Damian’s POV
Watching Willow sleep peaceful in our bed with Jasmine laying in between us. I can’t help but to smile watching them.
However the old demon clan Willow use to work for as a child starts flooding my mind.
What kind of parents would allow their child to trick innocent humans or travelers to their deaths. I know a lot of human villages don’t have much of a choice but to submit to demons. However a lot of humans would rather die than to allow their child to be used as a slave.
Kyo has a lot of rumors surrounding his clan, but I don’t ever recall it having to do with human slavery. Is it possible she has the wrong name or could it be that the demon clan she encountered lied about their clan name.
I should probably start digging into that tomorrow. There are a lot of unanswered questions and confusion surrounding that clan.
Waking up to the sound of someone knocking on my apartment door. I tiredly get out of bed and stumble out into the hallway. I walk a few feet before stubbing my toe on the small table.
” Son of a bitch!” I whisper yell.
Who the fuck puts a small table in the hallway!
After cussing mentally for a few seconds. I open the door and stare at Dean. He smiles at me and holds up a folder full of papers.
I step out of the way and open the door wider to allow him in. ” Go to the living room.” I whisper to him with a yawn.
Dean gives a nod, ” Okay, but you have to show me where it is first.”
Right, I forgot that he wasn’t able to see the tour with Willow and everyone. He was out looking for vampires before I asked him to help me save Jake.
Walking back down the hallway I take a right at the third door, before pushing it open. Once inside I shut the door behind us, and place a barrier so we can talk freely.
” What is in that folder anyway?” I question him as I take a seat on the black leather couch.
I watch as he sits next to me and places the folder down on the coffee table. ” This is everything on Kyo’s clan that you requested. You know before you went a little nuts looking for little Jasmine.”
Right, I forgot that I had asked him to dig into it. It makes good timing since I was just wondering about it.
” So, is he the one that forced Willow to trick travelers and other humans to their deaths?” I question him.
” No, actually he isn’t. I even talked to Kyo himself. Apparently there is this demon named Ryru. He has a grudge against Kyo ever since he lost half his clan in a war with him. Ryru is the one that forced Willow to do all those things as a child until she ran away. He even does cruel, ruthless and disturbing things. That includes attacking other demon clans using Kyo name to try and ruin his reputation, but it isn’t ruining Kyo like he plan. Instead it is only making him more popular.”
Yeah, I can see how that is backfiring against Ryru. All the things he is doing is considered strong and power among all the elites and wealthy demons.
” So, what do you have on Ryru?” I asked opening the folder.
” For starters he is still looking for Willow. Even have these old drawing of her that he keeps passing around. ” Dean says flipping through some papers, before pulling out a old drawing.
It was a drawings of Willow age sixteenth with short hair and a description that reads: If found please bring her back to me. She is to be my sons future wife and a good breeder.
That is what he puts on a piece of paper for a missing girl.
Wait a second…
I remember Willow telling me that she ran away when her parents signed her over to marry the demon clan leader. Yet on here it says she is to marry his son.
” Does Ryru have a son?” I question Dean.
” Yeah, he does. His name is Sato. He has made a reputation for himself without sinking to fathers level. He even host the underground fighting tournaments every year. He makes money by the millions. He is even going to be at the party your father throwing.” Dean says handing me a flyer with my family seal on it.
” This party is in two weeks! Why wasn’t I informed of this!” I snapped at Dean.
” If it counts I just informed you.” He says and hands me a hand written letter.
” What the hell is this?” Looking at the letter I see that it is from Sato himself.
The letter says: Hey, Damian I see you found what I have been looking for. I am aware that she is pregnant with your child. Which is just fine because I don’t mind sharing her. I just want her to bear my children. She was always quite lovely and beautiful for a human. See you at the party. We can discuss this more in person.
I crumple the letter up into a ball and toss it into the fireplace. ” If he really thinks I am going to share Willow. He has lost his mind. She isn’t something to be passed around and used. She is mine and mine only.” I say irritated.
” How did he even find out I had her? And how did he give you this letter?” I question him with a raised brow.
” He must of heard about you having a pregnant human and sent someone to spy. As for the letter I got it from your dad.”
My dad had this letter and didn’t contact me about this!
” Did my dad say anything to you?”
I watch Dean shake his head, ” No, he didn’t say a word to me. Other than telling me to make sure you got the letter. When I read it. I knew you would be pissed. It is possible he didn’t want to get yelled at for it. So, he sent me here to get yelled at in his place.” He says as he gets to his feet. He gives me a soft pat on my shoulder, ” I am heading to bed. We can discuss the rest of this in the morning. You should get some sleep too. Kids get up super early.”
Damn right I am yelling at my dad. As for Dean he is just passing on the message. You kill the person the message came from not the messenger.
I give a nod, ” Yeah, I know. Luna use to wake me up super early all the time. When are you bringing her back? I know Willow misses her and it has been quiet without her here.”
Dean let’s out a chuckle, ” I am hoping to have her back today. My mom kinda kidnapped her for a month.” He says with a smile.
I chuckle, ” Yeah, I bet your parents missed their granddaughter.” Gathering up all the papers I place them back into the folder, before getting to my feet.
” Yeah, my mom took her to a hotel spa in hell. She video calls me telling me all the exciting things her, my mom, and my sisters did.” He says standing by the living room doors.
” You think you can manage to get me a reservation for the hotel?” I question him as I pick of the folder.
Hell’s hotel best known as Satan’s spa is the number one place for demons to relax. It is basically a high ranking hotel for elite demons with a swimming pool, spa, yoga, and more. It might also be just the thing Kristin and Virgil need.
” Also make it reservation for everyone in our small friend group. After these last few days we all need a break.” I add.
Dean gives a nod, ” Yeah, I can give my dad a call. I don’t think Luna wanted to leave the hotel quite yet anyway.” He says with a chuckle before he transports out of the living room.
He couldn’t wait for me to remove the barrier?
Holding my right hand up I watch as the light pink barrier I put up starts to slowly disappear.
Maybe this reservation is what I need to finally talk to Hunter. I haven’t spoken him in a long time. It would be nice to catch up with him. Not to mention a spa will help Willow with her sore muscles, and it would give Jasmine a new experience.
Leaving the living room I walk down hallway towards mine and Willow’s bedroom. Walking in I see Willow is sound alseep with Jasmine still snuggled into her sleeping soundly.
I smile looking at them.
I am lucky to have these two in my life. A vacation is definitely something we need.