little ones might catch on.” Milo tells me.
Well, if they do catch on. I guess it will be fine. It doesn’t change the past considering Willow is actually pregnant with Draco at this moment.
I watch him take the spatula out of my hand and start scraping his skin that was stuck on the dinning table off.
” Your going to scratch up the marble doing it that way.” I says watching him.
” Well how am I suppose to get it off? So mom doesn’t see it?” Milo questions as he puts the spatula down and looks over at me.
I light my hand up causing a small fire to form in the middle of my palm. I hold the fire over the superglue and the torn flesh. Once I see the superglue turning into a liquid. I grab the spatula and gently scoop up the flesh and toss it into the trash can.
” Fucking really?! You mean this whole time I could have used fire to get myself free?!” Milo says in irritation.
” I didn’t know you could use fire. If I would have known. I would have suggested it.” I tell him honestly.
I only used fire because it takes a lot of heat to melt a table like this. It even helps melt the glue making it loose enough to get the torn skin off. However you still have to clean the table off to get the remaining glue off.
Seeing a maid walk past us with a bucket full of cleaning supplies. I get an idea and stop the maid. I take her cleaning supplies and set them on the dinning table. She gives me a weird look, ” You are dismissed.” I tell her.
She bows before quickly walking away. I noticed Milo is staring at her as she leaves. It isn’t that look you give to someone when you think they are cute. No, this is a look a wild animal gives it pry.
” Milo leave her alone. You want to kill someone. Go into the basement. I notice all the cells were full and need to be cleaned out.” I tell him.
I hear him scoff, ” That’s what you told me to do yesterday.”
” Yet you haven’t done it?” I say with a raised brow. ” They were begging your little sister to let them out. If she had done it. She could have been hurt, killed, or used as a hostage ”
” She wouldn’t have opened any of the cells. She knows not to.” Milo says back with a sigh.
” Just because she knows not too open it. Doesn’t mean she wouldn’t do it.” I say back sternly.
” Okay, I will go clean them out.” Milo says rolling his eyes before walking away.
He says that like he is irritated, but I know he is just itching to torture and kill something.
I take a seat with the cleaning supplies infront of me. I can hear Willow in the kitchen giving Emilia a stern talk about the superglue. After six minutes she appears with Emilia in her arms.
” So, no more superglue.” I hear Willow tell her.
I see Emilia pouting but I know talking to her isn’t going to break her from using superglue. Which is why she is going to clean the superglue up off the table.
Willow looks at me before glancing at the bucket full of cleaning supplies on the table.
” What you doing?” She questioned with a raised brow.
” I am going to watch Emilia clean up the rest of the superglue. She made the mess. She has to clean it up. No more having maids to clean up her messes.”
She keeps using superglue to get revenge on her siblings and it is becoming clear that talking to her isn’t working. I was considering talking to her about it, but than I realized that future me probably has already done that. Not to mention when Willow came back into the dinning room with her. She looks like she can careless. She is just pouting because she is in trouble. Maybe making her clean up her messes. She will stop using superglue.
I watch Emilia eyes go wide, ” But daddy!” She whines at me.
” Damian, she is only three.” Willow says to me.
” She is old enough to use superglue. She is old enough to clean up her own mess.” I say back.
I watch Emilia lip start to tremble, before she starts fake crying.
There are no tears falling from her eyes, but she already has Willow trying to comfort her.
” Willow put her in the chair.” I say gesturing to the empty chair next to me. Willow gives me a stern stare but gently sets Emilia into the empty chair.
I reach into in the bucket filled with cleaning supplies and pull out a yellow sponge. I place it infront of Emilia before reaching back into the bucket and grabbing a bottle full of warm soapy water. I place the bottle infront of Emilia.
She looks at me, ” But daddy!?” She whines again and continues to fake cry.
” I don’t want to hear it. You used superglue. You can clean it up. So spray soapy water onto the superglue and start scrubbing it up. I am going to sit here and watch you clean it too.” I tell her.
I watch her plop into the chair and continue to fake cry.
” Guess you can stay sitting in that chair. You aren’t leaving until you clean it up.” I tell her.
Emilia stops fake sobbing and glares at me. ” Clean it up.” I tell her sternly.
I watch her grab the spray bottle filled with warm soapy water and spray it on the table. She than picks up the sponge and starts angrily scrubbing at the glue.
” I am going into the kitchen to finish making dinner and some cookies. Don’t be to hard on her.” Willow whisper to me, before kissing me on my forehead. I than watch her walk back into the kitchen.
Looking back at Emilia to see that she was still angrily scrubbing at the table. I could tell that I have ever gotten on to her. She must have always cried to get her way with things. Don’t get me wrong my daughter is adorable, but she needs to stop using superglue. It is becoming an issue. Especially when my future self tells me to pat her down for glue. When he should have been making her clean up her messes so she would stop.
I should leave him a note for that as well. It is pretty ridiculous.
Hearing footsteps I turn my head and watch Draco walk up with Koda next him.
” What is Emilia doing?” Koda asked watching his little sister angrily scrub at the table.
” I am making her clean up her mess.” I tell them.
” She doesn’t seem very happy about it.” Draco says and looks around. ” Where is Milo?” He says looking at me.
” I told him to go clean out the basement.” I say watching Emilia stray more warm soapy water onto the table, before scrubbing it again.
After a few minutes she huffs, ” Not off!” She says looking at me.
I run my index finger across the area she has been scrubbing. ” It’s coming off. You just have to keep scrubbing.” I tell her.
” But daddy!” She whines at me.
” No, you made the mess. You are cleaning it up.” I say sternly. I watch her huff and stare at me, ” If you don’t want to clean up the superglue. I suggest you stop using it. You are getting out of control with it. I shouldn’t have to check you for superglue everytime I see you.” I tell her.
” Now keep scrubbing.” I order her.
I watch her pout and pick up the spray bottle. She sprays more soapy water onto the table, before scrubbing some more.
” Aren’t you being a little hard on her? She is only three.” I hear Draco tell me.
” No, and like I told your mother. If she can superglue her siblings to things. Than she can scrub the superglue up.”
” Dad has a point and I am getting tired of her gluing me to things.” Koda tells Draco.
” Yeah, she has gotten out of hand with it.” Draco says rubbing the back of his head.
After watching Emilia scrub the table for another twenty minutes. She finally finishes and sits in the chair. I make sure she got it all off, by running my hand over the spot she was scrubbing.
” Alright, you can go play.” I tell her.
I watch her climb out of the chair before waddling off.
Maybe that will teach her to not use superglue anymore.