Chapter 44

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Damian’s POV

Walking over to the foxes I cut in half by stretching their whip out like a rubber band I notice one of them is still alive.
He coughs up blood and lets out a laugh. ” It doesn’t matter that you managed to kill us. We were just the distraction for the real threat to sneak in.”
Leaning down I grab him by the throat and lift him up into the air. As I lift him blood starts pouring out of what is left of his abdomen. He groans in pain and spits out blood from his mouth.
” Who else is sneaking in!?” I growl out at him and add a little pressure to his neck.
The sound of explosives going off behind me in the distance catches my attention. The fox begains to laugh, ” You may have ended my life but the man your about to face is a lot worse than us.”
I feel anger rise up inside of me and with a flick of my wrist I snap the foxes neck. His body goes limp in my grasp and I toss him next to his dead comrade.
I turn around to see black smoke filling the night sky.
Damn it!
Hearing more explosion going off I start running in the direction where all the bombs are going off. I dodge and duck under tree limbs as I make my towards the flames. Once I am out of the woods I look around at all the damage. At least six apartments buildings are on fire and the streets look like a bunch of meteors had crashed into the concrete, roads, and sidewalks.
I rub my hands over my face watching everything burn.
I had Dean ask his father to create a spell that would keep everyone in my territory asleep. So everyone in those apartment building were just burned alive in their sleep.
The strong scent of coal and charcoal fills my nose and I know Dean is nearby.
” Damn! I thought It looked bad from a distance. You get carried away killing those Foxes?” Dean asked as he finally apears.
I knew he was close by but I wasn’t expecting him to turn up this fast.
” I killed those dumb foxes. They weren’t as strong as I expected for high ranking demons. However we have a bigger problem going on here. We have one or more intruders in my domain. Not to mentioned those foxes were just a distraction to allow whoever did this to slip in without us noticing.” I inform Dean.
I look over at him, ” Where is everyone else?” I ask him.
He lets out a sigh, ” A lot of the guards have went on a rampage. He is with Jared and Boyd trying to clean house. While the others should be joining us soon. We were in the middle of cleaning up and getting rid of the other foxes bodies. When the explosives started going off I just assumed it was you and came to help you.” He tells me.
I shake my head, ” No this wasn’t me. I wouldn’t get this close to a populated area unless I had no choice. These people came here seeking safety from the harsh conditions outside these walls. Instead they just keep getting killed by outsiders that are sneaking in.” I say as I ball my hand into a fist.
Don’t get me wrong I do care about the citizens in my domain. However I will kill them if they break my rules or do anything that will piss me off.
” Let’s go find these demon. They made this much of a mess. They will still be around town somewhere.” I tell him.
I look over at Dean and watch him pop his knuckles. He gives me a wide grin, ” Great! Where do we start looking?” He asked me.
Right as I am about to answer him a loud explosion is heard before I see a big ball of fire surround the center of town.
” Looks like we found Them.” Dean says as he takes off running towards the flames.
I follow along behind Dean and smell a strong familiar scent catches my attention as we approach the flames. It’s a sweet smell of honeysuckle and sake.
It can’t be him…
” Well, I was starting to wonder how many places I needed to blow up before you got here!” The man says walking out into view.
Just seeing him again causes me to start seeing red.
” What the fuck are you doing here Rico!” I growl out in anger.
Rico is originally from up north somewhere. It was never clear what demon clan he comes from and he will never answer that question either. He jumps around from clan to clan doing other demons dirty work. He will do anything for the right price. It doesn’t matter how dirty or fucked up the mission is as long as he gets paid.
” Isn’t it obvious why I am here?” Rico says with a laugh. ” I am here to kill you and turn this place to rubble!” He says throwing his hands up into the air.
” Seems like someone is off his crazy meds.” Dean says popping his neck.
Rico laughs some more, ” Dean! You should go back home to daddy! I wouldn’t want to be in a fight with the Blood clan! Although I wouldn’t mind wanting to find out who is truly stronger!” He says with an insane smile on his face.
Dean laughs, ” You wouldn’t survive twenty minutes on my clans front lawn!” He shoots back.
Dean isn’t wrong about that. You have to be stupid or insane to attack the Blood clan by yourself.
” Well, lets test that shall we!” Rico says as right hand starts to glow bright red. There is a loud explosion followed by bright red flames that come hurling towards us.
So it wasn’t our bombs going off. It was his power causing the explosions. I knew he turned places to ash and rubble when he attacked. I just always assumed he used an accelerant of some kind.
I dodge the attack and look behind me to see the flames crashing into a black car causing it to explode.
I look back at Rico to see Dean is already throwing punches at him.
Rico catches Dean’s fist and flips him hard onto the concrete. It makes a loud cracking sound as Dean body makes contact.
I watch as Dean does a back flip to quickly get back on his feet.
Rico laughs, ” Not bad for someone that is still healing!”
” I might be still healing, but I don’t need my full strength to kick your ass!” Dean says through clenched teeth.
He been moving around so well that I completely forgot he was still healing.
When Dean throws another punch at Rico it creates an opening for me and run at full speed towards Rico. Once I get close enough I slice his head off with my barehand.
My nails are dripping with Rico blood as I am staring down at Rico body.
I watch his chest rise and a laugh escapes his lips.
He is still alive!
I cut his head off!
Watching as a thin red vines comes out of Rico neck and stretch towards his torso. His head begins to reconnect to his body.
