Chapter 42

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Willow’s POV

After Virgil brought me home I decided to take a warm bath to calm my nerves, but all I could think about was what the teenagers had said about me. Along with a few whispers I overheard from demons that thought I couldn’t hear them. Overall today was a pretty sucky first day back at work. I’m not even sure if I want to go back to work tomorrow or not. I know Damian said he would handle it but I don’t even know if he will be able to stop it.
I check the temperature of the water before pulling my bathrobe off and slipping into the warm water. I let out a sigh as the water helps me relax and I place my hold over my small baby bump.
Don’t worry little one daddy will make the streets safe for you and I will make sure that you get very well trained in self defense classes when you get older. Since I won’t live as long as you and daddy I want to make sure you are able to take care of yourself while I am still here.
Which reminds me I should start making a scrapbook and maybe a diary that way you will have something left of me.
The sound of knocking against the bathroom door pulls me out of my thoughts. ” Yeah?” I call out to whoever is on the other side.
” It’s Alex.” He tell me in a soft tone.
I didn’t even know Alex was back I haven’t seen him in months Damian said he was gone on a mission.
” I will be out in a moment I just have to finish washing up first.” I tell him.
” Okay, I will be waiting down stairs.” Alex tells me as I hear his footsteps retreating away from the bathroom door.
I quickly wash up before getting out of the tub. Wrapping a towel around my body I walk out into the bedroom and over to my dresser. I grab grey colored underwear with a matching bra. I put them on before grabbing Damian’s grey colored sweatpants and one of his plain white shirts.
I don’t feel like looking through my clothes besides his are comfortable and they smell like him. But I do wonder what Alex has to talk to me about? Unless he just wanted to tell me he was back.
Walking out of the bedroom I head downstairs and look around. I finally find Alex in the living room sitting on the couch with Virgil.
” Hey, you wanted to talk?” I asked Alex as I take a seat in the grey colored recliner that was next to the couch. ” Yeah, I just wanted to see how you have been. Virgil told me that you didn’t have a good day at work.” He says softly.
I let out a sigh, ” Work really sucked people we saying horrible things about me and my unborn baby. They were even saying how it needed to die.” I tell him as grab the blanket off the edge of the couch and cover up.
” No one is going to hurt your baby. They would have to get through all of us first.” Alex says with a reassuring smile. ” They will feel a world of pain if they try it.” Virgil adds.
I smile, ” I know and I really appreciate it.” I tell them. ” How was your mission?” I asked Alex trying to change the subject.
Alex sighs, ” It was a pain in the ass but I got it done.” He says running his fingers through his shaggy hair.
His hair has gotten longer since the last time I saw him. He even looks more muscular and tan. ” Yeah, well wherever you were it looks like it give you a good tan. Maybe you should take Dean with you next time. So he can get a tan and know what having one looks like.” I tease with a small laugh.
Alex chuckles, ” He is still going around telling people he is tan?” Virgil nods, ” Yeah his is.” He says with a laugh.
Alex shakes his head, ” Man my little brother is a dumbass.”
My eyes go wide, ” Wait, Dean is your brother!” I asked in surprised.
Alex laughs, ” Yeah, Did no one tell you that?” He asked me.
I shake my head, ” No! So does that mean your also from the Blood Clan?” I asked him.
Alex nods, ” Yeah I am but I was adopted. Deans mom and dad found me when I was eight years old. I also have eleven siblings with another one on the way.”
Damn! That is a lot of siblings!
I stare at him in complete shock, ” Now I really want to meet your parents.” Alex laughs, ” Maybe when we don’t have a lot going on here.”
I nod, ” Sounds like a plan.”
Right, Damian is still trying to find out how is letting people in without permission. But I am curious about Alex and Deans parents especially their mom. She has given birth to so many kids. She must be like wonder women.
Hearing Alex’s phone ring I watch him take it out of his pocket and answers it.
After a minute he hangs up and stands, ” Sorry Willow, got to go.” he tells me.
He than turns his attention to Virgil, ” You are with me and we have to find Jared. Damian needs up to help him.”
” What’s happening?” I question him.
” It’s nothing to worry about just relax and watch some movies.” Alex tells me and leaves before I can say anything.
They all have to be so bossy and never tell me anything!
Damian’s POV
The sun had went down an hour ago and here I was squatting down on a rooftop waiting for the piece of shit to show his face.
” Are we sure he will show up?” Dean says through the ear piece. Pushing the button on the ear piece I answer, ” He will show up just give him a few minutes.” I say in a whisper.
I watch as the guards start to swap out. “This is the moment be ready.” I tell Dean.
I figured out he waits until the shift change to allow people to sneak in. Its only a five minute opening but that small opening gives him plenty of time. Which was why I kept thinking it was a guard, but in reality it was just a citizen. A very smart citizen at that and when I catch him. I am going to torture him to find out who he is working for.
Watching as a man wearing all black walk over to the gate. He checks around both corners to make sure the coast is still clean before he lifts up part of the gate allowing six fox demons inside.
Damn it!
It just had to be more fucking foxes and unlike that dumb fox bitch from a few months ago. These foxes are high ranking demons.
” Keep your guard up.” I tell Dean.
” Why are you scared?” Dean says with a laugh. I roll my eyes, ” Just don’t get to banged up.” I tell him.
Jumping down from the rooftop I crash their little party by throwing a punch at the fox with a red bandana around his forearm. He dodges it and causes all his friends to scatter. While the citizen wearing all black starts to make a run for it. Only to let out a painful scream a second later.
I look at the man in black to see why he is screaming in pain to find him pinned to the wall with Dean dagger in the middle of his hand.
I smirk and shake my head.
Dean and his fucking daggers but I guess that is one way to keep him in place until we get rid of the trash.
Dodging the foxes poison roses that he threw at me I transport behind the fox and kick him hard into a concrete building. He hits it with a loud thud and a small groan escapes his lips. As I am walking towards him one of his buddies catches me by surprise and slams me into the concrete wall using veins covered in thorns.
I think I am stuck!
” I got you!” Dean says jumping onto the veins disintegrating them on contact.
As I get free I look in the direction where the two demon foxes stood to see they were gone.
” Damn it! Now I have six high ranking foxes running around town!” I snap.
” No, there are only three fox demons running around. I killed three of them.” Dean informs me.
I’m not really all that surprised Dean is a wild card. However I rather not have any foxes roaming around.
” You take that worthless man and put him in the dungeon. I am going to search for the remaining three.” I tell Dean as I take off.
I probably should have told him to get Alex and everyone to help me search but I was in a rush and forgot.
Pulling out my phone I call Alex. ” I know you just got back from a mission your dad sent you on, but I need help searching the city for three fox demons. Also bring Virgil and Jared with you. Make sure you keep your guard up. They are high ranking demons and make sure Jake stays at the mansion with Willow and Kristin.” I tell him before I hang up.
Tonight is going to be a long ass night.