Chapter 55

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Willow’s POV
I wrinkle my nose as I start pulling the little girl’s dress off of her. The smell was horrible not to mention her dress was stuck to her skin from all the dirt, blood, mud, and whatever else she rolled around in.
It made a wet moist sound as I removed it. Some parts of the dress I had to give it a little tug causing it to make a crunching sound.
” You okay?” I ask her.
I watch her give me a little nod and a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes.
She seems like she is in pain. It isn’t until I finally get the dress completely off, that I see all the bruises that cover her body from head to toe.
The one that really catches my eye is the huge bruise on on her right side that reaches to her ribs and down to her hip.
I can’t tell how old the bruise is with all this filth on her. I think I will try giving her a shower first to get a lot of it off.
I toss the dress into the trash can and turn on the faucet so the water can warm up.
I watch her stare into the bath tub before looking back up at me with a soft smile.
I can’t help but feel bad for her. She was clearly abandoned or used as a punching bag. She wasn’t even given underwear or a daiper of some kind.
Putting my hand into the water. I make sure it is at the right temperature, before I gently pick her up and place her gently in the tub.
The instant her feet hit the water. It turn the water black and can see chunks of dirt or mud coming off her feet. I unhook the shower head from the wall and bring it down.
I make sure the hose isn’t wrapped around anything, before I pull the switch on the faucet up to allow the water to come out of the shower head.
Putting my hand under the shower head I turn up the hot water a little, before I start to rinse the little girl’s body off.
This might take a while to get her fully clean. She did a lot to try and keep herself alive. I am happy she managed to hang on long enough for Damian to find her.
After six rinses and three baths. I finally got her completely cleaned. I can finally see her long white hair and tan skin.
Now that all the dirt and flith is gone I can finally get a better look at that huge bruise on her side. It looks to be about three maybe four days old. It was dark black and purple and a few parts were a little yellow, showing that it was healing. I might have to get Damian to look at it to make sure nothing is fracture or broken.
Hearing a knock at the bathroom door I answer, ” Hang on!” I yell to Damian
I hear him chuckle before stepping away from the door.
I guess he is being impatient.
Grabbing a towel from the top cabinet. I wrap it around the little girl, before opening the bathroom door.
Walking out I spot Damian sitting on the bed looking at his phone. I guess he can sense our presence because he looks up at us.
” About time, I thought something was wrong.” Damian tells us as he stares at the little girl.
She stares back at him before looking down at her feet.
I guess she must be a little shy.
” Did you find her some clothes?” I asked him.
He nods and holds up a pretty pink dress along with some child’s underwear. I watch as the little girl takes slow steps as she walks up to Damian.
Even though Damian brought her here. She still seems skittish of him. I don’t blame her for being nervous. Damian aura, muscles, and height can be very intimidating.
” Yes, little one?” Damian asked her softly.
I watch as she places her little hand on the pink dress. While still maintaining eye contact with Damian.
They seem to be having a quiet conversation with each other, before Damian unfolds the dress.
I smile watching Damian put the pink dress over her head. As the towel drops I can see Damian jaw tighten. When he sees the huge bruise on her side.
I knew he would get upset when seeing that. Even I felt bad for her when I saw that huge bruise.
I watch as Damian touches the bruise and adds a little pressure. I can see discomfort on the little girl’s faces as Damian feels around on the bruise.
” Is anything broken?” I ask him.
Damian shakes his head, ” I don’t think anything is broken. If it was she would be screaming in pain just from me adding a little bit of pressure. I will have to take her to the clan doctor just to be sure.” He says pulling her dress down, than helps her put on her underwear.
I watch her smile and run her small hands over her new dress and do a little spin.
” I think she likes it.” I tell Damian.
He smiles, ” Yeah, I think she does too. We should probably go shopping for her tomorrow.” He tells me.
” We should also move rooms.” I tell him.
He gives me a confused look, ” Why?” He asked me.
” I want to have all the kids with us. She will need her own room to play in, and we do have a baby on the way.” I tell him.
” So, you want more of an apartment type space?” Damian asked me.
I nod my head, ” Yes, and to be able to have dinner together without a bunch of people.”
Don’t get me wrong I like having breakfast, lunch, and dinner with everyone but sometimes I just want it to be just us.
” I can take a look and see what I can do.” He tells me.
” I am serious Damian.” I tells him in a stern tone.
He chuckles again, ” I am being serious. I will add on to the masion if I have too, but I am sure there are rooms like what you are asking somewhere around here. It’s just been awhile since I twitched rooms.”
” A very big apartment space too.”
