Willow’s POV
Sitting on the bed with Jasmine both are feet propped up. Jasmine keeps pushing the button that causing the bed to shake and vibrate.
” You two having fun?” Damian asked us.
I laugh a little, ” Yeah, I think Jasmine likes the massage button. She keeps turning it on everytime it clicks off.” I tell him.
He chuckles, ” Yeah, I showed her how to use the remote, but I guess the massage button is the only thing that clicked in her mind.”
” Do you still want to shop today or just explore?” He questioned me.
” We can go shopping. We need to get snacks for Jasmine anyway.” I says pressing the button to lower the feet and turning off the massage.
Damian helps me get off the bed before helping Jasmine down. He gently places her on her feet and smiles, ” Do you want me to carry you? Or will you be okay walking?”
” Walking.” She says clearly with a slight nod to her head.
Jasmine is still a little kiddish when it comes to being around new people. Since this place will be packed. It won’t surprise me if she changes her mind and wants Damian to carry her at somepoint.
” Alright, but if you change your mind. Let me know and I will pick you up. Okay?” He tells her softly.
” Okay.” She says happily and takes Damian hand.
” Alright, let’s go.” He says softly and takes my hand with his free hand.
We walk out of the bed and out the front door.
” Where is Dean?” I question Damian as we walk down the hallway.
” He went to talk to his dad and too see little Luna. We will see him around dinner time.”
Dinner time?
” Are we eating with them?” I question him.
Damian’s nods, ” Yes, but don’t worry. It will just be Dean’s parents and a few of his siblings. I told Dean to inform his dad about Jasmine. So, they know not to have a lot of people.”
It’s good that Dean told his parents, but we still don’t know how Jasmine is going to respond around new people.
Walking up to an elevator I watch Damian look down at Jasmine. ” Can you press the arrow pointing down?”
I smile watching her little eyes light up as she happily presses the button pointing down. We wait for a few seconds until we hear the elevator ding.
Stepping inside I watch Jasmine stare at all the buttons in amazement. ” Press number three.” Damian tells her.
Jasmine nods but states at all the buttons slightly confused. I give Damian a little nudge and whisper for him to show her.
I watch him lift the hand Jasmine is holding onto and without letting go. He points to number three without pressing it. Jasmine giggles and presses the button. ” Tank you.” She tells Damian happily.
” You’re welcome sweetheart.” Damian says in response.
I feel the elevator start to move giving us a weightless feeling cause Jasmine to cling to Damian’s leg.
He chuckles and rubs her back gently, ” It’s okay. We aren’t falling. This is just how the elevator works.” Once the elevator dings again and the door opens. I watch him gently pat her back, ” See, we are on our floor now.” He tells her.
I look out of the elevator to see the third floor is packed with people shopping and loud with everyone talking.
I feel Damian let go of my hand as he picks Jasmine up. I watch her bury her face into his neck.
” Put your arm through mine. So, we don’t get separated.” He tells me.
I nod my head and loop my arm through his arm. As we take a step forward I do notice strollers with dark shading.
” Maybe we should go to the stroller section first. We can get Jasmine one and it might help feel more safe.” I tell him.
He gives a nod, ” That is a good idea.” He says back.
We head in the direction of the stroller store. Once inside it wasn’t as crowded. There were a million different types of strollers. Some with a cover that goes halfway. A few normal looking ones and the dark shaded ones I saw earlier.
” We should get one that faces towards us. So, she knows we still have her.”
He gives a nod and continues to look around. After an hour of trying to decide. We get a stroller that can rotate to forward or facing us.
I even get a few soft blankets. Once we pay for it all. We walk to the corner of the store and buckle Jasmine into the stroller. I take the string off the blanket that was keeping it neatly folded in place. I unfold it and cover her up with it, before untying the second blanket and places it over the canopy. So it shield her from people staring at her. While also allowing her to peek out to see us.
” That better little one?” I ask her.
” Yes!” Jasmine says happily to both of us.
” Good.” I tell her as I start pushing her stroller.
I push the stroller out the door with Damian walking beside me. ” Where too now?” Damian asked me.
” Snack!” Jasmine calls out from the stroller.
I let out a small laugh, ” Yes, a snack and drinks sound good.” I tell Damian.
” There should be a spot to order food down the hall somewhere.” Damian says softly.
I head down the hallway and follow the directions he gives me. Until we reach a small pizza shop.
” You take a seat here and I will go place our orders.” Damian says as he pulls out a chair for me. I take a seat and nod, ” Get me a Dr. pepper.” I tell him.
He gives a nod and squats down next to the stroller and lifts up the blanket halfway. ” What do you want to drink?” He asked her.
” Smootie!” She tells him.
Damian chuckles, ” They don’t have smoothies but they do have a slushy machine.” He tells her.
” What’s that?” I hear her ask him.
” Why not just surprise her with a slushy.” I suggest to him.
” You want me to surprise you with a slushy? Or do you want something else?” I hear Damian asked her.
I can hear her humming like she does when she thinking. ” Surprise!” She finally says after a few minutes.
Damian chuckles again, ” Deal.” He tells her as he gently closes the blanket and stands back up.
I feel him give me a gently pat on the shoulder before heading into the crowd of people. He take twenty minutes before he returns with our drinks. He gives me a Dr. pepper and red colored slushy. He than gives Jasmine the same red colored slushy only in a small sized cup.
Taking a sip of the slushy Damian give me. The cherry flavor floods my mouth along with something I can’t recognize.
” This is really good, but what is mixed in with the cherry?” I ask him.
Damian smiles, ” It wouldn’t be a surprise slushy. If I told you what was in it.” He says with a smug look on his face.
I roll my eyes playfully and smile, ” If you say so.”
” I like it!” Jasmine says happily from her stroller.
” Should we try to get her to sit at the table?” I ask Damian before hearing Jasmine whine. ” I stay..” She whines at me.
” If you eat in there. You will get pizza sauce all over your blankets.” I tell her softly.
Damian smiles, ” It is okay. They blankets can be washed.” He reassures me. ” Just be patient with her. We have to take it slow remember.” He adds.
I give a soft nod.
I just can’t wait for her to start thriving on her own. I know he is right and taking it slow is the better option.
Hearing the employee call out our pizza order. I watch Damian raise his hand and two employees walk over to us. They place a tray with three plates down on the table along with a huge pepperoni pizza, before leaving.
I watch Damian move Jasmine stroller closer to him. He puts two slices of pizza on a plate, before lifting Jasmine blanket up halfway. He places a tray that one of the employees left in his lap, before places the plate fully of pizza on it.
I laugh, ” That is going to fall.” I tells him as I get myself a slice.
” I have a hold of it. It isn’t going to fall.” Damian says getting him a slice with one hand.
He is going to be an amazing father towards our unborn baby. He is already so wonderful with our adopted child.