Chapter 66

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Damian’s POV
After giving Jasmine four pieces of pizza and taking two trips to get refills on slushy. We were finally ready to continue exploring.
I take a napkin and wet it in my glass of water, before gently cleaning off Jasmine face.
Jasmine giggles, ” Tank you!” She says happily.
” You are welcome sweetheart.” Once I am done cleaning her face. I stand up and let the blanket gently fall completely covering Jasmine face and body from view.
Looking at Willow to see that she is smiling at me. I smile back, ” What?” I ask her in a soft tone.
” You are just amazing with her. You even rearranged the blanket I have over the stroller. So she could still see everything without anyone seeing her.”
I let out a chuckle, ” We are exploring and it would be pointless. If little Jasmine can’t see everything.”
I want Jasmine to have new experiences and hopefully she will slowly come out of her shell. Maybe meeting up with Dean and Luna will help. Luna is a little younger than Jasmine but they are around the same age.
” You have a point.” Willow says softly.
” Now, where do you want to explore?”
” Pool!” Jasmine blurts out from the stroller.
Willow’s laughs, ” Yes, we can check out the pool and probably look at the swimming suits.”
The pool is a good idea.
I mindlink Dean, ” Are you and Luna still at the pool?”
I wait for a few seconds before Dean answers back, ” Yeah, Luna is having a lot of fun splashing around. My dad is also suppose to be here any moment. So, if you want to talk to him like I know you do. Now would be the time to do it.”
This is good.
I can finally talk to Hunter and hopefully get Luna and Jasmine to be friends.
” So?” Willow says getting my attention.
” Yes, we can go to the pool, but let’s hold off on swimming or buying any swimming gear. At least until Jasmine decides she is comfortable with it.” I tell her.
I watch Willow nod, ” Yeah, that is probably a good idea. We are just exploring for today anyway.”
Today is just an exploring day. That is what we agreed on.
I watch Willow take a small step forward giving the stroller a little push, before stopping. ” I don’t know the way to the pool.” She tells me.
” Just follow me.” Tell her as I lead the way.
We walk back to the elevator. I press the down button and wait for the sound of the ding. Once the elevator doors open I step inside with Willow right behind me with the stroller. Once we are all fully inside I press the button on the elevator that doesn’t have a number on it.
” I thought the pool was on the first floor?”
I shake my head, ” No, the pool is actually underground.” I say and rub the back of my head. ” I should probably mention that the swimming pool isn’t like a normal pool.” I tell her.
I watch as Willow gives me a confused look, ” What do you mean?”
” This place is called Satan’s escort or Satan’s hotel for a reason. ” I say and take a moment to find away to explain this next part.
” What is the reason?” She asked getting a little impatient.
” You see…” I let out a sigh. ” The pool is filled with blood.” I just blurt out to her.
There really wasn’t an easy way to explain that. This place is owned by Dean’s and Hunters grandfather who is a century old demon. He was around before I was born and is one of the strongest and dangerous demons around.
Which is one of the reason I need to talk to Hunter. Not to just talk to him and catch up on things, but to get him on my side to take out Sato and his father. I am going to need all the help I can get. Especially since Sato has been making a lot of friends. Since framing Kyo didn’t workout as plan. Sato has moved on to making deals with high ranking demons. He is going to fight like hell to try and get Willow away from me. I need to get ahead of him and talking with Hunter will be a good start.
” Blood! Like human blood?!” Willow whisper yells at me.
” Yes, human blood.” I say confirming it.
” We can’t take Jasmine to a pool filled with blood.” Willow whisper to me.
” I understand that this can be a bit uncomfortable, but this is how things are. This is how my world works. It is a bit of a adjustment, but it will get better. Besides it isn’t going to bother Jasmine.” Hearing the elevator door dings open. I hold my hand over the elevators door and wait for Willow to push the stroller out.
She gives me a irritated look before pushing the stroller out of the elevator onto the small concrete hallway. The walls were made out of rock with dim lighting all round. I lead the way out of the small hallway and step into the opening.
There was a drop off to our right were the blood was rushing down the tunnel with a loud roar.
” I thought you said this was a pool?” Willow questioned me.
” It is a pool.” Dean says walking up to us with bags of chips in his hand. ” The area to swim is farther down. There is a steel cage that allows the blood to go through that way no one gets sweeped away. It goes down this tunnel and gets purified at the bottom.” He explains to her.
” So, it isn’t a pool. It’s a flowing river of blood.” Willow says back.
Dean chuckles, ” Yes, it is basically a flowing river, but it is safe and the kids can technically drink it.”
” But everyone is swimming in it? How do you know you aren’t drinking someone’s pee?” Willow adds.
Dean chuckles, ” Yeah, that is a good point. I don’t have an answer for that.”
” Answer for what?” Hunter says walking up shirtless with blood dripping off of him.
” I told her the blood was safe to drink and she asked how we knew. We weren’t drinking someone piss.” Dean tells his father.
I look over at Willow to see her cheeks are a bright shade of pink.
She is blushing.
I laugh mentally at her reaction at seeing Hunter. He might be nine hundred years old, but he look to be in his earlier twenties. Not to mention he has more muscle than me and Dean combined.
” The blood is constantly getting purified. When someone does use the bathroom in it. It will cause the blood to glow a bright red as it is being purified and cleaned. Not to mention the river flows at a fast pace that it gets purified again at the bottom of the tunnel incase anything was missed.” Hunter tells her.
” I still don’t think it is safe to drink.” Willow tells them.
Dean chuckles, ” That’s why they sell bottles of blood. Just because the sign says safe to drink doesn’t mean we actually drink it. People are gross.”
I nod, ” Yeah, you don’t actually have to drink it.”
” I know that. I just don’t Jasmine getting sick from drinking it.” She tells us.
Right, I forgot that Jasmine could think that we are giving her permission to drink the blood from the river.
” I can have a talk with her. If she decides she wants to swim.” I reassure Willow.
Hunter chuckles, ” Yeah, if she wants blood. I would suggest bottles of blood. Not actually drinking from the river itself. Although some demons do drink from it.” He tells us.
I mindlink Hunter, ” I need to have a private conversation with you.”
Hunter just smiles at me, ” Yes, we can talk. However we should get your wife and child situated first.” He links back.
He is right.
I should get them both situated first before talking to him.
” So, where are you guys sitting at?” I asked them out loud.
” We are in a private area. You can follow me.” Hunter says as he starts walking. I walk beside Willow and follow Hunter through the crowd of demons. We walk up to this huge black barrier before stepping inside of it.
” You weren’t joking when you said private.” I hear Willow say softly.
Dean chuckles, ” Yeah, it keeps random people from bothering us.”
Yeah, Hunter and his family are very popular here. After all this is there grandfather’s place. I can see random demons bothering them to ask for requests. Especially since there grandfather ignores a lot of the requests or mail he gets from other demons.