Chapter 58

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Damian’s POV

” How do you want to do this?” Dean asked me.
” We will find them first and kill them.”
They have to be somewhere within my domain. Checking all the abandoned houses and apartments complexes will be a good start. I just have to make sure none of them notice. It’s risky to go looking without giving into there demands.
” Sounds good, but we don’t know where to start looking. They can be pretty much anywhere in town.” Dean says leaning against the door frame.
” What about Alex? He can find someone in just a matter of seconds. Especially if there is a huge group of them.”
I watch Dean shake his head, ” Alex is on a mission for dad. He won’t be back for months.” He informs me.
Rubbing my hand over my face I let out a sigh.
How am I going to do this? I can’t offer Jasmine as a trade to Jake back. They will kill Jasmine and she is just a child that deserves so much better in life.
………… ~ Jake’s POV ~ ……..
Waking up in a dark room I stare down at the floor, before lifting my head up to see my wrist chained to the ceiling. I try to move my hands but only hear the sound of chains clinking together.
I giving it a hard tug but it doesn’t even snap the chains.
This must be demon chains.
Demon chains are a million times more tougher an harder to break. It was created by monks and priestess to hold demons prisoners until they could kill them. We demons sometimes use them on each other for the same reason.
These chains are a pain in the ass, but aren’t impossible to break. It will just take a lot of power to break through these.
I can’t believe I got caught by a bunch of flithy vampire’s. I swear Damian is never going to let me hear the end of it. I bet he is laughing his ass off right now.
Hearing the squeaking sound of the metal door opening. I look over at the direction of the door to see a vampire walk in.
” If Damian trades that little bitch for you. You will be able to leave here very soon.” He says in a cold tone.
Little bitch??
” What little bitch?” I ask in the same cold tone.
” The little half breed he took in.” He snaps at me angrily. ” My brother made a mistake breeding with his food. Now we have this disgrace walking around with our family blood.” He says with disgust in his voice.
Wait a minute!
He is Alucard brother!
This is Marcus…
” I knew, I recognized your ugly face from somewhere.” I tell him with a laugh.
I watch as his eyes glow red with anger as he transports infront of me. He balls his right hand into a fist as he punches me hard in the stomach. I instantly spit out blood and start coughing uncontrollably.
” Watch who you are talking too! I am the new Vampire leader of my clan!” He screams angrily at me.
I can’t help but to laugh a little as I cough. ” You only have that title because you killed your brother. You aren’t as strong or powerful as him, and if think Damian is going to bring that little girl here to trade. You are sadly mistaken.” I tell him with a smirk.
Marcus punches me hard in the stomach again. ” I killed my brother to get this title! Yet you have the nerve to call me weak!” He yells as he punches me again in the same spot. ” You better hope he brings that little bitch too me! If he doesn’t I will kill you slowly and send him your body parts one by one!”
Taking another punch into the abdomen I spit out more blood, and stare at the puddle of blood that was now at my feet.
” You had to have help killing your brother because you were too weak to kill him yourself.” I managed to spit out as I try to catch my breath.
I watch as he raises his fist and feel a sharp pain as my head snap back from the force of his punch. My body rocks back and forth in the air, and the chains clink together violently.
Tasting blood in my mouth again I spit it out onto the floor. ” You hit like a little bitch. No, wonder you needed help killing your own brother.” I say earning myself another punch in the face.
Hear footsteps I glance over to see one of Marcus’s men at the door.
” Boss, we have a problem.” He tells Marcus nervously.
Marcus let’s out an irritated growl before walking over to the man. Watching them suddenly shut the door to talk out in the hallway. I look up at the chains that are wrapped around my wrist.
It is moments like this that I am happy that my grandmother was a human priestess. So I do have a small amount of human blood in my veins. It isn’t enough for other demons to notice, but it is enough for me to do this.
Feeling my hands heat up I watch as a pink light comes out of my hands. I touch the chains and instantly feel the chains loosen enough to slide both of my wrist free. Falling to the floor with a loud thud. I groan a little before getting to my feet.
Damn, I feel like I got hit by a bus.
Considering who was beating me. It was a very short bus.
……… ~ DAMIAN’S POV ~ …….
” It has been two hours! Have we got any leads on where those vampires are keeping Jake!?” I snap at everyone.
We been sitting in Jake’s diner trying to locate the vampires for two hours. We only have an hour left to find them before something bad happens to Jake.
I know he won’t go down without a fight, but there isn’t any telling how many vampires there are.
Hearing a phone ring I watch as Dean answers his phone. He talks to whoever is on the other line before smiling over at me.
” We found them. They are hanging out in the abandoned warehouse in the red-light district.” Dean says as he gets to his feet.
Following his movements I look at Virgil and the rest of my men. ” We need to kill them all and stick together. Vampires don’t fight fair and will go for any weak spots. So, watch each others backs and help one another.” I tell them and look around making sure they are all listening. ” Now, let’s go kill some vampires!” I add before transporting to that abandoned warehouse.
The smell of vampire blood fills my nostrils as I wait for everyone else to arrive. I can hear screams and growls coming from inside the warehouse.
Something tells me Jake didn’t need rescuing.
” Sounds like Jake is beating the fuck out of them.” Dean says as he squats down next to me.
I nod my head, ” Yeah, he has anger issues. So, he can do from help me to fuck this I will help myself pretty fast.” I say with a chuckle.
……….. ~ JAKE’S POV ~ ……….
After getting out of that room I wondered around for two hours killing vampires I saw one at a time. I was doing pretty good at killing them off quietly, until they realized I was no longer in that room chained up.
Which brings me to now.
I block a vampires fist with my bare hands before pulling him forcefully towards me and giving him a hard headbutt to the face.
I smirk watching the vampire stumble back before growling loudly at me. I dodge his second attempt at throwing another punch at me, and jump on a loose piece of floorboard.
The wood comes up and hits him right in the crotch. As he hunches over holding his crotch I take a metal pipe I found on the ground and jam it through the vampires skulls. Blood spatter onto my face and all over the wooden floor and walls.
This warehouse is one that Damian was remodeling. Which is why some areas are made out of metal and some are still made out of wood. He got tired of trying to replace the wood and just abandoned it.
I am kinda happy these morons picked this warehouse. I know my way around so I have an advantage here. Although I don’t know how many vampires that are here. So far I have killed about thirty by myself.
I am slowly starting to get tired.
These guys aren’t exactly easy to kill.
They put up one hell of a fight.