I slice both his arms off while he is still on the ground I hear him let out another laugh.
” That isn’t going to kill me! You really lost you edge!” Rico says as I feel a sharp pain.
I spit up blood and look down to see half his arm inside my stomach. My eyes go from his arm to the thin red vines that are sticking out and connected to shoulder.
I can’t help but laugh.
I wanted someone strong to fight and it looks like I got my wish.
I spit out more blood as Rico pulls his arms out from my stomach. My blood pours out onto the concrete and starts forming a puddle at my feet.
” Great, now I am going to need a tetanus shot. Don’t know where your disgusting hands have been.” I tell Rico.
Rico smirks coldly at me, ” You won’t be alive long enough to worry about it.” He says as his arms and head are slowly reattached to his body.
He must have a weak spot somewhere on him. Maybe if I cut his head in half that will kill him. It works for demon lizard but there re-attachment abilities are a lot different than what I am seeing here with Rico.
Its worth a shot.
I look at Dean and give him a slight nod. As I take a step forward pain shoots through my body and more blood pours out through the gaping hole in my stomach.
I only have one shot at this before I pass out from blood lost. This wound isn’t enough to kill me it just hurts like hell.
I transport behind Rico and push all my demon energy into my right hand causing it to glow jet black. I flatten my out my hand and karate chop Rico head hard enough it spits open causing blood to splatter onto the concrete.
I watch as the red vines comes out both side of his skull and starts to reattach to each other.
Rico lets out laugh, ” Not going to work!” he says as he turns around and punches me in the face.
The punch has enough force to send me flying through an apartment building on the third floor. I spit up more blood and slowly stand to my feet to catch Dean wailing punches at Rico. I lean against the broken wood and feel my knees go weak. I fall to my knees spitting and coughing up blood. I hear the sound of water hit the floor. It isn’t until I look down that I realized its not water. Its blood pouring out my stomach wound.
One thing about us demons is we hold a lot more blood in our bodies than humans do.
Staring at the blood I start to see little black dots.
I laugh at myself.
Fuck this shit.
I feel anger rise up and start standing back on my feet.
Time to show Rico who he is fucking with!
I transport over to Rico and watch as Dean jams his hand into Rico chest. I take this opportunity to cut Rico head off and drop kick it towards the burning car.
As his head fly’s through the air. The red vines come out his torso and the bottom his neck try to reattach before his head hit the flames.
His vines are trying to reattach more quickly than normal. If he is a fire user than the flames shouldn’t bother him.
Not unless he borrowed those abilities temporarily.
lets find out!
I’m not a fire user like Virgil, but I can use the devils flames. Only a few high ranking demons can use it and very few have survived using it. The flames can either help you or kill you. I haven’t used it in awhile so it could turn me to ash.
I watch as the vines successful reattach to each other and start placing Rico head back onto his body. While his arm moves hitting Dean hard enough to spend him flying into a burning building.
I dodge Rico fist and jump back two feet.
It’s now or never.
I take a deep breath and relax all the muscles in my body and I use my demon energy as bait for the devils flames.
It’s like catching a demon fish. Once you hook the sucker hold on tight and whatever you do. Don’t let go of it.
My body starts to slowly feel warm. That warmth slowly turns into boiling hot as it feels like my flesh is being burned.
Now just hang on tight.
I run towards Rico at full speed and grab him by the throat. I smirk watching the fear in his eyes as he starts to scream in pain. I laugh when I see my hand and arm are covered in jet black flames.
Rico screams are like music to my ears. I watch as the flames starts to melt the flesh from his throat.
” No way! We are twins!” Dean says in excitement. I look in the direction where his voice came from to see Dean covered in jet black flames from head to toe.
I laugh out loud, ” Guess we can do this together.” I says as I drop Rico to the ground.
Rico looks at the both of us in fear, ” Come on guys! It was just a bit of fun!” He says holding his hands on his neck where I had burned him.
” What happened to all that confidence you had? You can’t just tip me on my shoulder and run away!” I laugh at him.
Dean walks over and stands next to me. I give him a nod and he understands fully. We both give each other a smile as we punch Rico as hard as we can in the face.
The force causing everything around us to explode and get blown away. The devil flames engulf Rico body and send him flying through the air.
Rico’s screams loudly as the flames catch everything he fly’s by on fire.
I watch as he finally hits the demon tree that stands in the center of town. His screams slowly die out as his body turns to ash and spreads all over the ground.
” We really fucked this place up.” Dean says rubbing the back his head.
I look around to see everything burning in black flames and a giant hole at our feet.
” You look like shit too.” Dean says to me.
I chuckle, ” You smell like shit.” I say back.
I watch as Dean sniffs his arm and makes a face. ” Normally I would argue, but you are right. I smell like Satan’s ass.”
I laugh and whine a little as I remember that I have a gapping hole in my stomach. ” Don’t talk about your grandpa like that.” I tell him.
Dean shrugs, ” He my grandpa I do what I want.”
Man, I am so tired.
” I’m taking a nap.” I tell him as I lay on my back.
I raise my hand up in the air as I look at it.
For a moment I thought the flames were burning me alive too, but I guess I still got it. I haven’t used that ability since the demon wars over a hundred years ago.
Hearing feet and voices running towards us in the distance I laugh. ” Now they show up.” I say before all I see is darkness.