Chapter 56

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Damian’s POV
Tucking Jasmine in under the blanket between me and Willow. I watch her little eyes start to doze.
” You are safe little one. It is okay to sleep.” Willow tells her softly.
I guess that is all she needed to hear was she was safe. She went from fighting sleep to catching flies in just three seconds flat.
” I guess staying up all night to stay alive really took a toll on her.” Willow says laying down beside her.
I nod my head, ” Yeah, her body was doing overtime just to survive. She most likely had demons from all around that area trying to kill her. I am rather curious on who her father is.” I tell Willow as I lay back and rest my head on my pillow.
” Why?” She asked me confused. ” He most likely was the one that put her in that situation.” She tells me.
” I know you didn’t have the greatest childhood, but it is possible that her father doesn’t know. A lot of times demons will have children with humans because they want a child. They wouldn’t just leave a child behind. Not all demons are like the ones you have met in the past.” I explain to her.
I know she hasn’t had the best experience with demons, but not everyone has children with humans just to use them. There are plenty of clans that have children that are half demons.
” Name six clan that have half demon children.” Willow tells me.
Really? She wants me to prove that I am right.
” Well, there is us.” I tell her.
” No, you can’t count us. You are the only one in your whole clan expecting a baby that is a half demon. Now list six different clans.” She tells me as she lays on her side to stare over at me.
” Fine, there is the blood clan.” I tell her.
Willow nods, ” That I can believe. I have heard a lot of good things coming from that clan. The rest was just from other pissed off demons.” She tells me.
Yeah, Hunter has a lot of rumors circling around him. Which reminds me I should probably call Dean and Alex to see how they are doing. It’s been awhile since I heard from them. Not to mention Luna has some cookies that are going to go bad soon.
Maybe I can give Jasmine the cookies to eat, so all those sweets don’t go to waste. I can always get Luna more cookies.
” Damian!” Willow whisper yells at me to get my attention.
” What?” I says back quietly to her to not wake up Jasmine.
” I asked you to list five more clans. You already listed the blood clan.” She says propping her head on her hand.
” Right..” I say as I take a moment to think.
This actually might be a lot harder than I thought. Mainly because it is rare for demons to mix with humans, but I wasn’t lying about demons mixing with humans to have a child.
I am just having trouble remembering which clan it was that had a child with a human because he actually wanted a one.
I look over to see Willow still staring at me with a cocky smirk on her face. ” You can’t think of five more can you?”
” No, I can.” I admit to her. ” But that doesn’t mean I am wrong.” I tell her.
” I know that all demons aren’t bad. I have met a lot of demons since I have been with you. They are all nice.” She tells me.
” No, all demons are bad and equally dangerous. Until I beat the crap out of them for you.” I tell her.
She laughs, ” Right, so you were lying to try and convince me otherwise.” She asked with a raised brow.
” No, there are demons that are harmless. Like the soul collectors. They only take the souls of the dead. Unless someone manipulates them into sucking out souls of the living.” I tell her.
She stares at me intensity before speaking, ” You have done the soul sucking thing with the soul collectors haven’t you?” She asked me.
Before I can answer she shakes her head, ” Nevermind, I don’t want to know.” She says before lying back down.
” Don’t forget about looking for a bigger apartment space for us.” She adds covering up with the blanket.
I didn’t forget and I actually have the perfect place for us picked out. I just wanted it to be a surprise until it is finished. I am still remodeling it and I had to add on to the living space.
I wasn’t joking when I said, I wanted ten kids. I even made our apartment big enough for ten kids. Now, I just have to talk Willow into having ten kids.
” I haven’t forgotten.” I tell her and can’t help but to stare down at little Jasmine.
Her scent seems familiar but I can’t remember where I have smelled it or who it is.
I guess I will have to call Dean tomorrow at some point.
Waking up in the morning to a little foot in my face with no blankets on me. I gently move the foot out of my face and sit up.
I stare down at Jasmine who is wrapped in my blankets. Laying upside down with her mouth open just catching flies.
Looking over at Willow to see she is still sound alseep and wrapped in the blankets comfortably.
It would seem I have two blanket hogs in my bed. I wonder how she went from her head laying on the pillow to her feet in my face?
She doing gymnastics in her sleep?
I slowly get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I do my business and come back in time to see my phone vibrating on the nightstand.
I quickly pick it up and see that it is Dean calling me. I answer it and put it up to my ear, ” Just the person I need to talk too.” I whisper as I walk over to the door and open it.
” I only killed three gaurds before I left. The other two were in the way.” Dean tells me.