He laughs, ” Yes, I will find a big enough space for all of us and any future kids we might have.”
” How many kids do you want?” I ask in shock.
” Ten.” He tells me with a smirk.
” Yes, we can have ten kids.” I tell him with a smile.
” Really?!” He asked surprised.
” Yes, all you have to do is grow some ovaries first.” I tell him with a laugh.
He rolls his eyes playfully, ” Very funny.”
Hearing a stomach growl we both look at the little girl. Who’s face is bright pink matching the color of her dress.
She is just so adorable!
” We should probably order in dinner, and since we don’t want to overwhelme her with meeting everyone. We should have dinner here tonight.”
I can’t wait to rub it in everyone face that Damian found the little girl he was looking for, but I also don’t want her to be uncomfortable meeting everyone.
We might introduce her to everyone slowly but for now. She just needs to get use to me and Damian. So she knows that she is safe here with us.
I watch Damian pull out his phone, ” I will order pizza and some dessert.” He says giving the little girl a wink.
She blushes as she climbs onto the bed, and sits behind Damian. I watch her run her fingers against the blankets, before picking up a pillow.
I giggle watching her hug the pillow to her chest and faceplanting on to the bed happily.
” We should probably give her a name.” Damian says looking down at his phone.
I guess instead of calling it in. He is using the app to place our food order in.
” Maybe she has a name. Did you ask her?” I asked him.
” I don’t think she can speak.” Damian says back to me.
I walk over to the bed and sit beside her. I watch as she sits up and looks at me.
” Do you have a name?” I ask her.
She tilts her head at me and gives me a confused look.
” Did anyone name you? Like my name is Willow.” I tell her.
I watch her little face light up and she nods her head, ” Half breed!” She says proudly.
Right, of course she would think that is her name and not an insult. She is too young to know the difference.
” How about we give you a new name.” Damian suggest as he places his phone down on the nightstand.
She tilts her head again confused as she stares between me and Damian.
” A new name to celebrate you coming to live with us.” I say and hope she understands.
I watch her as she seems deep in thought, before she nods, ” Otay!” She tells us.
” Okay, how about Hailey?” I ask her.
She makes a face and shakes her head no.
” Harley?” Damian adds
She shakes her head again with a giggle.
I guess this going to take a while for her to decide on a name.

After listing twenty more names and Damian using Google for some help. She finally settled on the name Jasmine. Which is a pretty name and I think it fits her perfectly, but I think she mainly picked it because the Jasmine flowers are small and white.
Even Damian pointed out how the flowers matched her hair color. After that she was sold on the name Jasmine.
It’s the little things that brighten a child’s day.
Hearing a knock at the bedroom door. I watch as Jasmine goes from happy and giggling. To scared and shy instantly and pulling the blanket over herself to hide.
” It is okay. It is probably just someone dropped off the food.” Damian says softly as he gets up and answers the door.
Sure enough it was someone bringing the food. About time it finally got here. Little Jasmine tummy has been growling now stop.
I watch Damian bring in four huge boxes of pizza with a small box on top. I am assuming the small box is what he got for desserts. He sets all the pizza’s onto the bed just as there is a second knock at the door.
” It’s okay. It’s just someone bringing plates and napkins.” Damian tells Jasmine, who was about to dive back under the blanket for safety.
I watch Damian open the door to see a gaurd standing infront of the door. He peeks inside as he hands Damian the plates and napkins. Only to have Damian shut the door in his face.
” Was that really necessary?” I ask him with a laugh.
” Yeah, he shouldn’t be nosy.” Damian says places a plates infront of Jasmine. While I open up all the different kinda of pizza.
” Which ones do you want?” I ask Jasmine.
Her little eyes go big looking at all the pizza’s. ” we have cheese pizza, pepperoni and cheese pizza, sausage pizza, and supreme pizza.” I tell her.
” Just let her try all four.” Damian tells me.
Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. Especially if she has never had pizza before. She wouldn’t know what kinda she likes.
I give her one slice of every pizza.
I smile watching her stare at the pizza before picking up the slice of pepperoni and taking a bite.
Her little eyes light up with excitement as she starts eating as fast as she can.
“Sweetie, you don’t have to eat so fast. No one is going to take it from you.” I tell her.
I watch her stare at me with pizza sauce all over her face and gives me the most adorable smile.
I smile back at her and take a napkin and gently wipe her face. She flinch at first but once she realizes I am not going to hurt her. She relaxes and let’s me clean her face, before she goes back to eating.
I can’t wait until tomorrow. It will be a busy day but it will be fun.