Chapter 43

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Damian’s POV
Walking down the street I check every empty run down building and don’t find a single fox.
I know they have to be hiding somewhere around town. There is no way out of here and none of the guards have called me. I can only assume that the foxes are staying away from the part of town filled with lots of people and are still hanging around in the run down areas.
Feeling my phone vibrating in my pants pocket I touch the button on my ear piece to answer the phone call.
” Yeah?” I ask softly as I continue to look around.
” I’m not having any lucky on the east side part of town.” Dean says as his voice comes out in a whisper.
I open the door to one of the abandoned buildings that use to be a middle school. ” Keep looking around. They didn’t just leave town. They have to be around here somewhere not to mention they broken in for a reason.”
Foxes are cleaver, cunning, and unpredictable especially high ranking demon foxes like these. They didn’t just sneak in to leave the second they get spotted. They have to have a plan of some kind.
Hearing movement coming from one of the top floor of this run down middle school. I quietly sneak in through a broken window. The scent of a fox hits my nostrils immediately.
Looks like I am in the right place.
I step over broken glass, debris, and trash as I walk down the hallway. I peek into every classroom along the way and don’t see any of the foxes laying in wait.
They all must be upstairs or it could just be one fox.
” I got movement at the old middle school on the west side. You, Alex, and Jared keep your guard up and keep looking.” I tell Dean before I hang up.
I get to the stairs at the end of the hallway and start quietly going up the stairway. Once I get to the second floor I look around. The top floor looks just like down stairs with clumps of debris, papers, cups, and other trash scattered around all over the place. I step carefully trying not to step on anything that will make noise. I don’t need them to know I am here it will ruin the element of surprise. I head towards the direction of the loud movement coming from the classrooms in the back.
As I get closer I can hear whispering.
” How the fuck are we suppose to steal his shipment with only three of us left!” The fox whisper yells.
When I finally reach the classroom I peek inside to see he is facing the wall with his back facing me as he whisper yelling into a cellphone.
” No! I am a sitting duck! Damian was hot on my ass! I had to hide in this ruin down school! I won’t be able to make it too you or Rider on time!” The fox whisper yells into the phone.
He doesn’t look like one of the foxes I fought earlier tonight. Which means the other two are still hiding somewhere.
I watch as the fox angrily hangs up his cellphone and punches the wall.
” Someone having a bad night?” I ask with a smirk on my face as I lean against the door frame.
The fox freezes and slowly turns around to face me. ” How did you manage to sneak up on me without me sensing you?” He questioned me and smiles. ” Not that it really matters. You approached me alone which is a bad decision on your part!” He growls out as he throws daggers that have a purple glow to them at me.
I dodge the daggers at the last minute and charge towards the fox at full speed. I punch the fox hard in the face sending him flying out the second floor window.
Running over to the window I look out to see the fox taking off down the alley.
What a fucking coward! He must be trying to meet back up with his friends.
I jump out the window and take off after him. He runs down several alleys before I grab a trash can lid that is nearby and throw it at him. The trash can lid spins through the air and hits the fox upside the head with a loud thump, before bouncing off the foxes head and making a loud clattering sound as it hits the concrete. The fox fall forward and slide across the ground with a loud groan. I can’t help but to start laughing as a jog the rest of the way to him.
” That sounded like it hurt.” I says with a hint of laughter still in my voice. Leaning down I grab the fox by the hair and force him up to his knees.
” Why are you in my territory?” I question him and continue speaking, ” I don’t recall pissing off any foxes as of late.”
The fox lets out a cold laugh, ” You have gotten too full of yourself and need to be knocked down a few pegs.” He says with a cold smirk. ” This is just the beginning! We won’t stop until we crush you!” He snaps at me before he spits in my face.
I clench my jaw and glare down at him as I wipe the spit off my face. ” Your little group won’t be able to crush me!” I snap as I extend my nails and jam them into his shoulder. He lets out a loud cry and goes to reach for something in his pocket. I grab ahold of his right hand and snap his wrist at an uncomfortable looking angle before doing the same to his left wrist. ” I can’t have you using your dumb little magic trick to escape. I’m not done with you yet! You are going to tell me everything you know!” I snap coldly before I start to see red.
