Chapter 64

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Damian’s POV

Watching Jasmine walk up to me with her empty cup. She holds it up to me and waves it around.
I chuckle at her, ” Do you want more?” I ask her softly.
She nods her head with a little smile on her face. I take her cup and pour more of the smoothie mix into her cup. As I am handing it back to her I hear a knock at the front door.
” It is probably the breakfast I ordered for us.” I say seeing Jasmine eyes go wide.
She is still a little scared when it comes to new people. Hopefully she will be okay when we go to Satan’s resort in a few hours. I still haven’t told them yet.
Setting my cup down I walk over to the front door. Opening it I see Dean with that stupid grin on his face holding my bag of food.
” What happened to the delivery person?” I question him as I take the bag from him.
” He got scared off by Virgil. Him and Kristin are in a bad mood. I give them the reservation passes, but they didn’t seem very excited about it.” Dean says stepping inside.
I figured it would make them happy, but if they are going to be ungrateful. They can just stay here.
” She just been down about not being pregnant.” Willow says wiping Jasmine face with a napkin.
” No reason to be a cunt constantly.” I add pulling out all the food and placing it on the table. I than pass out the breakfast burritos along with hash browns. We get two burrito each and I ordered extra hash browns, so we could have as many we wanted.
” She just really sad. She has always wanted a baby.” Willow says taking Kristin side.
” I could get her an interview with my grandpa. He might be able to help her.” Dean adds taking a hash brown off the table.
” Your grandpa doesn’t do anything for free. They would have offered him something in return.”
Dean’s grandpa is known for not doing anything for free. Everything has a price with him.
Dean shrugs as he takes a bite, ” I can do whatever my grandpa requires. I am just tired of Kristin being a big ball of rage.” He says with his mouthful of food.
He isn’t wrong about that. Especially since most of her rage is directed at Willow for no reason.
” Did you tell them yet?” Dean asked me with a raised brow.
” Tell us what?” Willow asked with confusion in her voice.
I chuckle, ” I was going to after breakfast, but I guess I can now.” I tell Dean and look at Willow and Jasmine.
Jasmine has little piece of egg on her face as she wiggles around in her seat happily as she eats.
” We are going to Satan’s hotel it is basically a resort with a spa, pool, and many other fun activities.” I tell them.
I watch Willow’s eyes go wide, ” We are going to a resort!?” She says shocked. ” When?” She questions.
” Today.” I says unwrapping my burrito and putting hot sauce on it before taking a bite.
” I don’t have anything packed! I don’t even have Jasmine stuff packed!” Willow says starting to get up from the table.
Dean chuckles, ” I can help you guys pack. You just eat breakfast and don’t stress so much. Plus you don’t have to pack a bunch of stuff anyway. You can always just buy clothes at the resort.”
” He is right, you could just pack for a week that way you have room to buy new clothes and bring them here.” I tell her and watch her sit back down.
I watch as Willow seems to thinking about it before nodding, ” Yeah, I can do that. Do they sell children clothes too?” She asked us.
Dean nods, ” Yeah, they even sell baby clothes, bottles, diapers and more.” He tells her.
I watch Willow’s eyes light up with excitement, ” We are going to the store first.” She tells me.
I chuckle again, ” Sure, we can go to the store first. We can also explore for our first day there.”
Willow nods, ” Exploring sounds like a great idea.” She says happily.
” I go too?” Jasmine asked us.
I smile at Jasmine, ” Of course you are coming. We aren’t leaving you here.” I tell her.
Considering what Jasmine has been through. It doesn’t surprise me that she thought she wasn’t coming with us.
” Really!?” Jasmine asked excitedly.
” Yes, you really get to come with us.”
Willow’s giggles softly, ” If you are done eating. I will help you pack.” She says finishing her burrito and wiping her mouth with a napkin.
I watch Jasmine get out of chair and run as fast as she can to her bedroom.
I let out a laugh, ” I guess she is ready to leave now.”
” Yeah, I should go help her, before she dumps everything into a random bag.” Willow says as she starts to get up.
” I can help her. You two can go pack your stuff.” Dean says getting up from the table and heading in the direction of Jasmine’s room.
” You guys are acting like I broke bones.” Willow tells me.
” You did get injured pretty badly and your body is still healing.” I tell her.
” Actually, since you give me that smoothie I am feeling pretty good. I feel better than I did when I woke up.” Willow tells me with a smile. ” Speaking of the smoothie, can you make me another one? I am kinda craving it.”
I nod and smile back, ” Yeah, I can do that. Another smoothie coming right up.” I watch her get up and head to the bedroom to pack. While I walk over to the counter and add more fruits and blood to the blender.
She better just from drinking a blood smoothie? It could be possible the baby healed her the rest of the way. After drinking some blood to recover the energy it lost. Her craving more blood must mean the baby needs it.
After two smoothie and Jasmine trying to decide what toy she wants to bring. We are all finally packed and ready to go.
” Is Virgil and Kristin coming with us?” Willow asked Dean.
Dean shakes his head, ” No, Virgil texted me saying they will just meet us there.”
Yeah, I kinda expected they wouldn’t want to come with us as a group. I am kinda glad because the last thing I want to hear, is Kristin accusing us of rubbing baby stuff in her face. Since we are going shopping the second we arrive.
I shove Jasmine small back pack into mine and Willow’s bag, before throwing the bag over my shoulder. I gently pick up Jasmine with my right hand, and pull Willow into my chest with my left.
” Alright, you two hang on tight.” I wait until I know they are both hanging on tight before transporting to the hotel resort.
I transport right into our hotel room. I gently let Willow go and place Jasmine gently on her feet. They both look around in amazement at everything.
Everything in the hotel looked like it was made out of gold. Even the furniture was shiny and bright, but it was really just golden colored leather.
I watch Jasmine happily run up to the couch and jump on it. I chuckle watching her roll around on the couch, and hug one of the couch pillows.
” This is amazing! I have never been to a place this beautiful in my life.” Willow tells me before pulling me into a hug.
I hug her back and kiss her forehead. ” Let’s go look at the bedrooms.” I tell her.
” Yes!” She says excitedly and looks at Jasmine. ” Come on little one. Let’s go check out the bedrooms.” She tells her.
I watch Jasmine place the golden colored pillow down and runs up to us. I lead the way to the bedrooms. I stop at the first door on the right and open it.
Like everything else here it was golden themed with a king sized bed. Walking in I set our bags down next to the dresser and help Jasmine onto the bed.
” Get on the bed. I want to show you something.” Willow gives me a confused look but gets on the bed.
” No, way! This bed is softer than the one we have at home!”
I laugh a little and press a button on the remote that causes the bed to slowly sit up. I than press the other button to make the feet rise up.
” No way! We need this kind of bed!” Willow tells me as her and Jasmine get comfortable.
Yeah, I figured she would love this bed. Guess I will have to order a new bed for the house.