Chapter 57

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Damian’s POV
Sitting at the table in the dinning room. I watch as Jasmine happily eats her food. While everyone keeps staring at her.
” So, what is her name?” Virgil finally asked after thirty minutes of silence.
” Her name is Jasmine.” I tell him.
” That is a cute name.” Kristin adds as she takes a bite of her pancakes.
I am kinda surprised the guards that normally eat with us aren’t here. I didn’t tell anyone not to come in.
” Well, I have to head out and do some scouting.” Dean says as he stands up causing his chair to slide back.
” Why are you going scouting?” Virgil asked him.
” There has been some unexpected issues come up. So, he is going to make sure it doesn’t come here.” I tell Virgil as Dean leaves the dinning room.
I will have to fill him in on the situation later. When Willow and Jasmine aren’t around. I don’t want to worry Willow or scare little Jasmine.
If Jasmine uncle finds out she is here with me. He will attack here just to get his hands on her. I know it is a matter of time before he finds out I have her, but I want to be prepared before that happens.
Feeling my phone vibrate in my pants pocket. I quickly get it out and swipe up on the screen to look at the message.
I feel a smile go across my face.
I didn’t expect the apartment too be finished by now. I was thinking it would take a few more weeks or a couple of months.
I look at Jasmine and see that she has finished eating before looking at Willow to make sure she is done too.
I stand up causing my chair to slide back. ” Come on let’s go explore.” I tell Jasmine as I pick her up. ” You coming?” I ask Willow.
She smiles at up at me, ” Yeah, I be right there I just wanted to talk to Kristin first.” she tells me.
I look at her and glance over at Kristin.
Right, there friendship has been a little rocky at the moment. I know her and Virgil have been trying to have a baby for the last few months.
Everytime she finds out that she isn’t pregnant. She kinda takes her frustration out on Willow. Which does piss me off, but I know she is just upset.
” Okay, just come upstairs. When you are done talking.” I tell her before heading out of the dinning room.
As I am heading for the stairs I feel my phone vibrating nonstop in my pants pocket.
Switching Jasmine over to my left hip. I pull my phone of my pants pocket to see Jake is calling me.
I swipe up to answer the call and place the phone to my ear, as I began walking up the stairs.
” Yeah?” I question him.
” We have an issue.” Jake informs me before he pauses.
” Which is??” I question him.
” I have a bunch of vampires in my diner right now, and something tell me. They didn’t come in through the checkpoint.” Jake tells me.
” Why didn’t you mindlink me that? They can over hear your call.” I tell him.
” Yeah, funny thing about that. One of them has the ability to block out mindlinks. Which is why I am hiding in my soundproof basement to call you. Also bring back up cause I can’t take these fuckers on by myself.” He tells me in a stern tone.
” Yeah, I will be right there.” I tell him, before he suddenly hangs up on me.
That’s weird, he hung up on me… I guess showing Willow the new apartment will have to be a gaurds job for today. I will have to ask Virgil to keep her, Jasmine, and the house safe.
Looking at Jasmine who was already pouting at me. I chuckle seeing her puffed out cheeks and the stern look she is giving me.
” Daddy has to go do something, but you and mommy will get to see something cool. You will like it.” I tell her as I turn around. I head back in the direction of the dining room.
Entering I can hear part of their conversation.
” I am always here for you.” Willow says in a sincere tone.
” No, you are busy with planning and setting things up for yourself.” Kristin says back in a snobby tone.
I clench my jaw hearing Kristin say that to Willow. When Kristin notices me standing in the doorway I watch her face go pale.
I can see the instant regret go across her face. Looking around I realize Virgil isn’t in the dinning room. He must of left to give them room to talk.
I mindlink him to get back into the dinning area, before looking at Kristin.
” I have something I need to go do, but a gaurd will show you a surprise.” I tell willow as I gently hand Jasmine to her. ” I will also be having a conversation with you when I get back.” I tell Kristin as I stare at her.