After an hour of beating him senseless I didn’t get very much information out of him before I killed him. The only thing I managed to get out of him was that him and his friends are only foot soldiers. Which means the fox clan they came from are pretty high ranking demon clan. It also means the person behind all of this is also part of a high ranking demon clan. After all demons like me don’t associate with low level demons. If we need help taking out a strong clan. We ask another strong demon clan to help us in the fight.
I think it is time that Dean and Alex asked their father to help back us up.
Pulling out my phone out of my pocket I dial Deans number. It rings two times before Dean picks up on the third ring, ” Yeah?” He asked as the sound of someone screaming in pain can be heard in the background. ” I am guessing you caught the other two?” I asked him.
I hear him let out a loud sigh, ” No, we didn’t. We looked all over and can’t seem to find them anywhere. The screaming you hear is from a guard that sideswiped us and let the intruders get away.” Dean informs me.
Son of a bitch!
So, I did have men that weren’t being loyal to me after all.
” Kill him and keep searching. If we don’t find them in the abounded area’s it is possible they are hiding in a more populated areas.” I tell dean before hanging up.
As I start to check the rest of the abandoned buildings I stop when I hear a loud explosion. I look over to my right to see a bunch of smoke and can already hear screaming in the distances. It looks like one of the traps outside of the apartment complex in sector D exploded. Which means I just find those foxes I been looking for.
Lucky me…
Transporting over to the apartment complex. The first thing that hits me is the scent of human and demon blood all over the place. None of which is fox blood which means the two foxes are still alive. As I walk my foot steps on a huge green vine with thorns on it.
” They must of used the vine to set the explosives off, but it doesn’t make sense. The explosives weren’t placed anywhere near the building it was next to the fences that is hundred yards away.” Alex says as he walks over to me.
” That’s because they dug it up using the vine and set it off on purpose once the vine reached the apartment complex.” I tell him.
” Did you see them do it?” Dean asked as he comes walking up.
I shake my head, ” No, but it is something I would do.” I tell the both of them as I kick the vine into the burning building.
” They couldn’t have gone far I can still smell them. We have five hours before day break hits. We need to find them before people start waking up for work.” I tell them.
Dean laughs, ” Yeah! Like the sound of a bomb going off didn’t wake up the whole town already.” He snaps at me.
He right that blast was pretty loud.
” Call your dad and ask him to cast a spell over my territory to help keep all the citizens asleep. If all the citizens start coming outside it will cause a panic. If that happens more people will die.” I tell Dean and Alex.
This is what that one fox meant.
They are trying to destroy me from the inside out.
I start following the foxes scent down towards a river.
Of course they would go to water and wait.
Water is considered pure and can make fox magic ten times stronger or at least that is what people say about them.
As I am walking down the path to the river I start to see gold dust falling from the sky.
I sigh in relief.
Looks like I owe the Blood clan big time for this I will have to thank them later for helping me out.
As the river comes into view I see movement out of the corner of me eye followed by the sound of trees cracking. I jump up and land on the vine that was barreling towards me before running on it towards the direction the vine is coming from. Once I am at the end of the vine the fox that I punched earlier comes into view, but the other fox isn’t in sight.
It’s not until I see the shadow the full moon is casting on the ground that I realize the other fox is behind me.
I quickly jump off to the side and slide a little as my feet hit the ground.
” Your a lot sharper than expected and here I just thought you were all bronzes and no brain.” Says the fox wielding a thorn covered whip.
That must be a plant he turned into a weapon.
” And you are both morons.” I tell them.
I watch as they both clench their teeth. The one with the thorn covered whip steps forward towards me. He holds his hand up into the air and flicks the whip in my direction as it cuts through the air it makes a loud cracking sound.
I dodge the first attack by ducking under it. As he flicks it towards me again I reach up and catch it with my bare hands. The feeling of something warm starts to run down my arm. I look at my hand and notice one of the thorns went through the center of my hand. I hold it tight as I feel the fox trying to rip the whip from my hold. As he pulls on it I watch it stretch and a smirk goes across my face.
They really are dumb.
I hold the whip tighter as I start transporting backwards causing the whip to stretch the size of a foot ball field.
” Let go of the whip before he does! It will kill us both!” I hear the one fox shout at the other.
I let out a laugh as I let go.
The sound the whip made was like music to my ears as it slices through the air with a loud cracking sounds and slings back at full speed towards its owners. I watch in amusement as the whip slices both men in half in one go.
I guess I was wrong.
They may have been high ranking demons but yet again I was disappointed to find them to be stupid and weak.