Damian’s POV
” Where is the mage at!” I snap a Virgil.
” I am right here!” The mage says as she walks through the door.
I was holding Willow’s hand gently. ” Our baby..” Willow says with tears in her eyes. ” It’s okay, everything is fine.” I know she is probably thinking the same thing I am.
I just hope we are both wrong and our baby is okay.
I watch the mage gently place her hands on Willow stomach, before her hands start to glow a light purple as she feels around Willow stomach.
I feel Willow slightly squeeze my hand. I give her a soft kiss on the forehead, ” It’s okay.” I whisper to her softly.
” We need to move her out of the floor and into a bed. I need to do a ultrasound and I am sure this floor is uncomfortable.” The mage tells us.
” Why do you need to do an ultrasound? You can tell if the baby is fine just by touching.” I says Irritatedly.
She wouldn’t need a ultrasound to see if the baby is okay. The only reason she could be requesting one is if Willow is hurt.
” The baby is fine. I can tell that much just by touching. However I am worried that Willow is hurt. She is carrying a baby that is only part human. The baby is already showing signs of demonic power. It would seem when Willow hit the wall. The baby created its own barrier to protect itself from harm.”
” How exactly is that a bad thing?” I question the mage.
The baby creating a barrier to protect itself wouldn’t have injury Willow. I only asked the mage her to check on the baby. I can heal Willow myself.
I gently scoop Willow into my arms and carry her to our bedroom with Kristin, Virgil, and the mage following behind me. Once in the room I gently place Willow on the bed.
” So, the ultrasound?” The mage asked me.
” No, you are dismissed. I just wanted to know if the baby was fine.” I tell her.
” What about Willow!? She is bleeding!” Kristin snaps at me.
” I am helping Willow myself!” I snap at Kristin angrily before glaring at Virgil. ” You two can leave now!” I yell at both of them.
” If you think I am leaving, you are out of your mind! She is my best friend!” Kristin yells back as Virgil tries to drag her out of the bedroom.
I have had it with her disrespect. She is lucky Virgil is her boyfriend or I would have killed her a long time ago.
I snap my fingers causing both Kristin, Virgil, and the mage to disappear.
” W-where did you s-send them?” Willow stutters out to me.
” I sent them downstairs and put a barrier up to keep them out.” Placing my hands on Willow baby bump I listen to her speak. ” W-what are you p-planing on doing?” She asked with her voice filled with pain.
” I am going to push my demonic power into the baby. Which will help the little one heal you from the inside out. I can feel our baby trying to heal you, but it isn’t enough power.” I start focusing all my demonic power into my hands, causing them glow black as I slowly push my power into the baby.
I can technically heal Willow on my own, but with the baby in the way. it is possible he or she will think it is an attack and will stop me from healing Willow. So, by doing it this way. It will keep our baby occupied and happy.
Willow let’s out a giggle, ” This actually tickles and feels weird at the same time.”
I smile, ” Yeah, I know.” Feeling a little tug on my pants leg I look down at little Jasmine.
” It’s okay baby. I am healing mommy everything is going to be alright.” I reassure Jasmine as I continue to push my demonic power into the baby.
While Jasmine climbs onto the bed and holds Willow’s hand.
” You are so sweet.” Willow tells Jasmine happily with a smile on her face.
After thirty minutes I watch the bubble of blood that was starting to form on Willow’s side slowly starting to disappear. I can even see Willow starting to relax a little.
Looks like everything is healing perfectly. Even that head wound Willow got from hitting the wall is disappearing. This should take a few more minutes before she is completely healed.
Feeling the demonic power I am pushing in starting to be pushed back to me. I stop and give the baby a gentle rub,” Mommy isn’t completely healed yet.” I whisper to the baby bump.
” Damian, it is fine. I am just a little sore. I can live with being sore. It is possible our baby is tired from working hard. let him or her get some sleep. While you help me take a bath to get all the blood off of me. We will also need to have these blankets and sheets cleaned.” She tells me.
I was hoping to have her completely healed, so she wouldn’t be in any pain. I know I was asking a lot of our child, but it was the only way to heal her without our child thinking it was under attack.
” Let me get the tub ready first.” I tell her softly before heading into the bathroom. I turn the faucet on an wait for the water to warm up to the correct temperature.
Once it is warm I go back into the bedroom and pick Willow up gently and carry her into the bathroom. I set her down on the edge of the counter, and carefully take off all her clothes and toss them into the trash can, before picking her up and placing her into the bathtub.
Jasmine walks up to me with hand towels and soap. I smile at her, ” Thank you little one. Why don’t you go watch some tv. While I help mommy get cleaned up.”
Jasmine gives me a nod before happily leaving the bathroom.
” I think she was mainly scared that you would be mad at her. Since it was her uncle that had attacked us.” Willow tells me softly.
I use the rag Jasmine had brought me and start scrubbing the blood off Willow’s thighs and between her legs. ” She had no control over what her uncle would do. She is just a baby herself. If I need to have a talk with her at somepoint I will.”
” Speaking of conversations. Why did you make this apartment big enough to hold ten children?” She me in a stern tone.
Guess the guard ratted me out.
” Just incase we have ten kids.” I say with a smile.
Willow rolls her eyes, ” We aren’t having ten kids. I am not popping out ten kids. You want ten than we can adopt.” She tells me bluntly.
I chuckle, ” We will see.”
” There is nothing to see. I am not popping out ten kids. I don’t even know if I want another one after this. My feet are swollen and my back is sore. Not to mention our child is sitting on my bladder. So, it constantly feels like I have to pee or it just hurts in general.” She rants to me.
Over the years I have heard family members complain about the same stuff, but it didn’t stop them from having more. She might change her mind once she sees how adorable our baby will look.
” I get it. You don’t want to have another child anytime soon.” I say as I finish scrubbing her clean and start washing her hair.
Might as well just wash her hair. After this I am putting her on bed rest. Her body isn’t completely healed. So, she will be very sore the next few days.
Once I am done washing her hair I carefully lift her out of the tub and set her on the counter. I open the cabinet that was next to us and pull out a towel. I wrap it around Willow before leaving to go get her some clothes from the bedroom.
Walking in I see all the blankets and sheets have been changed with Jasmine laying on the bed sleeping with the tv on Tom and Jerry. She is spread out on the bed with her mouth slightly opened.
Hearing a giggle I turn around too see Willow standing in the door way.
” I was going to carry you back to bed.” I tell her with a frown.
She giggles again, ” I maybe sore but I can walk.” She says waddling over to my dresser. She pulls out one of my shirts, before putting it on. I than watch her waddle over to her dresser and pulls out a black pair of underwear before putting them on.
” I was suppose to get you dressed.” I say pouting.
” How about you tuck me into bed.” Willow says climbing onto the bed and staring at me with a smile on her face.
I guess I will.
Only thing left to do.