I watch the way she swallow hard before looking down at the floor.
” What did you need?” Virgil asked as he walks back drench in sweat.
I guess he was working out.
” Vampires are at Jake’s diner. So, I am heading over with Dean to get rid of them.” I tell them.
I know my plan wasn’t to worry Willow or scare Jasmine, but Willow needs to know. What is going on so she can stay safely inside. I just want her, Jasmine, and our baby to be safe.
” I thought Dean already left.” Willow tells me.
” He did but I can get ahold of him on my way to the diner.” Leaning down I give Willow a kiss on the lips before I transport to the diner.
Looking through the diner windows I noticed the lights are off and I don’t see anyone inside, but that doesn’t mean it is empty. If a vampire can block someone from mind-linking. I am sure they have someone to hide their scent.
I pull out my phone from my pocket and text Dean the situation, before heading in through the front door.
The second I enter the diner. The smell of blood hits my nostrils, before I actually see the bloody drag marks all over the floor. Looks like a few humans were killed and dragged somewhere else incase someone peeked inside.
Walking towards the back of the diner following the bloody drag marks. I open the door to the kitchen and find all the dead bodies. Some of them were young women and others were children. It had to have been a painfully death judging from all the blood and wounds they all have.
I will have too get someone to bury them and give the grieving families a donation to help them get by. It won’t fix what has happened here, but it will show that I do care.
Right now I have vampires to kill to avenge all of these citizens.
I start walking out of the kitchen to go down the hallway. I hear muffled noises coming from the break room. The door was cracked enough for me to peek inside.
Looking in I see six vampires holding down a naked women. As one of them was thrusting into her. I could see part of her face with tears streaming down her cheek with tape over her mouth.
” She might be a good breeder. Never tried mixed vampire DNA with a cat demon before.” The vampire thrusting into her says causing the other vampires to laugh coldly.
I push the door open and turn off the lights.
” What the hell! Who the fuck turned off the lights!” I hear one of them yell out.
It will take vampires eyes a few seconds to adjust to the lights being off. So, now is my chance to try and kill some of them.
As I take a step forward a bright light comes from behind me. I can feel the heat on my back and watch as the light hits the vampires. It immediately catches them on fire, before causing them to burst into ashes.
” Well, my dad was right. This thing is powerful!” I familiar voice tells me.
” Turn the lights on and turn that thing off! You are blinding me and the young women over here!” I snap at him.
I hear the light switch being flipped on before feeling the heat on my back disappear. Turning around I face Dean. ” Where the hell did you get that?” I question him.
” One of my cousins made it. It works like a charm.” He says holding up a normal looking hand light.
” Yeah, well keep that thing away from Jasmine.” I tell him. I walk over to the young women to check on her. She was in the process of slowly getting dressed. I could see the red marks on her legs and wrist from being held down.
” It won’t even bother Jasmine. Half demons like her don’t get all the vampire genetics that causing them to get burned by sunlight. If anything she would just be tired during the day.” Dean informs me.
He is right.
Now that I think about it. When I found her it was in the middle of the day. The sun didn’t burn her but she was staying in the shade. It is possible the light bothers her eyes.
” Dean, stay with this woman. I need to find Jake.” I tell him.
She doesn’t seem injured anywhere just traumatize and scared.
” A few of them took him away.” The women says in a low tone as she sniffles.
That must be why the call was cut short. He hung up when he heard them coming down the stairs. They have to be somewhere in my domain. They didn’t just leave.
Feeling my phone vibrate I pull it out of my pocket to see Jake calling me. I swipe up answering the call.
” You want your best friend back. You will have to trade that half breed for him. I know you have her.” The man says in a cold tone.
So, they are after Jasmine..
I can’t give her to them. They just want to kill her.
” You have three hours to present her to us.” The man says cold tone before hanging up.
I am not taking her there to die. I will just have to kill them all. So much for being prepared..