Damian’s POV
I wake up to Jasmine gently poking me on my cheek. She let’s out a cute giggle as I stare up at her.
I smile and slowly sit up. I notice Willow isn’t laying in the bed next to me, but I can smell bacon, eggs, and gravy.
” Mommy cooking breakfast?” I question Jasmine in nervous tone.
She smiles and gives me a nod.
” I see.” I say pulling Jasmine into my arms and getting to my feet.
Jasmine let’s out a cute squeal and kicks her little feet in the air. I chuckle and give her soft kisses all over her little face.
I carry her into kitchen with her giggling the whole way.
” Looks like she finally got you up. I sent her in there at least three times.” Willow says placing a plate full of cooked bacon on the table.
I look at the bacon hesitantly before looking at her. ” I thought you couldn’t cook. Which is why Jake didn’t let you in the kitchen.”
Willow let’s out a laugh, ” I had one of the maids teach me how to cook. I want to be able to cook food for my kids and for you.”
I didn’t even know she was learning how to cook. Looking at her hands I can see the small burns and cut marks.
She has been working hard to be able to cook. I will try to eat her food even if it kills me.
I whisper to Jasmine quietly just for her to hear. ” Even if it taste gross just try to eat some of it. So, mommy doesn’t feel bad.”
Jasmine nods her little head, ” Okay.” She whispers back.
” What are you two whispering about?” She asked us with a raised brow.
” Nothing, just a small secret between father and daughter.” I say walking over to the dinning table.
I gently place Jasmine into an empty chair next to Willow, before sitting on the other side of Jasmine.
Willow makes Jasmine a plate with three pieces of bacon, one egg, and one shredded biscuit with gravy on top.
She than makes my plate with four shredded biscuits with gravy on top and two eggs.
” You can add as much bacon you want. Since I don’t know how many you want.” She tells me.
” You made enough bacon to feed at least ten people.” I say looking at the plate full of bacon.
” Those are tiny bacon slices. That’s is the only reason why I made so many.” She says taking a seat.
She isn’t wrong about the bacon slices. They are pretty tiny.
Looking over at Jasmine. Who is staring back me and glancing down at my plate. I realize she is waiting for me to try it first.
” You going to eat?” I ask her.
Jasmine nods, ” Yeah.” She says not making any movement to grab her fork.
She is literally going to wait for me to try it first before she even takes a bite. So much for me using her as a guinea pig. She is using me as a guinea pig instead.
She is smart for her age.
I pick up a piece of bacon and bite into it. It makes a loud crunch as I bite down. The taste of ash and smoke fill my mouth.
I try my best to not make a face as I swallow.
Willow overcooked the bacon.
What has me tripping is the fact it smells and looks edible, but taste like ash and smoke. Maybe I should try the biscuits and gravy instead.
Picking up my fork I stab it into my biscuits and gravy. I place it into me mouth and the urge to throw up instantly hits me.
The biscuit is hard on the outside but the inside is all gooey. Not to mention the gravy that looks done taste like powder.
She has a real talent at making mystery food.
Swallowing the biscuits and gravy. I look at the eggs on my plate, before poking it with my fork. I don’t see any yolk leaking out and it seems to be soft from the way my fork went right into.
Picking the egg up using my fork I stick in my mouth.
I didn’t know eggs could actually taste like this.
It taste just like rubber.
How did she manged to make eggs taste like rubber?!
I chew the egg quickly and wash it down with orange juice.
” Is something wrong?” Willow asked as she was eating her biscuits and gravy.
How can she eat it!
Is she just immune to her own horrible cooking!
Wait a second…
What she eats the baby eats too.
I have a strong feeling she might throw up and if she doesn’t. Than I guess our baby will have Willow’s taste buds.
After a few seconds I watch Willow set her fork down with her hand goes over her mouth.
I quickly get up and grab the trash can that was next to the counter. I bring it to Willow and watch her quickly take it from me. She lean over throwing up into the trash can.
Looks like the baby takes after me.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Jasmine slightly push her plate away from her.
It is probably a good thing I didn’t make her try any of the food. It would probably make her sick. Even my own stomach seems to be disagreeing with what I ate.
” The food is bad?” Willow asked as she wipes her mouth with a napkin and sits up in her chair.
” I wouldn’t say it is bad more like a mystery meal.” I tell her with a soft smile.
Willow’s rolls her eyes, ” Not funny. I was just trying to make food for you guys. I thought I was getting better. It always turned out great when I would cook with Riley.”
That must be the maid that agreed to teach her how to cook.
” Was she doing most of the cooking?” I questioned her.
Willow gives a slight nod.
That explains it.
Willow never actually made breakfast by herself. If Riley was doing most of the cooking it is no wonder it turned out good.
” She just made cooking look so easy that, I just figured I could do it on my own.” Willow says in a sad tone.
I chuckle, ” It is fine. You will eventually be able to cook things on your own. It will just take some practice.” I reassure her.
” What should we do for breakfast?” Willow asked me as I take the trash bag out. I tie the bag and toss it down the garbage chutes.
” I can order breakfast from the Deli. They have a great variety of breakfast food.” I tell her.
Willow gives a nod and places her hand over her baby bump. ” I don’t think the baby is happy with me.” She says giving her baby bump a soft rub.
I laugh a little, ” How about I make a smoothie for you and Jasmine, just until our order arrives.”
Willow smiles softly, ” That sounds good.” She says as she starts to stand up. I can tell by the way she is moving that she is still sore.
” You don’t have to get up. I will bring it too you.”
” I was going to throw the food away.” She tells me with a confused look.
” I can throw the food away. You just rest and relax.” I tell her as I start gathering up the plates.
I dump all the food into a trash bag. Along with any other trash laying around, before tying it and throwing it down the garbage chutes.
I mindlink a maid and ask them to bring me a bunch of fruit and a few packets of blood.
After waiting for twenty minutes I hear a knock at the front door. I walk out of the kitchen and into the hallway. I head toward the front door, and open it.
I take the bag full of fruit for the maid.
” Where are the blood packets?” I asked the maid.
” They are in the bag with the fruits.” The maid says politely.
I look into the bag and sure enough the blood packet were in the bag.
” Thanks, that will be all.” I tell the maid, before shutting the front door.
Walking back to the kitchen. I place all of the fruits on the counter but hide the blood packets. I get the blender out from the cabinet to my right and plug it in.
I start by putting bananas and strawberries in the blender. I add a little bit of milk and blend it all together. I open two packets of blood and add it to the mixture before giving it a good bend.
Once it is ready I pour the mixture into three plastic cups. I give one to Jasmine and the other to Willow.
As I take a sip of my smoothie I place our breakfast order in with the Deli.
” This smoothie is amazing! This has to be the greatest thing I ever had!” Willow tells me happily.
I figured she would be able to drink the smoothie with blood in it. Our baby kinda needs blood to help restore the energy it lost healing her.
Getting a text message from Dean I smile.
Looks like he got those reservations after all. I can’t wait to tell Willow and Jasmine the good news.