” What are you talking about?” I whisper as I walk out the door and quietly shut it behind me.
” I thought you were going to yell at me.” He tells me.
” You didn’t kill anyone here.” I tell him.
” Ohh, must of been at dad’s house.” Dean adds.
Walking down the stairs Dean’s voice gets louder. Walking into the kitchen I find Dean at the table with a plate of pancakes and eggs infront of him.
” When did you get here?” I asked him as I hang up my phone.
” I got here last night when you ordered pizza. Which reminds me how did you find Alucards daughter?” He questioned me.
That’s where I recognized her scent! Alucard is a demon that runs the vampire clan about nineteen miles away from where I found her.
” I found her out in the woods. Since I now know who she belongs too. I guess I should take her home.” I tell him.
” No, I wouldn’t do that. If you take her back home. She will just be killed or abused.” He says stabbing his fork into his eggs and popping it into his mouth.
” Alucard wouldn’t harm his own child. He always wanted a little girl.” I tell him.
Dean gives me a confused look before swallowing his food. ” You don’t know??” He questions me.
” Know what?” I asked him as I pull the chair back and take a seat.
” Alucard is dead. His little brother and cousin killed him and stuck his head on a stake just outside the vampire boarderland. They have been looking everywhere for her to kill her. After all she is Alucard only child.” Dean informs me.
Alucard was a ruthless, cold, cruel, and powerful. I never thought someone would be able to actually kill him. Despite his reputation he would have been a wonderful father towards that little girl. He would have treated her like a little princess.
” When did he die?” I ask Dean.
” About two months ago. One of the reason I was gone for so long. Since Alucard death all the vampire from his clan have been attacking the surrounding areas. Including dad’s house and I came back here, because I caught a few of them heading this way.” He informs me.
” You saw them heading this way?” I asked as a maid places a plate full of pancakes infront of me.
Dean nods, ” Yeah, but I didn’t smell or sense them anywhere close by. So it is possible they are waiting until night time.” He says popping a piece of pancake into his mouth.
I nod my head, ” Too bad they don’t sparkle like in twilight. We could find them faster.” I added causing Dean to laugh.
” You know that movie had to piss off every vampire clan that seen it.” He says laughing harder.
” Yeah, that movie had them running around like glitter fairies with fangs and teeth. Not to mention hissing like cats.” I add laughing along with him.
” What are you two laughing about?” A familiar female voice says to us.
I look over to see Willow walking in with Jasmine holding her hand. When she sees Dean I watch her hide behind Willow’s legs.
Dean smiles at Willow, ” We were talking about the movie twilight.”
” What about it?” Willow asked as she takes a seat next to me and places Jasmine in her lap.
I make eye contact with a maid. Who immediately makes two more plates full of pancakes. I watch her closely as she places two plates infront of Willow and Jasmine.
” We are talking about how lame it is.” Dean tells her.
” I actually liked that movie.” Willow tells us.
I scoff as I take a bite of my pancakes, and watch Willow cut up Jasmine pancakes before giving her the fork.
” It was a good movie!” Willow says hearing me scoff and seeing Dean disappointment.
I watch Jasmine look over at me and back at her fork.
Right, I don’t think she knows what to do.
I gently take her hand that is holding the fork and guide it over to her pancakes. I help her stab the pancake with her fork and dip in into syrup, before letting go.
I smile watching her bring the fork to her lips. I almost laugh watching her little eyes light up in excitement as she taste it.
” You only liked it because of the shirtless so called wolves.” I hear Dean tell Willow causing me too take my eyes off of Jasmine and look at them.
” Not my fault Jacob was hot.” Willow says causing me to glare over at her.
She laughs seeing my face, ” If it makes you feel better. You have nothing on Jacob.” She tells me with her mouthful of pancakes.
” Yeah, that’s what I thought.” I tell her with a grin.
I look down at Jasmine who was happily eating her pancakes and swinging her little legs back and forth.
It looks like she is adjusting a lot better than I thought she would. She could be calm because she is sitting in Willow’s lap with me next to her.
” What’s up everyone!” A female voice yells out loudly.
I let out a sigh and look over at Jasmine to see the panic in her eyes. As she looks around scared. I watch Willow gently rub her back and whisper something to her.
” Who’s the kid?” Kristin asked as her and Virgil take a seat next to Dean.
” The little girl I was looking for. I found her.” I tell them both with a smirk. As I watched the shock expression go across both of their faces.
This is going to be an interesting breakfast and hopefully it doesn’t scare Jasmine too bad with so many people coming in.