Chapter 54

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Willow’s POV
It has been two weeks since our disaster of a date night. After all almost being eaten by a giant demon bear was definitely grounds for me to have a melt down. I went to pee behind a bush and turn around. Only to find my boyfriend is nowhere in sight.
I know he apologized for leaving me alone, but his reasoning was because he thought. He saw a little girl wondering around on her own in the middle of nowhere, and it’s about thirty minutes both ways to the nearest village or town. That’s going both ways by car. On foot it would be a very long hike, and dodging demons along the way would be even more troubling.
If a child was really abandoned in that place all alone. I hope Damian is able to find her. Especially since he was distracted during our movie night. We were in the middle of watching the live action Lion King movie, and he wasn’t even watching the movie. He was staring out the window and tapping his fingers impatiently against his cellphone.
When the movie was over he left and was gone for a good five hours. Ever since than he leaves for hours at a time to look for a child that I don’t think even exists. I never saw a child out there alone, but I was also busy relieving myself in a bush.
I rub my stomach gently as make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
” Hey Willow, How are you feeling today?” Kristin asked me in a cheerful tone as she walks in.
” Besides my feet being swollen and sore. I am pretty good. What about you?” I asked her.
Even though she hasn’t mentioned anything to me about it. I know her and Virgil have been trying to have a baby.
” I am good, but it would be great if Damian wouldn’t keep Virgil out all night on a wild goose chase for a child only he saw.” Kristin says taking a seat in front of me.
” I know he is going overboard a little, but he really wants to find this child. I think seeing a child out there alone hit a nerve. He is probably comparing our baby to the child that was abandoned. Even I would hope someone took in our child if she was lost and scared.” I tell her.
” Willow, we don’t even know if a child was really out there. No one has seen this so called little girl in a white dress. I think you being pregnant has made him paranoid.” Kristin says back.
I roll my eyes as I take a bite of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. ” Kristin, If he said he saw a child. Than there is most likely a child.”
Kristin isn’t the only one questioning Damian. It is all the guards and his closes friends.
” Come on! You didn’t see a child! I doubt she is real.” Kristin says bluntly.
I am trying really hard not to start a fight with her, but she is starting to push me buttons.
I get up from the table and carry my plate into the kitchen area. I throw my half eaten sandwich into the trash.
I know Damian might get upset I didn’t eat all my food, but this conversation has made me lose my appetite.
” Why didn’t you finish eating?” Kristin asked as she stares at me.
” I don’t feel very hungry.” I tell her honestly as I leave not giving her time to say another word.
I wonder what Damian is up too? He has been in his office for awhile now.
Heading upstairs I go towards Damian’s office.
” Boss, what about Willow? She is pregnant with you actual child.” I hear Virgil says as I start to go around the corner.
I know that had to of hit a nerve. Especially since Damian is worried about the little girl. I know he cares about me and our child. He would do anything for us.
Giving my belly a gently rub I speak, ” Honey, you can go look for her. I will be fine here.” I tell him.
From the look he is giving Virgil I know he was about to lose his temper. If our child was lost and missing I would want someone nice to find her. The same way Damian is looking for this lost child. So, I can understand his frustration and how upset he is.
” I know how you feel and if their is a child out there lost. We need to find her.” I add as I give my tummy another gently rub.
I watch as Damian faces softens as he watches me. He gives a small nod, ” I will look again. I am hoping I find her this time.” He tells me as he gives me a gently kiss on the forehead, before he transports out of his office.
I notice Virgil staring at me, ” It won hurt to just let him look for her one more time. If our child was missing I would hope someone was looking for him or her.” I tell him before walking off.
I was sitting in mine and Damian room watching Law and Order SVU. When I look over at the clock on Damian’s side of the bed.
It has only been four hours since Damian left, but it feels like forever. I spot the pile of clean clothes in the corner and stand up. I walk over to the basket full of clothes and pick it up. Walking back over to my bed. I pour the clothes on the center bed before climbing on.
I take a seat in the center of the bed, before leaning back against the headboard as I grab a shirt and began folding it.
Damian use to have the maids wash and fold our clothes. Along with making our food, cleaning our room and around the house. He would bitch at me everytime I would help the maids. So we made an agreement. I can fold and clean our room. Even make meals every once in awhile, but only if he approves of me cooking. He is getting where he doesn’t want me on my feet as much.
Hearing the door to the bedroom open. I finish up folding a shirt and place with the rest of the clothes that are neatly folded in a pile.
When I look up I smile seeing Damian holding a little girl in his arms. ” You found her?” I question him as I watch him gently places the little girl down onto her feet.
” Yes.” Damian says as he gives me a weird look.
As I walk over I notice the black coal dust in her hair. The blood on her face, knuckles, dress. Her dress was covered in blood, dirt, and whatever else.
If I remember correctly coal in the hair was something half demons were taught by either their siblings or human parents. In order to try and help them blend in with humans.
Could she have came from a human village and was chased out? Or did her family die? Or did someone dropped her off alone to die?
I have all these questions but I can’t just ask her. She looks so young and tiny. She probably doesn’t even understand.
” This is my future wife Willow. She is a human and as you probably guessed I am a demon.” I hear Damian tell the little girl.
I watch as she gives us the brightest little small. Even her little eyes light up with excitement.
I can’t help but to giggle watching her, but she really needs to get cleaned up and get those wounds treated.
” Come on, I will give you a bath.” I tell her softly with a warm smile and hold out my hand to her. She takes my hand without hesitation and I can’t help but laugh mentally at Damian reaction.
I am guessing it took him a bit of convincing to get her to come with him.
I walk the little girl to the bathroom and shut the door quietly behind me.
I’m not sure how to really start cleaning her up. I can’t just stick her in the tub first. She has so much dirt and whatever else is dried on her skin.
This bath time is going to take some serious work. Maybe a shower first to get as much off as I can off before I give her a bath for last.